Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Rita sat down for a moment, taking off a shoe and touching a purple spot that was forming. She frowned and looked back up at the others. "Remember that restaurant we went to? It's a short walk from there, so no strange directions." She said, laughing a bit at how many times shes complained about living so close to noisy shops and roads.
Adrian nodded forgetting that he couldn't see him, but stopped and rubbed the back of his neck nervously trying to figure out what to do. He opened his mouth as though he was gonna speak but knew he wasn't going to and face palmed silently.

Vinnie looked at Rita, worrying about her foot.

"Do you want me to help? I can carry you or something." She said, turning the decorated grapefruit over in her hands.
Apollo then remembered, he didn't like talking "Oh, I forgot" he said with a nice laugh "We'll be there shortly okay? See you when we get there" 
Apollo then looked down to Rita and knelt, "I can carry you if you're hurt don't worry, I've carried Zedric around training with him." he thought of how funny it must have looked him carrying that giant on his back.
Rita turned completely pink. She was sort of a tall girl, being picked up was awkward and she felt it was ok for the time being. "It's alright. I'm good for now and you carried that guy without dying?!
Vineres couldn't help but laugh watching the two.

"So, we heading to pick up the other or others?"
Adrian hung up slowly, his friends words sticking to him slightly. He wanted to speak but he has lived his life by his own quote, speaking is painful and useless. He pushed back his bangs letting out a long sigh before slipping on his floral vans and stepping towards his door. He was about to leave when he turned towards his desk and stared at the turned down photo, he bit his lip roughly and turned away closing the door behind him and walked into the living room sitting on the couch and waited.
"Let's head that way, well we'll at least pick up Adrian". He walked them to a big black SUV, he grinned as he knew this time, there would be no seating problem. He hopped in the drivers seat, and waited for the others.
Vinnie immeditanly took the seat behind passenger, setting her bags in the trunk as she had been getting in.
Rita tied her shoe back on, wincing as it touched the foot, but hurrying along to meet up with him. "Shotgun? Yes!" She said, climbing into the car, bag on her lap, tapping fingers lightly. "So first we grab Sherlock." She said, playing with his new nickname. "Oh, Vinnie, we're solving a mystery of an unlabeled and mysterious painter around here."
"Unlabeled painter, eh" she asked raising an eye brow.

"Explain please."

Withna chuckle, Vi buckled in and sat back.
"Oh, okay, so at Apollo's place, there is an old painting hanging of his parents. He doesn't know who did it. Yesterday, we saw a new painting in the art room of the same people, just a different painting. The style, strokes and every aspect points to it being the same artist, but I don't know who yet, and its new. I think it was put there in the morning." She said, all high speed.
Adrian read the text and responded quickly 'great.' And took his notebook from off the coffee table before stepping outside and running to the car. When he got into the back of the car his ears picked up the current conversation and leaned forward to listen. His eyes bright with curiosity to see if she ha came up with anything.
"I just don't have a clue who it could be, I think it's impossible it could be the same artist". He was puzzled by it, he wanted to get to the bottom of it but didn't want to look to deep into it.
Thinking more in depth about the work, she continued. "I've seen a similar piece in a Gallery my aunts works were displayed. Very similar, actually.. just different people. Also, wouldn't it have to be someone with access to the school as well? I mean, a random stranger off the streets cant just come in and place it.. Maybe Im thinking too much."
Apollo immediately pulled back to the school, "Let's show her the painting" he declared "Maybe she'll know who did it, I'm not sure who would have put it there. I really want to figure this out". He at this point realized how close this truly hit to home for him.
Adrian nodded loving the topic at hand and began to write intensively with eagerness as he got our of the car 'my hypothosis is that the person that planted it there actually was a student who placed it there for another, and perhaps I imagine that the artist may have known mr and mrs' Barrett. Due to the age of the canvas.' He turned the paper so Rita could read it.
"That's what we're going to figure out" Apollo stated with a serious look, and a nod, as he went into the building to fetch the painting.
Rita nodded. "I have to agree, but then you sort of have to ask, why a student would go through the trouble, and why the artist or whom ever they are doing it for would actually want to place it. I sort of think we have to find out one or two more parts before we can understand it all.." Her bran was fast at work, fingers tapping and "ticking" to a rushed rhythm of her thought.
Apollo picked up the painting and rushed it back to the car. He kept thinking whoever it was had to know him. Was it some kind of joke? Was it someone trying to tell him something? Either way it began to bother him. He turned to look at Rita "Let's head out, just tell me where the place is." he said with a determined face. He was hellbent to find out who made, and put it there.
"Its by the restaurant. A couple stores down is her apartment complex and next door is the gallery, its called Augusta." She replied, now deep in thought.

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