Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Apollos eyes widened as he looked at the lady and asked "Tell me what you know about him" You could tell he was more determined than ever as he said abruptly "I need to know, those people in the painting we have are my parents, and I want to know why he's using my last name".
Vineres stood in awe, aside from the others.

"Apollo, calm down." She said, touching a finger to his shoulder briefly. Stepping back once again she thought about the portrait again, starting to remember how much he did look like his parents.
Judy shook her head, thinking of an appropriate way to respond. "You are Apollo Barrett, aren't you? Well, he doesn't tell me much. It takes a lot just to start a conversation with him. What I know is that he works somewhere that requires constant travel and he's been too busy to paint. He's been here for about three or four days and since then, I believe he's been busy taking care of a Project. Its strange though, since he said it was finished, yet he never submitted it to us." She paused, trying to recollect all she knew of him. "He's a very tall, built man with dark blonde, almost brown hair, gone mostly grey by now. He's probably well in his fifties. Not a talker. thats all I can say." She said, wrinkling her worry lines.
"Just the red roof. Its pretty close. A man with his wealth though, he could have easily stayed at a nicer place." She said with a small shrug. "Listen, I have to go for now. Im managing some construction needing to be done in the back, to make more room. Good luck to you though. And Rita, I'm busy but call your aunt when you get the chance, tell her I need help moving things around." Judy than walked back into the other room and closed the door. "Helpful?" Rita asked.
"I won't be, but we need to hurry" Apollo said as he climbed into the car making sure that everyone was inside, speeding to the inn.
Adrian entered the car, texting Apollo almost immediatly after, 'I will help you find this guy, even if he's not there.' Adrian tapped the send button before pushing his phone into his back pocket.
Apollo laughed warmly to the joke as it helped cheer him up "I suppose we should pick up Gandalf before going any further" he said with a grin.
Adrian smiled at the reference, his fingers tapping his thigh nervousily with loose energy. The feeling of adventure ignited eagerness inside of him, the urge to know the answers to the mystery. He truly felt deserving of thename Sherlock, loving all of the questions.
"Off to the red roof of Isengard then?" Vinnie said, sliding in next to Cady and Adrian
Rita jumped in the car. "I have to wonder why he would go by an alias.. and where he ended up putting his latest project.. since its not in the gallery.." she shrugged hopelessly. "It really is an adventure, isn't it?" She grinned at Cady, a childish expression of excitement of her face. 
Rita laughed at Vinnie's comment. "Its a dangerous mission. All I have to pay you with are memories and adventure, assuming you come back alive."
Apollo pulled up to the inn, parked and walked in briskly. He rushed up to the desk and asked "Is there a man by the name of Edward Barrett staying here".
Once the car had stopped Adrian had stepped out waiting for Cady before rushing in behind Apollo.
Rita rushed inside as well. Before the man behind the counter could shake his head at the alias, a man with his face in a newspaper stood up, walking towards Apollo, resting a giant hand on his shoulder. "This is he."

(Yes I know... FMA, but the best pic I could find)

Cady followed them eagerly, she was excited, she'd made new friends who cared about her deeply, as was evident by Rita patching her up and Adrian giving her the rose. This adventure was exciting and she was glad they were including her.
"I need to talk to you" Apollo said as he walked towards the man, surprised at how tall he was. "I'm Apollo Barrett, you apparently did a painting of my parents, and left it in my school. I came looking for answers".
The gruff looking man scowled slightly, but nodded. "I've been looking for you. Im glad to see I finally got to meet you before I left again, Apollo." He said in a deep voice. His expression was morbid and solemn. "I am not related to you in any way. I was a close friend of your father, of whom entrusted everything to me. However, he died before anything could be set in stone. I'm not looking to take anything or seize control, I have something to give you."
Apollo just looked up without a word. He was surprised by the fact that he wasn't threatening to him as he thought he would be. 
"What is it?" he asked hesitantly.
"My name is Rory Morris. I was there the day your parents died. I saw them off. This may seem small and unimportant to young kid like you, but this was a gift they left me with for your birthday. I never imagined what would happen next, or the chaos that followed." He reached into his pocket, wrapped in a dirty piece of paper with a letter from his parents was a hand built pocket knife. Family crest, his name and a "To our beloved son" was engraved in it. "Read the note."
Apollo hardly had the heart to open the note. He tried avoiding eye contact with Rory as his eyes welled up. He grasped the pocket knife close to him. Apollo opened the note and read....

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