Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

((Done with school and practice, finally))

Adrian laid in his bed wondering how the others where, he had been attempting to text Apollo the whole time he was at his house but soon saw no use and walked home. And there he was laying silently on his bed in his possession less room.
Rita gave her a good natured grin. "Please. I used that card on him already. Doesn't work. Your no inconvenience. Just somebody who needs some help." She said tiredly.
"You're no inconvenience..." He said before stopping as a car stopped in front of them, a tall figure approached them, Apollo stood at the ready when he heard a voice say "I'm gone for a few bloody days on a holiday and I find you on the side of the road fighting crime?". It was Zedric. He walked over and saw the wounded girl, and criminal. "Let's hope that one stays down Master Barrett, I'll call the police. In the meantime would one of you care explaining this scenario?". 
Apollo, text Adrian about the entire scenario ending the text by saying "If you can't tell your best friend, who can you tell?".
"It's really all my fault, just a bad case of ~Wrong Place, Wrong Time~ It started last night when I ran into him, he attacked me, and I limped to his house. He helped with my wound. Thinking I was an inconvenience, I decided to get home when the criminal came after me again." Alie said the short version.
"Hey Zedric. Basic self defense. His jaw should be broken on the left side, possible concussion. He was an attacker of this lady and a possible attempt of murder suspect." She replied. "That girls your victim." She finished with a smile. She knew she looked like crap herself, but specifying the one injuring the attacker is vital as well in order to see if the attackers fit the injury.
When Adrian finally received a reply he didn't expect what he read, he texted back harshly full of fear anger and worry. 'Why the hell didn't you tell me?' He sent the text, soon realizing he cursed. He hated cursing but it was a habit he earned from his father that only came into play when he was angry .
Rita looked at Apollo with worry, putting her hat back on. "If that's Adrian.. don't tell him about my house.. Please." She said, covering up all of the evidence.
"It all happened too quickly, Zedric just arrived so count on things settling down" he text Adrian. Zedric laughed and said "Well Madame I think you might could give Master Barrett a run for his money.". Apollo picked Alie and helped her into the truck as the police began to arrive.
Rita laughed, amused. "Please. I'm not as strong. Knowing where and how to hit is key, I guess." She tugged at the hat, making sure the marks covered. She never got a chance to wash it out, but she would have to wait and hide it until she was alone.
"You really don't have to carry me." Alie said. "By the way, I don't know the names of my two saviors. I'd like to properly thank you."
Adrian raised a hand it gripping a clump of his hair as he stared at the text. He had no idea what was happening and couldn't do anything if something was. He sighed before tossing the phone roughly onto his bed raising his other hand to hold his head.
"I'm Apollo, Apollo Barrett, her name is Rita.Let's head home, I'm exhausted" said Apollo. They arrived back at the manor as Zedric made sure Alie's wounds were treated as he noticed Rita's and waited until a moment to approach her and asked "Madame Rita, if it wouldn't be intrusive to ask, where did you acquire those injuries?".
Rita turned red, lowering her hat above her temple and touching her hair. "I um.." She figured the truth had to be told anyways. "I was stopping some people my mom owed from killing her and my aunt. Apollo helped. It's done and taken care of.." She said, shifting uncomfortably.
"Well, Thank you Apollo and Rita." After her wounds were taken care of, she was given a tea to help her heal. The tea made her fall asleep and Alie was brought into one of the guest rooms.

(I'm going to go to bed. Had fun! See you soon.)
Zedric nodded and smiled kindly "You're very brave handling it as you did. It's not what happens to us as a person, but how we respond that shows the true nature of a person, and yours is a brave, caring, nature. Now about this dance I hear rumor of. Did Master Barrett ask you to go? Or am I going to have to bloody ask for him?". Apollo was fast asleep on the couch in front of the fire.
Rita blushed even deeper than she already was. "And you are very warm to others.. thanks you and yeah, he asked. He gave me this." She rummaged through her bag, taking out the wooden box and glass rose. "It's so lovely.. I didn't even think he would think of me, it made me so happy." She said, mainly to herself. Feeling less uncomfortable, she took off the hat again. It hurt, touching the wound. She looked straight at Zedric, making eye contact if just for a moment. "He cares more than its healthy to."
That's when Adrian realized something, Apollo hadn't told him how Rita was. This caused him to begin to shake as he attempted to text Rita. He began to breath heavily but continued to feel like his lungs weren't full of any air. 'Rita. Rita, you alright right? Please tell me your fine.' He had to countlessly try to steady his thumb to press the send button.
"The young master had a tendency to put too much of a burden upon himself" said Zedric with a frown.

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Rita looked down at her phone and paled. She didn't want to say what happened at her house again, so she replied, "I'm all good, barely scratched, don't worry about it. I'm at Apollos and everyone's safe :) " she replied.

"Yeah. I just hope I'm not stressing him out more than he needs to be." She felt a surge of nausea and attempted a laugh. "I also hope I didn't get a concussion. That's No fun."
"Perhaps you may have, be sure not to fall asleep, nor take another blow to the head this night" he said with a grin.

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Adrian picked up his phone immediately when the buzz filled his silent room. When he saw her message his chest felt lighter and he slowly began to recover. There wasn't a boring day with this group was there?
"No promises with my luck. I'll be fine not sleeping though. Not even tired, just nursing a headache. I should probably head home for now though." She said with a smile, gathering her stuff.
"Be safe Madame, you have our number if you need anything" he told her with a bow seeing her out.

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With that, she waved good bye and came home.

(Timery skippers)

Rita spent the time before school patching up her wounds and trying to find a way to make them unnoticeable. Unfortunately, with bandages below her neck, on her forearm and over part on a dark bruise on her face, it was no easy feat. She went through class with no comments but a lot of staring. Still, she carried on, acting like she had no idea why anyone would be watching. By lunchtime, she came to the art room. More than happy to be away.
Apollo awakened around noon from his late evening, and hurried to get ready for school, hoping to see Adrian and ask him for a favor. Before this dance, Apollo wondered if Adrian could teach him how.

(Passing out now. Be back tomorrow)

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