Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Rita smirked, regaining her poise as it was evident Cady regained hers as well. "First off, it'll be a little strange if we have two Sherlocks, but I guess I can roll with it. Second, while I was with Namane, my aunt, she mentioned it being a guy, but she also said he doesn't submit anymore to any local galleries."
Adrian nodded at Rita's statement before crouching down to point at the initials before writing, 'the last name is B, so it could be a family member of Apollos, but my last names B so....' He wrote the last part as a joke trying to ease himself of the slight tension he was feeling.
Cady pulled her sleeves down, playing with the ends. "Apollos would make sense, the other picture was of hi-hi-hi-hi..."
"Don't local galleries keep records of who's submitted?" She.said, raising an eyebrow.
Adrian turned to face Vinnie when she finished speaking snapping his fingers at the correct statment. He stood up and began to walk towards the front desk with a eagar smile on his face, waving the others to follow him.
"His parents." She continued, giving Cady a small "Don't worry about it" Smile. "This one contains a Blonde woman and a fair haired small child, now, though the last two contained connections to Apollo, this one is I guess, unfamiliar?" Rita thought for a moment and shook her head. "This galleries obviously a bit more casual. Namane helped put it together, as it used to be a restaurant. Some of the names were lost in the transition, but There should be most."
Adrian reached the desk first tapping on its firm wood surface with the tip of his nail. Tapping his foot impatintly as he waited for someone to appear around the desk.
"may-maybe one of his family members is an artist? the c-colours are the sa-sa-same and the brush stro-strokes. Long lost fam-fam-family?"
((Ugh schools beginning in like a minute, i'll try to respond when I can. Don't have to much fun.))
(I'll try not to enjoy myself xD . Oh, I just got my first official art job/project. I'm being entrusted with the new addition of my family cook book illustrations. Since my fam's got it in the restaurant business, I'm going to have to let more than just my family see it. The last to go it were distant relatives of my Oma.)

A lady with slick, dark brown hair, bright red lipstick and a bit too much strange and colorful eye makeup made her way out of a back room. Rita walked up to her as well. She turned to her group with a grin. "This is Judy Bailey. She's a friend of my family." She said. Her family, though not rich, had a strange way of connecting to every living person they meet. Judy grinned at Rita, with a wide mouth, the sort of smile that said "Im secretly warning you that I can bite off your head if tempted."

"Hello Vince, What can I do for you and your friends?" She asked in a voice, almost as loud as her appearance.

"We're looking for the artist of that painting in the back. The one with the Woman and child, the really old one." Rita answered.
Apollo turned around to notice Vineres "Hey, look over there" he said pointing to the scene unfolding before them.
((Woo, I have like 20 minutes))

Adrian ran his fingers through his growing bangs, once again reminding himself he needed to trim his hair. Then snuck another glance at Cady stepping from the women at the desk to stand next to her, giving a small smile.
(Ugh.. no luck..)

Judy bit her lip slightly, thinking hard. She left, coming back with a file.

(Be prepared to be frustrated and confused)
((Okay, :P . I have prepared my mind))

Adrian stared down at their arms, nervous for amoment before excepting it kindly. He listened to the women at the desk waiting for any information she may begin.
"He goes under a pen name, for what reason, I don't know. It's Edward Barrett, ironically he took that last name. Actually, he stopped by earlier today, he was staying in a hotel a few blocks away, but he said he was on a tight schedule and might have left for a plane a while ago." Judy said, half reading and half listing what she knew naturally, as though he was not a complete stranger. "That enough information, hon'?" She asked in her nasally yet sweet voice.
Adrians eyes widened at the familiar last name, his mind wheering at the possibilies.

((>.< Need to go ...again. I'll try to be back on as soon as possible))

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