Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian scoffed playfully to himself at the text, setting his phone onto his nightstand before he picked up his notebook and began to write a new story.
Vinnie had ended up leaving class early and was sitting in one of the back art rooms, tattooing away at a grapefruit. She had managed to use its natural color to bring out highlights in the rose, but was worried the thicker needles on her gun wouldn't do any good at outlining on the fruit. For a moment she wondered who she was even going to give it to, and Odin popped into her mind briefly, but she hasn't even seen the bit around for days.

"I'd rather not" she mumbled, flicking on an old radio that had been sitting in the corner from the music room. Immediantly white noise filled the air, and it took her a moment to find a frequency work listening to. Finally something by The Story So Far came on an indie station somewhere in the 90's.
Rita nervously laughed, thinking about it. "Between you and I, it's definately not one sided. I think overjoyed would be an understatement." She winked him playfully. "I have thoughthough, they will work out.
"Let's head back to the art room and see who's coming with is, I'll pick up Adrian. I brought something different than the truck. It should be more comfortable" he said walking that way waving for Rita to join him.

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Adrian laid in his bed, his bedrooms walls where bare and the rest of his room seemed empty due to his constant organization. For once he was noticing this, how little his amount of possessions are. He took note of it as he continued to write not thinking about when Apollo would be there.
Rita frowned. "Aw.. I liked that truck.. but I guess as long as there's more room." She followed holding onto the rose box protectively. She stopped short, remembering something and held up a finger, sprinting as fast as long legs could carry her to her bag she left on the side of the building. She unzipped it and threw on the hat, also taking out a bottle of water. Returning and taking a gulp, she walked back alongside him. "Now I feel cool. Oh, I may try out for track... are sports fun?"
"They're great!" He said smiling. "When Zedric gets back from his holiday, I should have a martial arts tournament in the city" Apollo was ecstatic talking about it.

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Rita looked at him in awe. "You should teach me some.. actually, you want to race to the arts building?" She asked with a bit of excitement. Speed was something she took pride in, though self defense peaked her interest.
Rita used her fingers to demonstrate a count to three and sprinted off when he was ready. Her legs pumped hard, taking longer strides than the average girl. She smiled gleefully pushing herself foreword.
Rita saw Apollo and shot him a grin, speeding up considerably. She's never been on a team, but it was one thing she could do well. She was built for it. Stairs were up ahead. Not m AA ny, but a considerable amount to run straight through, so she leapt as far as she could, clearing all but one, where she landed, ankle turned in and not holding. Pretending she didn't fumble, she caught the ground with her good foot and kept moving.
Apollo stopped beside her turned around and knelt asking her "Are you alright? You aren't hurt are you?".

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She reached the art building first, just beyond the stairs, touching the wall with one hand and slouching "hehe... I win.." She panted, wincing a little, not actually sure if she got there first. She stopped looking after the stairs.
Vineres turned down her music, having heard running up the stairwell and down the halls.

"No doubt its those two." She chuckled to herself, wiping off some ink from the grapefruit turned rose. Throwing thendirty needles into a bio bag, she washed out the cups she was using to hold the small amounts of ink in and wiped off her machine, replacing the plastic cover on it.
"You did great!" he said with a great smile. " You aren't hurt or anything are you?" Apollo asked, his expression changing
Rita turned her wince into a pained smile. "Yeah.. just landed a little funny from that jump." She said with a shrug, standing on one foot, the other between one and the wall. She took another gulp of water.
"Nice hat" Apollo said smiling with raised eyebrows. Now let's go see who's coming with us, and get Adrian if he wants to come".
Rita went in the building behind Apollo, leaning on the wall so her foot didn't have to touch much.

"Vineres, a couple of us are going to my aunt's to do some mural work. You up to coming?"
Adrian's pencil continued to write though his mind was on other things and looked down to realize he had began to write what he was thinking. He stopped almost immediately after and swung his legs off the side of the bed. He took another glance at the paper her name the first thing he sees. Adrian tore his gaze away again standing up and walking towards his desk which was empty all except for a lamp and photo. And there she was smiling in the photo, at the sight he set the photo face down on his desk trying to clear his mind. He should get ready he didn't want them to wait.
Vineres smiled to the two who had just walked in, and finished closing up her bags.

"Yeah sure, want me to follow behind in my car or are we carpooling?" She said, throwing the two over her shoulder.
Adrian had pulled on an old cardigan with a chase coy top along with jeans and a scarf wanting to be comfortable. When his phone had then rung, he waited a moment before he picked up the phone silently, feeling slightly awkward at the fact that he wouldn't be able to communicate in any way.

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