Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Sounds excellent, thank you.". He looked up to Rita, "Namane seems pretty great. She's very interesting". He found it very important to impress Namane.
Rita laughed to see the woman run off to the kitchen. "She certainly is.. part of my family. So, from the morbid scene I walked into, I'm guessing she told you everything?" She shrugged hands moving to play with her hair again. "Yeah, so sorry bout that."
"Aww.. I'm a little embarrassed under these circumstances but, whatever!" She grabbed both of them, hugging. It wasn't something she did with anyone but her aunt, but she figured she knew them enough to be playful. Namane walked in with coffee and frowned. "Kiddo, am I going to have to put a video camera in your dorm?" She mock chastised.
Adrian ducked out of her arms when her aunt spoke, embarrassed rubbing the back of his neck.
Rita punched Namane's arm lightly, giving her a scolding look, then an apologetic one to Adrian. Taking some coffee, she walked towards the door. "I don't know about spray painting yet, but if you don't mind, I'm going to find that picture over at Augusta."
"You too! Hey boys, don't be afraid to visit, even if the kiddos not around. I'd love to have both of you." Her aunt called from the kitchen. Rita rolled her eyes at her supposed parental figure. "Told you she'd like you. Lets go Sherlock," she called to Adrian. "You've been the most persistent about this."
Adrian turned when Rita spoke his nickname and nodded to Namane as a fair well before closing the door behind him and catching up to them.
"Hopefully we can figure everything out" Apollo said as he started the car.

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Rita nodded, resting her chin on her hands, getting in the car. "Sorry she wasn't much help, but we can narrow it down to the fact the artist is a Guy."
Apollo nodded as he pulled of and to Augusta. He was nervous, and emotional underneath his exterior, this meant a great deal to him.

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Adrian imagined the photo once more in his mind before texting Apollo quickly. 'Do you think I could look at your picture after the museum?' The familiar feeling came to him as he imagine both photos side by side.
Rita hopped out of the car and entered the gallery. It was a casual place. Nothing fancy. It held an aura of calm and relaxed people, as there was a gentle chatter echoing off of beige and white walls from people. It wasn't busy either, which was nice. Off in the corner nearest the exit was a single painting, holding at all blonde woman and a small blonde boy, barely the age of two in her hands.
Adrian stepped inside the familiar scent of dust and paint faint in the room. His eyes fell upon the photo stepping towards it imagining the others where following. He stopped in front of the piece of art no one seems to look at. His bangs fell over one of his eyes as he inspected the tag where it was most likely to hold the information on he picture. 
It held the title and a pair of initials but nothing more appeared to be on the tag.
Apollo looked over to Rita "Tell me about that one." he asked her as he pointed to the one she was looking at

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Rita was inspecting it, making sure it was in fact the same artist. "Who would put nothing on a tag?! It's ridiculous, I mean.. this is his piece alright. Anything look familiar, Apollo?
"I'm not sure." He turned around and noticed Cady "Hey! Glad you showed up, we need your help".

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