Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo pulled up to the apartment complex, parked, hopped out, and grabbed the painting. "I really hope she might know something besides their name's and face's" he said with a slight sigh.
Adrian sat silently in the back before noticing Vinnie beside him and waved to her with a small smile. He was excited to meet the women who helped raise Rita, but was slightly worried of it.
As soon as they pulled in, Rita rushed up a flight of stairs, limping but too excited to care. She opened the door to one and yelled inside "Namane! Im here!" Seconds later, a lady, looking about as young as her, a bit shorter with hair slightly more brown and almost the same face made her way out. "I was organizing my bookshelf kiddo! What would you have done if I got excited and the whole thing came toppling over on me?! Its a safety hazard." The lady said in a mock scolding voice.

"Laughed" Rita replied haughtily, only to get hit upside the head with a book. Namane looked at all the new comers and waved. "Come on up! I've got some coffee." She said with a grin that outdoes Ritas by a long shot.
Adrian stepped in behind Apollo slightly trying to stay hidden, which was easy due to his semi-short height. He clutched the notebook close to his chest as he peered around Apollos torso every step or so.
The walls of the small area are completely cluttered with pictures, photographs, news articles and hanging ceramic ornaments. A bookshelf in the corner had been half dissected and its insides are sprawled out across the floor as well as various objects that have no real reason to be there. All the doors are wide open, except for one, which had no clutter around it. The rooms were not much better than everything else, being only mattresses on the ground, both looked like they haven't been picked up in a while. All clothes were put away, but art supplies littered the place. The kitchen was the most full of clutter, coffee cups surrounded the counter and there was a plate of fruit that looked like it was from earlier that morning that was only picked at. Rita looked downward, embarrassed. "I thought you said you'd picked up!"

Namane laughed, "Oh I did.. but then I needed to find things and I got a little side tracked." She raised her hands in defense. "So, I'm Namane, Rita's Aunt. Who are you two?"
"My name's Apollo, Apollo Barrett" he said the Barrett much more quietly than his first name "This is Adrian." he said looking behind him gesturing for him to come forth.
Namane offered a very sweet smile to both of them. "Feel free to sit down for a moment. Push whatever off the couch, oh, and beside the couch, I have some spray paint you can play around with later." With that, she grabbed Ritas arm and pulled her into one of the open rooms. "So.. Im sorry to inconvenience you, kid, but your mothers here. She wants you to say hi." Rita turned pale as a sheet.
Apollo immediately noticed Rita's discomfort he looked to Rita with a concerned look in his eyes as he could tell something was wrong. He stopped Namane handing her the painting, "I know it may seem sudden having just met you, but when you get a chance, could you try to identify this artist?" he was both concerned for Rita, and still determined to figure out who could have done this painting of his parents.
Adrian snuck a glance at the icy ire before he handed it to Namane. It still reminded him of something he had once seen.
"Its familiar.. theres a piece by the same guy in the Gallery next door. I don't have a name for him but he's pretty strange. Never puts out a piece. Not even sure if he's still around." She replied, as though she had a vague memory of it. "Vince, go say hi. She's been asking about you." It was rare for her aunt to call her anything but kiddo, so she obeyed, sensing the serious tone, sneaking into the room with the door closed. "What did you want to know about it?" Namane continued.
"We found it in the school. I have a similar painting, apparently by the same artist in my home. That's James, and Leena Barrett." trying to hide the emotional tone in his voice.
Namane nodded, empathetically. "I'm guessing you feel like you may gain something from knowing what it means that someone would put a painting of your family, in your school so you can find it? Sounds like a chase.. but I'll help in any way I can.

Rita slid into the room and looked to see her mother laying on a mattress, bowls of food untouched and wrists bandaged up. Her once red hair bleached blonde, frizzy and sprawled around her head. She would have found her beautiful, had she not known her childhood.

"Hey.. Rita? Sweet heart come here. I've missed you so much, I've been talking to your aunty about you every day. You missed me, right?"

She took a timid step closer. "Mom.. you've done it again, haven't you?" She asked, seeing hospital bracelets on her wrists.
"Thank you" said Apollo briefly. "Is everything alright, with Rita I mean." he asked with a look of great concern.
Adrian had stepped out from Apollo their height and muscle difference noticeable. As he stepped to the side of Apollo he lifted his scarf high over his mouth, wanting to know if Rita was going to be fine though her fearful look.
Namane shot him a knowing look. "You seem to have a lot of concern for the kiddo. I've gotta make sure she's sleeping in her own dorm still.." she joked. "Her mother is back from the hospital, if you don't mind hearing about her. She's been suicidal and horribly depressed since Rita was a kid. At first, the kid took care of her, but that doesn't last forever. I was called a while back from Rita, she was a kid at the time, saying my sis was bleeding out of her wrists. She was out cold on the bathroom floor when people arrived, and since then, they've both been under my care. I'd leave her at a home if she didn't try to choke herself with a rope at any chance she got." She finished with a sad smile. 
Ritas mother began to cry. "You hate me after all, don't you?! You and that man.. blaming it all on me. Its not my fault I'm like this! I try taking care of you and all I got was hate..." Rita went rigid. Her mother blinked a couple times, a scared and apologetic look appearing. "You.. you know I don't mean that sweetie.. Im sorry.. I love you so much.. and you're just worried for me."
Adrian's eyes widened the longer she told the tale, his hands tapping the surface of his notebook, a nervous habit.
Apollo could only look, understanding how truly strong Rita had been. He felt compelled to do something but he did not know what. He could not find words, though anyone could tell he was trying as he ran his hand through his long hair.
Namane sighed and smiled lovingly. "Its alright. Thats the past. After everything happened, I watched over her. Kiddo was a lot of trouble at first, but she was more a child of mine than a favor for my sister."

Rita smiled, pitying the lady she saw before her, giving her a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I'm going back out mom, but I want you to be healthy, so take your medicine and eat everything Namane gives you, nomatter how nasty it tastes." she jokes, getting a childish laugh from the lady. "It will get better, alright?" Her mother grinned, hollow and feebly. "Thats my Rita.. I love you.." With that, she returned to the others, face turned away, hands ticking.
Adrian smiled but it was hidden for the most part behind his scarf as he waved to Rita hoping she wasn't to upset.
Rita grinned at them as she usually would, just a bit less meaningful. "It's fine. We could look at the gallery at some point." Sighing, she shook the moment from her head and continued. "So, Namane really sucks at keep her mouth closed, doesn't she." She rolled her eyes at said aunt, who reacted by hugging her from behind. "Anyone want coffee? I've got a fresh pot."

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