Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Adrian just looked at him holding a serious glare, one he hadn't usen much before. Then texted, 'I want to, but please let me come.'
"I'm going to be alright. trust me, she needs you." Apollo said res.ting his hand on Adrians shoulder. "Make sure Rita's alright too for me, alright?"
Adrian pinched his nose his angry glare fading to worry looking up at Apollo and mouthed with little hope 'please?'
Apollo walked back inside to Rita "You can come too, if anything happens though I want you to just get Cady somewhere safe alright?".
Rita nodded, easily lifting the thinner and smaller girl in her arms and walking out to the car. "I'll take care of her, no matter what happens." She answered with a grim smile. 
(I have to sleep.)
"Wait!" Alie said and taking a breath. "I know you only just met but listen. You three should go, I'll take care of Cady. I may not be anyones first choose for the matter. I can see from the expression on Adrian's face. Plus he did a sigh that sounded like he needed to do something and not feel so worthless, just how I am now and any other day." Alie paused for a quick second decided what to say next. "Rita is able to do self defense, you need her if anything happens." Remembering her parents the day the passed, she recalled what she did. "It is not what you do in normal life, nor what you don't do that determine who you are, but that things you are able to do, with the abilities given. My father always said that to me when I was little. They were also the last words spoken by, both my mother and father at the time they passed." Holding back tears, she continued. "I may be the new girl, I am smart alright, I took different class on anatomy, physiology and even other biomedical courses. As one with the knowledge to help others, not fighting, nor protecting, but healing and figuring out ways to calm the mind. Let me please repay the debt of saving my life, not once but twice! Let me do this for my parents who died before I could become what they wanted me to become, and maybe, this moment is that moment my parents wished for." Finally, she lost control of her tears and the flowed out as a water fall does after a rain storm.
"You make sure everyone's alright okay?" Apollo told Alie as he was the last to leave, leaving them alone. "As for Rita, I don't want her in the way of danger, or anyone for that matter, but if you can help them if anything happens you come along".
"Alright Apollo." she said while following him outside. "Here is my number and address if you'd like me to do anything else. My place is somewhere we can take the others if anything goes wrong. It has medicinces and other things to help injuries or any emotional issues." Getting into her car, Alie followed the others from behind as the approached their destination a little bit longer.
Adrian stared at his feet as he tapped his thigh nervously, then texted Apollo truthfully, 'thank you, really.'
Adrian sensed his friends doubt it was thick in his stare. Adrian knew he'd get in the way somehow but he didn't just want to be along for the ride he needed to experience it. Adrian bit his lip turning away to look out the window his hands tensely gripping his sleeves.
Cady woke up, she looked around realising she was in a car with the strange girl. She looked at her, eyes wide with terror.

"Who are you! Where am I going? Are you working with him?"
Cady looked over at Adrian and rested her head on his shoulder. 'Sorry' she signed 'where are we going?'

(might not be on tonight, going to a party)
Adrian signed back lazily we're going to that idiot guys house Adrian looked out the window rubbing his eyes with his index and thumb.
"We're going to your house Cady, nothing's going to happen to you or anyone else understand?"

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