Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollo grabbed her hand "You should have told me then, if anything like this ever happens again promise me you'll tell me." he said looking into her eyes.
Rita frowned, but after some thought, nodded. "I just don't want you wrapped up in our mess... we paid them back a while ago but they keep on saying they added to the interest.." she squeezes the hand lightly, before letting it go limp in his. She was ashamed he had to come. "I guess this is my version of a nightmare.. haha, and you coming here to wake me up."
Apollo smiled, and then looked over to Namane and her mother "You guys can stay with me if you'd like".
Namane shook her head, frowning. "I'm afraid that would only get you more wrapped up in this. We still have the house outside the City we could stay at.. its roomy and not too far." She offers both Apollo and Rita an apologetic smile. "I know you didn't want anything to do with us in these situations Kiddo, but thank you for coming, and Apollo, I really appreciate it." Her voice was shaking slightly, but she remained calm and levelheaded. Rita rested her head on the wall, closing her eyes and sighed with relief. "Its done for now.."
Apollo beckoned to the door. "You can come back to the house, get you bandaged up, and see the others. That'll help" he said smiling, deep down he still felt earlier, and this on top of it.
Rita got up and walked out, waving behind them and watching police swarm. "Im really sorry.. next time this happens though, I'll take care of it. I know your stressed, and I can tell you read the note." She didn't mention the Alcohol she smelled, but she held a knowing tone. She refused to get upset over the incident. She wouldn't seem upset in front of him again. She could tell he was having a difficult time as is. Instead, she just smiled. "The others at your place..? I'd rather avoid being seen like this." She said, pulling the hat she still wore, to the side only slightly, tilting it to cover the bloody part. "Adrian would have an anxiety attack and Cady would worry and feel like she should have helped.. Vinnie would probably worry as well."
"Regardless you call me if it happens again" he said sternly to her as he walked out the door, he looked back one last time looking at what had just happened, almost wanting Rita to go with him but held his tongue. Apollo drove back to his home he had assumed the others had left as he locked himself in the study once again. He poured another glass and thought of how unfair things were. His parents, good people were dead, his close friends feeling such pain, Rita being attacked like that. He stood and almost ripped the shelf down as he shoved the books off. "How the world be this cruel?"he asked himself. He then thought of how close he was to losing Rita, just like he lost his family, the tears became uncontrollable at that point. He felt the like Atlas, the weight of the world on his shoulder, unable to truly tell anyone of the pain that was within him.
Rita didn't go back to the dorms. she felt the bloodless and the ache of almost losing her family before she could reach it. The ache of being helpless, being a burden on Apollo. She instead stopped in front of a store and sat on the pavement of the side walk by it and cried for the first time in years, where she didn't suppress a thing. She was sure she looked crazy. Bloody girl sitting on the side of the sidewalk, bawling like a child, but she didn't want to move. For the first time in a while, her hands didn't tic, but she for once didn't care enough to take notice.
Apollo knew despite the torment he felt, Rita probably needed him. He text her "You can come later if you want, I just want to let you know you can always come here. You mean so much to the others. To me."
Rita looked at her phone, coming down between sobs. She read the text at least three times, just staring at her phone. She replied, "You mean more than I can tell you, and in such a short time of knowing you. I don't want you to be sad, so next time I don't think I can tell you if anything happens." She stares at her phone, but does not press send. The message is saved as a draft.
Apollo sat back in the chair, all he could think of is how he almost lost her. He grew angry once again, thinking of looking into the eyes of the man who wanted to kill her. He stood ripping his shirt off, throwing it across the room as he furiously flung more books across the room. He thought of how cruel things were. How his friends, such good people could have such pain. He almost hated playing strong as he did, he felt so pent up, he couldn't bear it, not anymore.
after a while of thought, she replied. "I'm sorry. Please forget about what happened. Tomorrow will be better, and I won't say anything if you don't. :) "
Apollo wanted to respond, he just didn't know how to at that moment. He just sat back in his chair and stared up to the ceiling. Fighting his own feelings, wondering about everything that had happened that day.
Rita, after sending that text shivered a bit, not even sure if it was cold outside before. She felt freezing and started getting a headache either from the injury or from crying. Most likely a combinations. She got up and made her way to a library and lounge she's been to before. Her family was probably taken to the hospital for shock and some cuts inflicted by one of the men. Once inside, she ordered some tea and she sat down at a study table and closed her eyes, head down.
Apollo fell asleep in his chair, hair falling over his face, blood still covering his hands from the assailants.
(Oh sorry. DippyDash sent me a message saying I should jump into it. Sorry again. I'll delete the last one and wait for your approval.)
Apollo awakened a few hours later, he walked to the nearest bathroom washing his hands, feeling bad for breaking down as he did. He dried his hands, as he walked to his room and text Rita with curiously "Awake?".
Rita opened an eye, head pounding still. She stayed at the library due to the headache and lack of wanting to be anywhere familiar. She felt better and replied. "Yeah. Never went home. Why still up?"
Ashalie, or Alie, a new, 16 year old girl at the school was wandering around early morning and fell asleep in front of a mansion. Her leg was hurting as she got up after an hour or two, and noticed a large gash on her right leg and limped to the front door. Ringing the door bell, she fell to the ground in pain.
"Where are you?" he replied. Apollo quickly walked down to the door and opened it to find a girl who had fallen there. "Are you alright?" he asked as he knelt down to her.

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