Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian placed his phone back into his pocket and tried to imagine he wasn't going to dance with his best friend. He took Apollos wrist and rested it on his hip bone, he bit his lip before setting his own hand on Apollos shoulder. Then he lifted his hand into Apollos other hand, he stared at Apollo and mouthed 'awkward.'
"I know, I know" Apollo with a slight chuckle. "What's next?" he asked nervously hoping that no one would walk in.
Cady's phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and opened the text. Her heart dropped. She gasped inwards and dropped her phone to the floor.
Adrian nodded wanting to begin with something simple and just began to just sway to begin with.
Cady couldn't stop the tears filling her eyes or the sheer panic she felt. She slipped onto the floor and started rocking back and fourth, crying.

Her breathing became shallow and she eventually became unaware of everything around her, just rocking back and fourth.
Adrian then nodded towards his feet to show that he had begun to stop swaying and take small steps, alternating each foot. His steps silent and fluid, his movements looking practiced.
Apollo went along with him, taking to it like a fish in water. After a bit he smiled and told Adrian "Let's take a little break. This isn't as hard as I thought." he said laughing. 
"You're really good at this, I can tell" Apollo said to Adrian nodding his head in approval.
Adrian nodded before texting to him ' I can make it more difficult, but that involves crazy stuff like lifts.....and ya..'
Adrian turned towards him giving a shy smile, 'thanks, I don't enjoy it very much though.'
Cadys eyes were squeezed shut, her head was in her hands and she was rocking back and fourth. The phone buzzing again. She screamed loudly, unaware of anything that was going on.
Adrian bit his lip for a moment thinking about what he was going t osay in response before texting, 'it just brings back bad days. I don't want to talk about it.' He gave a low sigh before shrugging his shoulders. But stopping when he heard Cady.
"Sounds like trouble, let's go" declared Apollo running into the artroom to find Cady.

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Adrian had already left the room towards the art room in a hurry forgetting his notebook in the dance room.
Cady was curled up in a ball on the floor, she was trapped in her own head, her breathing too shallow and pins and needles were taking over her body. She couldn't see or hear anything outside of her own head, memories kept replaying over and over.
Adrian saw CAdy and bit his lip rising her head onto his lap, texting to Apollo 'talk to her.'
Cady heard Apollos voice and couldn't tell it was him through the fear, she backed away from him, into Adrian, still whimpering.
When he was backed into Adrian wrapped his arms around her and let out a quiet "sshhh". And though she seemed afraid of Apollo Adrian nodded for him to continue.
Cady whimpered a lot louder, her breathing shallow. She could hear Apollos voice, but all she could make out was the sound, she felt threatened, she couldn't see, she couldn't hear, she couldn't breath, she hadn't had a panic attack this bad since-

She clutched onto Adrian tightly. "I'M SO SORRY!" she yelled loudly to no one, pulling her hair.
"It's alright, just breathe." Apollo said not knowing what to do at this point, he looked to Adrian for answers.
Adrian held her closer, his knuckles white as he clutched the loose parts of her top. It pained him to see her like this, he slowly began to sway holding her closer. When she tugged at her hair Adrian calmly held her wrists and removed her hands from her hair, he began to feel calm though the situation. His heart rate was normal and he held no adreniline it was like everythin was slower, it was an odd feeling he hadn't felt for awhile. And hoped to pass the calm feeling towards Cady soon.

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