Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Cady started swaying with him, wrapping her arms around him, her phone rang, setting her off in another round of screaming. "GO AWAY!" she screamed at the phone, crying heavily. There was no name but she knew who it was.
Adrian picked up the phone quickly and slid it away a crossed the floor away from them.
Cady took a deep breath and let out a loud sob, breathing becoming ever so slightly deeper her limbs relaxing slightly.
Adrian nodded towards Apollo to continue talking to her as Adrian whipped a tear away smoothly.
Apollo looked over to it, unhappy with whoever it could be. "Don't you worry about a thing, okay, we're all here for you, we all have your back no matter what. Whatever is bothering don't you worry about it for a moment, we won't let anything hurt you.".
Cady buried her face in Adrians chest, slowing her breathing and feeling calmer. She took a few more deep breaths before fully relaxing, passing out in Adrians lap.
Adrian sighed and closed his eyes before texting apollo, 'I think that's it for todays dance class.' He took off his cardigen and balled it up setting Cadys head onto it. His arms where bare and it felt sorta odd, he rubbed them before leaning back onto them. For a moment he stared at Cady but then turned towards her phone giving it a questioning look. He didn't like getting into others bussiness but it upsetted her rather much so he reached for it and looked at it before glancing at Apollo for permission.
Cady rolled over and curled up into Adrian, she hadn't slept much the night before, and the sudden emotional outburst left her exhausted. She sighed softly wrapping her arms around him subconsciously.
The phone contained a bunch of angry text messages and missed calls.

"Cady, you're a stupid little wh**e for breaking up with me and you know it. You'll regret it. No one else will love you like I did. Call me as soon as you get this."

"Cady, I'm serious, you're a stupid washed up stoner sl*t and no one will want you. Call me."

"Cady, stop being immature and call me. If someone wanted you before, they won't when I'm done with you. Those bruises you used to get - will look like nothing."

"Cady, I'm horny, get here now. Or I'll come for your sister. You don't have sex with me, she'll suffer."
Apollo gritted his teeth upon seeing this and clenched his fist. He looked over to Adrian "Do you know where Cady lives?".
Apollo found the address on the phone, and left immediately. He took the phone with him to spare Cady the grief and didn't want the others to be in harms way. He was absolutely fed up with people like this. Fed up with anyone wishing harm to his friends. He pulled up to Cady's home hoping to find her sister, or whoever else he would need to get somewhere safer.

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(Im sorry for my post!!! I missed all of this!!! Ahh!)

Rita, looking over Apollo's shoulder, was officially pissed. She touched the sleepy girls arm lightly. How could anyone say this to Cady? She was the sweetest girl she's ever met and it sickened her all the way through. Infuriated, she looked up at Adrian, watching as Apollo left. "Take care of her.. I'm going to see if theres a way to help." She chased after Apollo. "Hey. Let me help you. Anyone who hurts Cady will NOT get away with it."
Adrian reached out with a hand to stop them, no. He was once again left, he knew he wasn't skilled in fighting but. He looked down at Cady then back at the door he could leave through. But saw he would be most useful here so he laid down next to Cady ready to nurture her when she awoke.
(I think I'm going to have to drop out guys. I just don't have enough free time to keep up with it. Amazing rp though, and I hope you guys have fun c: )
After seeing Apollo wave at Alie, she left to the music room to find a quite place to play the guitar. Down the hall, passed a door or two, she entered the Music room. Playing the piano was her best , the one who wanted to go out with her, with "The Click" learning against it singing along. After the door slam behind her, Lucila, "The Click" leader grinned at the girls and the started walking towards Alie, The boy, Angel, stopped Lucila and talked quiet enough not for me to hear. The came closer and exited the room. Angel stood up and walked towards her. "Hey Alie. Listen, i'd gladly stay and play music with you, but I.. um, gotta go." and followed "The Click" outside. Alie placed her things by the window and pulled out her guitar, music book and pencil, ready to play, Alie strummed and sang her song.

After a while, Alie heard noises from the Art room. Running over there, and seeing Apollo and Rite leave, she saw a girl sleeping on the ground with a boy holding her. She came with her guitar in hand a played little lullabies, hoping to keep her calm and asleep from all the chaos a few minutes ago.
Adrian had his eyes closed but opened them when he heard the girl, he removed his arms from Cady and sat up. He remembered what Apollo had said, that they where helping a girl named Alie last night. Adrian waved and lifted his notebook to write to her 'are you Alie?'
Alie look at the boy sitting up and writing in a notebook."Oh, yes. Thats me. I'm sorry to wake you. I heard the chaos and thought lullabies would help calm her."
Adrian shrugged he hadn't really been asleep, he looked down at Cady before writing. 'Thank you, I'm glad your alright though. I'm Adrian Boyd.' He smiled when he flipped the notebook so she could read it.
Apollo walked up to the house after leaving his friends there with Cady. He didn't want a possibility of them getting hurt, not again.
Adrian smiled before writing, 'so you play guitar?' He wanted to do anything to get his mind off of everything that seemed to be happening.
Apollo remembered refusing Rita as she wanted to go with him, of all people he didn't want her to get hurt again. He banged on the door hoping for a response not caring who it is.
(Meh, Ill be in the art room.)

Rita watched, curiously, returning to the room, deciding that Apollo could handle it. She saw the girl from before. "Alie! How do you feel?"

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