Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"It wont be ready before the dance.. I still have to fire and glaze at least three other pieces, each needing to be fired twice.. so.. I'll go with the picture if he doesn't say anything to me." 'I don't want to be the one to ask..' she thought to herself sadly.
Vinnie smiled, shaking her head. "No. too shy to ask, too shy to be asked. Its a viscous highschool cycle." She said, before turning to Cady and smiling. "Thanks"

"Who ever you want to go with. You should give it to them. No. Harm in trying."
Cady grinned, "I-I-I'm sure he'd say y-y-y-yes straight awa-" her sentence was cut short and she looked past Rita wide eyed as the two boys wandered into the art room. "S-s-s-speak of the devil." she grinned widely.
Apollo and Adrian arrived in the art room. He looked over to Vineres "I don't think we've met before, my name's Apollo, Apollo Barrett, yours?" He asked extending a hand.

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Veneers took the boys hand and smiled once again. She was always happy when people introduced themselves first.

"Vineres Lockheart. Nice to meet you."
"Pleasure to meet you too. What's everyone doing after school?" Apollo asked looking around the room.

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Rita shrugged lightly. Avoiding eye contact at all costs. "I was going to hole myself up in here as usual." She said in a light hearted manner, playing with orange locks.
"We could all go somewhere like we always do" said Apollo. He then looked over to Vineres, "You wanna join us after school" he asked with a smile.

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Sugiura's necklace danced on his chest, and his big, round glasses focused on the door of the art room. He gave a huff of breath. "Okay. You can do this, Sugi. Make friends. Come on. Ikura-San said so." Sugi stared at the door, and hit his head. "Ah, geez." Sugi knocked on the door, and made sure all his clothes looked tidy and he looked fine for the introduction. He pushed up his glasses and made his shirt straight.
"If its alright with everyone else." She said, looking to Rita. She noticed on briefly how she wasn't wanting to directly speak to Apollo, and was seeking her approval for going. She didn't want to interfere on anything.

"I don't mind really."
Rita saw the look and shrugged, playing off her nervousness with a laugh. "I don't see why I would mind, so yeah, lets have some fun." She smiled first at Vineres, then Apollo, then she looked away, blushing. She silently yelled at herself for acting shy. She's not shy, so why now?
"We would love to have you." He said with a grin. Apollo then turned to Suguira and said "Hey, I haven't met you either. Apollo Barrett, what's your name?"

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Adrian was still in the clothes he had fallen asleep in last night, after realizing this Adrian sneezed softly. His hand gripped the stem of the rose tighter when he saw Cady and thought for a moment of when he'd give it to her. But his thoughts where invaded by Apollos words, nodding .
"Hello. I'm Sugiura Yoshitoki. A model and artist. Nice to meet you, Apollo." Sugiura bowed, and his glasses fell. "Damn't..." He picked them up, and placed them on his nose. "School seems like fun..."
"This is a nice group, it's great to have you here" he said warmly. "You should join us after school as well.".

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Vineres smiled nodding. "Sounds good."

Her head swiveld around to the boy who Apollo greeted, and greeted him with a soft voice.

"Hello, I'm Vineres. And yeah, you should. Its really great."
Rita waved. "Hi, I'm Rita. Model? Hm.. Well it's nice to meet you!" She said, her tone changing quickly from a shy one to more outgoing.
Apollo looked towards Rita and her paper, he enjoyed her art and wondered what it could be. He walked to her "What're you working on this time?" He said smiling to her.

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Rita looked at the disease drew and turned deep red. "It's not important.." She bell Langford lunch to be over and Rita waved, ducking away from the group."see you here after school?" She said, not waiting for a reply.
Apollo stood confused with his mouth open. Looking around the room for a moment "Good to meet you two. See you here after school I hope. Adrian, Cady, you too" he said walking out of the door met by a few girls, to whom he told the same thing as he did the others.

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Adrian looked over at Cady for a moment before stepping towards her and signing what are you doing?
Rita ran off to class. It wasn't incredibly eventful, but that was mainly because she was too wrapped up in the idea of the dance. She decided she was going to give him her pen and watercolor pic of a rose when she saw Apollo next, but she was terrified of being told that he didn't want to go with her. She almost expected it. Any guy in his right mind would choose a better girl. In this train of thought, she didn't here a teacher calling on her for an answer.
Apollo went to class, despite the distractions, he couldn't help but wonder about the way Rita took off and if he bothered her. He felt very uncomfortable with the fact that she may have been upset with him for something but couldn't figure out what it could be.

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Apollo decided to text her "Hey, was it something that I said earlier that made you speed off? Was it last night?" He was nervous about the possible response. He still felt awful that she saw that the night before.

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