Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"I don't think so." Alie said while motioning towards her leg. "I was walking home from my school and found myself in the face some strange man. He had blood all over a..and carrying a bloody swords or was it a knife? I don't remember. The next thing I knew, he swung the weapon at my leg. I limped all the way here and passed out until just a moment ago." she spoke as she shivered and her leg continuously hemorrhaged (bleeding).
Apollo reached down, and carried her inside to his living room sitting her on the couch. "Put this on it and apply pressure" he said as he wrapped a towel around the wound. "I'll be right back, I'll get something to disinfect it" he said as he briskly walked out of the room.
"I...I can't. The murder is still out there." Alie replied, but with no hesitation, she did what the guy told her and put pressure on her wound. Before he walked out the room, Alie grabbed his arm and said, "Th..thank you." Slowly she released his arm and continued pressure on her leg.
Rita looked at his reply and though for a moment. How'd she get here and what's this place called. She shrugged, rubbing her eyes and wincing at the touch near the temple. "Somewhere. Library, can't remember which." She didn't want to go back yet. She could even sleep there if needed.
Apollo text Rita hoping she could help "There's a situation here, a girl badly wounded showed up. Need your help". He hurried back in the room with bandages and a solution for the wound. He opened the solution and told Alie "This may hurt a little, but it'll make it better" as he removed the towel and poured it on.
"Come on, stay awake" he said as he placed a gauze, and bandages on the wound. Apollo was shocked, but not surprised by this circumstance considering the day he had.
Rita quickly got up and ran to his house, not caring about the nauseous feeling she got from her head. She questioned whether or not they were the same group of people. She walked in, seeing the girl and frowning. She felt her stomach turn at the sight. She had enough blood for one day. "Better off out cold." She said, immediately sterilizing it. "It won't kill her but it will definitely hurt fora while." 
She grabbed some gauze pads once the bleeding slowed considerably and covered the wound neatly, then wrapping it tight.
"I'm so glad you came" Apollo told her smiling. "You need to get some rest yourself" he said to Rita, looking at her wanting her to rest.
Rita shook her head, the action itself made her world spin, but she still did it. Seeing more blood on her hands though was the final straw. "Where's your bathroom?"
While still passed out, Alie slowly spoke, "Mother, Father, I'm okay. I can take care of myself. You just go to bed okay." Remembering her parents the day they passed, was the only thing she dreamed about.
"There's one right down the hall, I'll take you there" Apollo walked her there, he became slightly embarrassed as he realized he had torn his shirt earlier and hadn't put on a new one.
Rita looked at him when they were walking, blushing lightly. After a moment's thought, she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm really sorry about before.. I never want to be a burden or cause you trouble and I care about you a lot! " She said quickly, cheeks the color of tomatoes. Her hat was pulled to hid her eyes and temple, but the emotion was evident.
Apollo stopped her as they walked, and gave her a serious, yet caring look "I'm glad I made it, it was no burden whatsoever. It's important to me to help protect those I care about.".
Before the Alie's helpers returned, she woke up slightly and tried to get up from the coach. Saying to herself, "I think I'm an inconvenience for him." Instead of limping, Alie crawled towards the door and managed to open the door, out into the yard, standing up and taking the pain, she got half way to her home.
Rita removed the hat once in the bathroom, revealing an ugly swollen black mark from her temple to her eye and cheekbone, half covered in dried blood. She rolled up her sleeve and unbuttoned her shirt one down, both held long but clean cuts from the knife, also caked. Explaining herself, she said "the blood smells nasty and I'm sick of seeing it."
Apollo walked back to the living room to find the girl missing, he saw the open door, and assumed she left. He went to the bathroom door, not wanting to worry her as she rested and took care of herself. "I'll be right back okay?".
Rita looked over. "I heard the door. She's gone, just like that?!" Instead of listening, she followed out, running to find the momentarily crippled girl.
"What kind of girl would leave herself for dead knowingly? If I have to clean up more blood, I'm tying her to a bed... and I don't even know the girl." She paused at her almost to the point of being mad voice and laughed. "That's how you know today's stressful.. I think I'm mad."
About a block or two before her house, the man who attacked earlier stood in front of Alie once more. "Guess it's my lucky day. I got another chance to keep my self out of jail. Come here little brat, so i can take you out of your misery!' The man slowly came towards Alie. "What do I do?" She thought to herself, "should I run, no my leg, scream, no use."
When they arrived at the scene, Rita jumped out of the car without a second thought, running at him full sprinting speed and slamming a foot into his jaw. "God.. just in time."
Apollo pulled up as this happened,he jumped out ran towards the situation. He saw Rita kick him as he was checking on Alie he asked "Where'd you learn to do that?".
"Self defense. Depressed people like alcohol and men aren't the only violent people. Never got hurt. I just learned incase things got bad." She said with a small grin. It was one thing that never bothered her.
Ashalie heard a creepy laugh from the man, the stopping of a car and a girl running and kicking the attacker. The same boy from early and his friend came to help Alie again. "Even trying to not get you not involved, I'm an inconvenience to you. But, thanks, again." She said while holding herself. "Wow, you've got skill." Alie told the girl. "If you guys keep saving me, You should know my name. I'm, Ashalie Rose, but call me Alie." and forced a smile.

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