Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Meet me outside after class... alright? Out by the back door. Don't worry, I'm not angry or upset :) " she replied, hoping he would actually come. Well, she hoped it would be alright all together. Soon enough, the class was pretty much over and she was too nervous to think.
Apollo walked over to where he was supposed to meet Rita. He didn't feel nervous about it. She wasn't upset with him, or at least he hoped not. He stood against the wall. Waiting for her.

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Rita came outside a minute later than Apollo, holding a sheet from her sketchpad protectively. She smiled at him, shifting awkwardly for a moment before talking. "Hi.. okay, so it's about the dance, and I get it. I'm sure you've already got someone, I mean I saw you turn down those girls so that must be the case but.. I get if you don't want it." She pulled out a rose, a yellow one, and placed it atop the drawing of the same flower she had. Her hands were ticking too badly to keep straight, and she forced herself to look up at him.
He looked at the rose, then at her and with a tremendous smile he told her "It's beautiful". He then reached in his bag and given her a slightly long, wooden box and handed it to her, still smiling and looking into her eyes, this time with anticipation.

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Rita was out of words. She removed her hands from in front of her face and hair and looked straight at him, a smile on her lips and tint of pink staining her cheeks. She timidly took the box and opened it, hands running across the wood.
Inside the box lied a glass rose. "I picked up at an antique shop before school as soon as I heard about this, I hope you like it." He said looking at her, anticipating a response

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She touched the rose gently, finding it one of the nicest things she's ever seen. Carefully, she closed the box and wrapped her arms around Apollo, no longer caring if it was embarrassing. "I love it.. thank you so much."
"Thank you" he said hugging her back. " I was a little worried you wouldn't take it" he laughed.

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"I'm not really sure" he said, though he was thinking of the night before

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Rita laughed, relieved. "I was afraid I wasn't good enough, honestly. I know you had a lot of options.. I guess I was scared you would go for anyone before someone like me." She said with a bit of embarrassment.
"You're beyond good enough, too good as a matter of fact" he said smiling. "Any idea of something to do this afternoon?"

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Rita shrugged, thinking hard. Then she blinked. "My aunt invited me home for tonight. She said anyone can come and visit, also, we were going to make a mural on a wall she was saving for larger scale work, but it would be cool if the art club made it a collaborative effort." She shrugged again, reminding herself not everyone liked the same thing. "But I guess that sounds pretty boring"
"Sounds wonderful" Apollo said smiling at her. "I'm sure the others will love it".

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She shrugged, taking out a photo. "This is her. Don't be fooled by her looks, she's in her thirties. And, she's a lot stranger and more talkative than me." She rubbed her head awkwardly, showing a girl with a striking resemblance to Rita.
"You two look very much alike, if she's as welcoming as you it should be great" he said with a slightly nervous tone

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" I'm just hoping to make a good first impression, that's all" he felt meeting her was of great importance.

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Adrian had walked back home after speaking with Cady. He wanted to give her the rose but she seemed very out of it and tense so he had left saying that he wasn't feeling well. And it was only half true he thought as he was laying in bed not a sound in the house.
Apollo text Adrian to see if he was joining them " Hey meeting Rita's aunt this afternoon, should be a lot of fun. Are you coming?"

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Adrian picked up the phone rubbing one of his eyes before reading it over and texting back, 'sure, but I don't have a ride..'
"Don't worry I'll get you. I'm not sure if you gave Cady the rose but don't worry, we'll do it tomorrow".

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She shrugged. "Namane doesn't judge anyone. Trust me, it will be alright. Oh, are you texting Adrian? Cady and him really hit it off as well, hm?"
Adrian frowned while he texted back 'thanks, I couldn't work up the courage >_<' he imitated the face before tapping send.
Apollo text Adrian back " If you can stand up to a bully like you did, this should be a piece of cake". Apollo looked over to Rita and said "Yes, they certainly have. Between you and I, Adrian got a rose for her. What do you think she'll say?"

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