Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo handed the contract to the Dean, looking for Adrian, dodging the occasional roses, feeling less and less comfortable with the offers, more so who was offering. He thought for a moment, and decided to text him "Hey, where are you? I was just looking for you, I'm in the courtyard. I've got an idea"

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Cady blushed, giving away her feelings before shaking her head. "He wouldn't though, he's not interested in me." She shrugged. "I don't sleep much, I'm used to it. "Apollo will ask you though, I can tell by the way he looks at you that he likes you."
"me neither.." She said pointlessly. "Yesterday was my once in a while crashing point." She shook her head when she mentioned Apollo. "I swear, Cady you must not see it. He blushes every time he looks at you. Even Apollo isn't as close to him as he is to you. And you've got it switched. After what happened yesterday.. theres no way he could like me. I mean, he's always fawned over by girls too. Too many good choices for him to like me."
Cady shook her head. "They're all boring and generic, you're amazing and unique, it'd be like ignoring a daisy and going for a blade of grass."

Her cheeks heated at the mention of Adrian. She widened her eyes slightly in realization. "I-I didn't stutter at all then!"
Adrians phone vibrated, and his chest seemed lighter when he saw Apollos name over his messege. But then Adrian let out another handful of sneezes reminding himself of his sickness, and was about to type back that he was at home. But stopped when he remembered his parents say that they where going to be gone for most of the day. So he slowly stood up in his sweats and sweatshirt. He lived about 20 minutes away if he walked the normal route, but could take the back route through the forest and get their in five. So Adrian stepped into a pair of un-unsen sneakers and walked outisde, the cold wind caused him to sniffle slightly before jogging through the woods towards where Apollo wanted to meet.

And he soon made it to the school hugging his notebook to his chest tighter then before, before tapping Apollos shoulder for his attention.
Rita turned even redder at Cady's comments. She Ticked a few times, playing with her sleeves, her face hidden behind her hair, that she then played with as well. "I don't know.. Im not pretty or anything special.. But, who knows. We could both end up with a rose. How about that?" She asked with a small giggle, thinking optimistically. She froze when she heard no stutter. "Hey Cady.. I think you're getting a bit better!" She grinned up at the other, proud of her confidence.
"Only around you though." She smiled. "And if we get asked we could get ready together." she refused to get her hopes up, but it would be nice. She wished he was in today, she missed him.
"He was pretty sick.. well he looked like he was getting sick yesterday. I hope he's alright. But if he comes, I'm sure he'll invite you, and we'll be there together. All of us."
"Same.." She held up her sketch of a rose, in her hand, watercolored and all. "Instead of just a rose though, I would give him this as well.. cheesy right?"
Cady smiled "it's a really nice idea, although, you're talented with clay, you could make it out of that, it'd last him a lot longer than an actual rose."
Vineres.found herself walking back down the hall, a bag of oranges, lemons, and limes hung from her wrist and another small case had been strapped to her guitar's case. The fruits were often used to mimic skin for practicing tattoos before ever moving onto skin.

"Hey Rita" she said, quietly setting her bags down on some of the counters by the girls. Being as bad as she was with her memory, Vi had felt like she should know the other girls name, but for some reason it had slipped her mind.
Rita watched the other girls bag of fruit with interest. "Hey. Practicing your art?"

She nodded towards Cady, getting out some fresh clay, but then frowning again. "It will go to waste if Im not asked... wont it?"
Adrian responded with rising his eyebrows, never having heard of the upcoming dance.
(The weather guys keep saying were going to be over at mine. How many inches there.?)

"Yes maam." She said, in strapping the other hard case from her guitar's. Inside was a large assortment of inks, sterile needles, her two machines, gloves, and other things she would need such as tracing paper and the such.

"Are you guys talking about that dance?" She asked, wondering what she had meant by being asked.
"Well you give a rose to whoever you would like to go with. Anyone in mind?" He said with a wide grin, as a few more girls came to him and offered roses to which he just said "No thank you".

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(Just like, two or three, but Im not from somewhere that snows.)

Rita nodded quickly, tugging at her hair. Her tic was obviously worse when she was nervous, as she twitched a bit. "Yeah.. I'm really sorta looking forward to it.. you have anyone?"
Adrian watched the girls leave until looking at Apollo before feeling his cheeks warm thinking of Cady. At the feeling he stared at the horizon shrugging no believably in response.
Cady shook her head "not at all, i-i-i-if he says no, which he w-w-w-won't you'll have a n-n-n-ice rise sculpture." she turned to the new girl. "Tha-that's pretty cool." She smiled, gesturing to the tattoo kit.
Apollo looked down with the same grin,"Let's get you a rose to give to her".

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Cady shook her head "not at all, i-i-i-if he says no, which he w-w-w-won't you'll have a n-n-n-ice rose sculpture." she turned to the new girl. "Tha-that's pretty cool." She smiled, gesturing to the tattoo kit.
They went and purchased a rose, afterwards they walked back into the art room to see everyone else.

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