Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Why-why-why didn't you just ta-ta-talk to Apollo at school instead of ma-ma-making him find you?" Cady asked the man.
Vineres looked at the man, astonished that they would've already found him. Did the lady at the art exhibit say he had left to go catch a plane already? Nine the less, she hoped whatever it was Apollo was being given was something to help him with grief from his parents.
I looked at Apollo's face expression and body language. He seemed bothered, not by the man or the painting, but by two small objects being held. All he did was hold one object close to him and another, which seemed to be a letter, was opened. Almost the whole conversation with the strange man, Apollo limited his eye connect.

"Hey, Apollo. Are you feeling alright? You seem like you do not want to read the letter." I asked Apollo, after the man left.
Apollo just stood wondering wether to look down and read it, or not. He fought back the tears in his eyes and said "I-I'm not sure." he was brief saying it, looking around the room to everyone else.
Adrian walked towards Apollo setting a delicate hand on his shoulder giving him a look that told him it was fine to shed tears .
He looked at Adrian, as if he knew exactly what he meant by that look. Apollo took a deep breath to collect himself, and nodded his head to him to at least make him think he was alright.
Rita hugged apollo tightly, suddenly feeling the need to. "Its all right.. do you want to wait?" She whispered in his ear, holding onto him protectively.

(Back, sorry)
Rita shrugged, a bit worried. "I'll walk there.. I need to take care of one thing first." She said nervously. "If I'm not back at a reasonable time.. you can read it. Alright?" She reached over and kissed Apollo lightly. It was the first time doing so, but it seemed apt.
Apollo blushed slightly. That rarely happened, he then couldn't help but smile. "I really hope you'll make it." said Apollo still smiling. He then drove to his house gathering everyone to go with him. They arrived at the manor where he sat them in the living room, gave them the remote to the television and told them he'd be back in a moment. He walked upstairs to his study, an old room filled with leather bound books, old furniture, and a large desk. He knew it was far away enough to where no one could hear anything, if he were to cry, he didn't want them to know. He unfolded the letter, and read...

(I'm hoping you know what it says Rita!)
(yessir, Im prepped)


Happy birthday. We have dreaded and longed for this moment, as we have for the day you walked, talked and first got up from a scraped knee. The day you concurred your fears and turned crying to laughter. We've looked forward to you. And you have grown fearlessly, without looking back. We love you so much and only hope to stand by you, body and soul, and grow with you as we have still a million things to dread and long for. Son, we love you and we hope you will accept our gift. Dad will teach you to use it properly.

Love, Your Parents.

Rita ran back to her Apartment, feet pounding against the ground. A group of people her mother was in debt to found their way in. One was holding a knife. She got the text in the Hotel, and in fear, she grabbed a thing of pepper spray and an emergency gun.
Dad will teach you how to use it properly. Those words rang through his head. His father was gone. His mother was gone. He flipped his desk as everything on it came flying off, he cried "Dammit!". The tears finally came out, all of his pent up aggression and sadness coming out as he wept. He reached onto the old shelf to find an old bottle of scotch, with an old glass. It was his fathers. He poured himself a glass full, and drank it. He felt the burn as it went down, and poured another. It was his fathers favorite blend. He remembered the aroma of it, when he would sit in his lap as a child as he drank a glass and told him a story of his youth.
Rita came in, her aunt in the corner with a cut on her shoulder, crying, her mom blubbering as well with a gun on her head. Rita had a gun in her hand and pepper spray in the other. Her hands were ticking so bad, she wasn't even sure if it would stay in them. "Come now Beatrice.." A slimy man used her mothers name. "Did you bring a lil girl inta this? We could jus take'r." Rita bit down on the inside of her cheek and remembered her self defense class. She shouted from the air below her chest, "No, Get Away!" It was too late for the gun in her hand, she dropped it through the Tics. She felt frozen as the man with the knife came up to her and pressed his own blade under her collar bone, ripping her shirt and some skin. "She's loud. I'll get'r ta shut up for a while. You find whatever can pay off the womans debt." With that, Rita palm shot upward, breaking his nose. She sprayed the pepper spray.
Apollo filled another glass, just sitting in the old chair where his father sat, the tears still coming. He was strong all of the time, for everyone, in this moment he wanted to be alone, everything was hitting him, it was too much for him to bear. He stood up, locked the door, and put on an old Elvis record of his fathers.
Rita, after breaking his nose, bought enough time to text Apollo. "Apartment" before taking the side of the gun to her temple. And an elbow in her chest, knocking her and her phone away after she pressed send.
He stood up, rushed to the door without saying a word, he instinctually felt there may be trouble. He sped off and arrived at Namane's apartment and ran in the front door. 
He saw what was going on and said strongly "Let her go.".
Ritas head ached and her ears were full of ringing. She grabbed the gun and shot her attacker in the knee cap, finding the other recovered slashing her arm. She looked up when she noticed they froze. "Y-you got my text.. hehe.." She laughed, the one with the knife dropped it.
Apollo jumped to one of them with a kick, which sent him to the ground, he then grabbed his leg pulled it up and broke it. He looked up to another attacker as he tried to rush him, Apollo was enraged, the fact that they we're not only trying to hurt people they say weaker than them, but try to hurt Rita. Apollo grabbed his fist, straightened the assailants arm, broke his elbow, then a headbutt. As his opponent fell he picked him back up and continued to strike him.
Both already injured with a head injury and shattered kneecap were quick to take down. They wouldn't put up a fight in that sort of situation, against somebody who could easily overpower them. Rita hissed in pain from her temple which was bleeding slightly to the cuts, but regained her composure, using the wall to get herself upright and over to Apollo. "It's.. it's over. Don't kill them. It's moms fault for borrowing money without our permission.. just don't kill them."
((Oh wow, I check on the role play and some serious stuff is going down. I can't rip now but in about three hours I can.))
Namane, still crying a bit got the phone and dialed for the police. Rita hung onto the wall, shaking her head. "No hospitals..I don't um.. I mean I was cut up and.." She touched her head looking at her hand to see blood she didn't know was there.
"Tell them to bring a paramedic, there are people hurt here." he pointed as he told Namane. Apollo ran to Rita "Are you sure, you're alright. I'm glad you text me in time.".
Rita nodded, a couple tears in her eyes, yet she was smiling. "I'm.. glad nobody was killed.. I should have told you when we left the hotel.. but.." She gave him a sad look, remembering the man. "It was more important you had some time." She winced again, sitting down down, skidding her back down the wall. "Mom, Namane.. You two okay..?" 
Said ladies nodded, her mother still crying and holding onto herself, repeating "I'm sorry." Namane showed a small smile, comforting the other.

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