Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Unsure of what to do and frankly scared at this point, she got up from her sleep and coaxed softly over the phone. "Shh.. it's alright. Your ok. Tell me where you are, and I'll be there."
"Home." He breathed out heavily, still asleep as he did, gasping again.

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She knew it was a close walk for her, so she threw on some shoes and sprinted off. She wasn't sure why she was doing this. It sounded a bit like he was having a nightmare, but something told her it was important. The rain, she noticed, have gotten considerably heavier and she round herself completely soaked in seconds. Soon enough, she arrived at the front door, knocking and hoping for Zedric.
The door to the left of the front door was left slightly open from where he had entered earlier.

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Adrian laid curled up in a ball under his covers, he had fallen asleep after the 'rents patronized him for awhile. But once again he had been awoken by his own dreams in the middle of the night.
Rita slipped the open door shyly, hoping she wouldn't get in trouble, she closed in behind her, noticing some rain flooded in within the timespan of Apollo's arrival home.
Apollo rolled about, sweat gleaming off of his toned body, thrashing, gasping for air. He then shouted loudly in is sleep, loud enough to ring downstairs.

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Rita heard the yelp and rushed to Apollo's room. She saw his wreathing form and quickly when to shake him awake. "Hey hey.. Apollo.. its alright.. Just come on wake up."
He awake immediately clinging to her, tears welling in his eyes instinctually. "I-I'm sorry.. How, how did you know?.." He said breathing heavily as he clung.

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Cady sighed, she decided to leave.

She left her room and snuck outside, rolling herself a joint and taking a few tokes before setting off. It was late - really late, but she didn't care. she wandered off campus and through town in nothing but pyjama bottoms and a t-shirt, bandage red. She was too numb to care as the pot slowly started taking effect. She smiled at the feeling, head tingling lightly.
Rita hugged him protectively for a moment, but then let go when she realized that she was soaking wet. "Y-you.. I think you called me.." She laughed for a moment, then forced herself to make eye contact, just to make sure he was alright. "How are you feeling?"
"Better" he said leaning up, looking to her. He was clearly ashamed she had seen him this way, he felt guilty having someone rescue him. "What time is it?" He asked.

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Rita looked at her phone, then frowned. "A quarter past 1. Wow.. I didn't realize it was so late.. I really need to get a car. This would have gone by a lot faster if I drove." She said with humor. After finally getting some sleep, she felt much better and calmer than before. The running in the rain part was not as easy as she hoped though.
Cady found herself walking past Ritas. Everyone looked asleep, she then went past Adrians. Asleep. As a last chance she went past Apollos, on nights like this she would normally end up in a strangers bed. She'd rather crash on the sofa.

Coming round the corner she saw a light on, a stab of anxiety hit her, she hadn't quite thought about what she'd say when she got there. As she rounded the corner, she saw Rita in Apollos window. 'Of course' she thought to herself. Her brain Cady found herself walking past Ritas. Everyone looked asleep, she then went past Adrians, she could see a light on and hovered awkwardly. What if it wasn't him? What if he laughed? What if he didn't care? What would she say? She felt a stab of anxiety and let out a sob.
Apollo, still awake after Rita left he was wide awake. He put on a shirt and decided to go for a drive around campus to clear his thoughts. Zedric on a two week holiday he felt alone.

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Rita walked through the rain, back to campus, seeing a familiar face on the way. "H-hey, Cady.. We missed you today." She said, approaching the girl, but then stopped short in terror to see her wrist. Depression. Why'd it have to be that? She remembered some of her mothers worst attempts. Trying to calm down a crying and screaming mom when she was a kid. Watching a life wither away. She shook the thought away and approached more timidly. "Are you alright?"
(i have no idea what that post did then, on my phone on slow internet)

Cady couldn't help smiling, the pot taking full effect. "Hey Rita!" She greeted her, she didn't stutter when she was high. "What were you doing at his?"
Rita gave a little laugh, trying not to feel nervous. "He called me in the middle of the night, sounding upset.. turns out it was a bad dream and he has his phone on the bed." She giggled a bit more at the strange situation. "W-what are you doing up at this hour?"
Cady smiled "Oh, I saw you in the window and thought you were getting it on." She laughed stupidly, swaying on her feet. "I thought I'd come out for a walk" she said despite the lack of footwear and coat. The joint was still in her hand.

Her smile wobbled at the corner as she tried to hold back tears.
Rita frowned darkly. "Cady.. I think you should get inside. Your really high, your bleeding and your going to get sick being barefoot in the rain." She pulled off her own jacket and laid it over the other girls shoulders.
Cady wrapped the jumper round herself and started crying.

"God, you're so nice. How can you be so nice to me! I mean look at me, I'm a depressed anxious fat anorexic. There is so much wrong with me. How do you do it? I know the boys do because you do, but why do you? Why Rita? What did I do to get someone so amazing in my life?" she rambled, unaware of what she was saying. Tears were pouring down her face.
Rita took hold of the girl, hugging her protectively. "You being depressed is not your fault. Nor is the anorexia. And Im only going to say this once. You aren't fat, you are enviously beautiful and.. and you catch Adrians eye and make him happy. You don't deserve all the pain you are in.. and we all love you. Im not perfect either. The reason I was upset yesterday is because you saw this." She held out an arm, letting her tic come and it twitched a few times noticeably. she let out a couple "tch" sounds without thinking about it. "We like you because your a good person.. but we're all flawed. I don't think you'd judge me for my faults so, why the hell would I think of you badly? Its not your fault Cady, its not." she found a couple tears on her own cheeks. Or was it rain? She couldn't tell.
Cady smiled. "I don't catch his eye, not at all. And that's nothing to be ashamed about or worried over, it's just a little quirk, it's unique to you and it makes you a part of who you are, you shouldn't worry about it." Cady hugged her back, shivering slightly.
"Come on, lets get you inside. I want to take a look at your arm too. And don't feel ashamed of it. I've patched up the same injury a few times on somebody. Also, no shoes?!" She said in a jokingly scolding voice. The cuts were worrying though. The fact that it looked like it was still fresh with blood. At this rate, she was positive the other would end up sick. She took her good arm lightly and started walking back to her dorm. "I've got some good stuff to clean you up."
Cady followed along "t-thank you." she stuttered, she walked the rest of the way in silence, trying not to think, feeling humiliated.

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