Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Before going to Cady's home, Alie made friends with her and dropped them off at Alie's house. Alie played music to help keep Cady calm. "Hey Cady, I know We only met today, but I can see in the way you act that you care from Apollo, Rita and especially Adrian. All of you seem to be very close friends. I hope I can become one with you as well. What do you think Cady?" Alie waited for a reply and decided to go make some food when the others come with news.
Apollo decided Cady would be safe at Alies so he and the gang left back to the school. Awaiting any further action, and try to help the situation dissolve among the group

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Back at the school, Rita decided upon returning to the art room, to do anything to distract her from whats going on. Cady would be safe with the girl. She didn't like that this was how it had to be though. It wasn't right.
Nao will be blue and Mayu will be red))

Looking across the campus he grunted in amazement and began walking across the campus he had a certain grace about the way he walked and his form moved lithely like a cat as a group of people moved closer talking amongst themselves he noticed them and noted their rhythm and dodged each one of the people by a hair. In his ear unnoticed by any other person was a small earpiece which was softly playing a tune to which he matched his pace to. As it changed he switched his pace knowing what the next song was. Looking at a building in a less commuted area of the campus he opened the door and walked in and took the stairs two at the time easily as his long legs were probably capable of taking three at the time. Looking down at a sheet of paper he moved on to the next floor and opened the door shifting the bag on his back as he did so. He moved into the hallway and kept moving until he found the room he was looking for. He tried to open the door and when it did not give he gave it a short kick and the door crumbled under the strength of his leg and it clattered to the ground with quite the noise and he walked in and coughed a few times as the door falling had stirred up quite a bit of dust into the air. Waving his hand he diluted the dust and looked around. It was a proper dance studio with quite a lot of room, the mirrors were gray with built up dust and the hand rails rusted from exposure to the open air. He set his bag down and looked for a supply closet where he got the broom and dust pan out and began to sweep the dust on the floor up into a pile. After he finished that he went to the main building and got a rag and 2 bottles of glass cleaner out as well as floor polish and more rags. He went back to the room and set about cleaning the rest of the glass and polishing the floor so he could use it again. It was well into the night when he took a break and looked at the door and again went to the supply closet and got some tools and repaired the door. After he had finished that job the lights started to flicker and he groaned a the next job he had to do. But he did not pause as he went on and got ladder and went about replacing the lights in the room until it looked like it had when it had still been used. Satisfied with his work he looked at the floor and frowned and polished it again all by hand until he was satisfied with his work. He looked out the window and noticed the sun was climbing the horizon again and he thought back to when he had arrived at the building, it must have taken a good 12 hours to get the room back to it's formal glory. He turned his attention back to the room and sized up the handrail and grunted taking the screw driver from his pocket where he had put it and began taking it off the wall. He yelped as it broke and a piece of rust punctured his skin, thank goodness he had already had his shoots this year. Gingerly taking the rust from his palm he then wrapped it in a simple bandage and resumed removing the handrails from around the room. He stacked them together and picked them all up in one go with a grunt and shoved the door open with his other hand and walked out leaving the door and the lights on as he went and dumped the rails where the rest of the school trash went. Then he went ahead and walked into town and went to go talk with one of his friends for a favor. The friend grudgingly accepted and gave him the new handrails and he took them over his shoulder and began the trek back to school. When he arrived he took the rails back to the room and set them around where he would instal them later and he sat down to take a break as all the work he had done up unto that point had exhausted him. Figuring it would only be a short break he closed his eyes and fell promptly asleep as he had worn himself thin from all the work he had been doing.

She had also arrived at the campus late, She and Nao would be living in the dorms as they had no family close to the campus. Smiling to her self she walked around the campus looking for things to draw at a later point in time. Taking mental notes of places where there were things that she wanted to draw. She had a great memory so she hardly forgot where things were. She reached into her bag and pulled out an old ipod and started her favorite playlist which Nao had created for her on her birthday last year. Wondering what he was doing she walked to the building where she had heard several girls talking about a blue with turquoise hair working. Walking in she paused by the door and looked in and smiled as she saw him vigorously polishing the floor of the studio. Turning around her curiosity got the better of her and she opened the door behind her and could barley contain her squeal of happiness. It was an entire studio for artists she walked around and looked at the things in the room and smiled liking what she saw in the room. Walking back out of the room after she had saw what she wanted to she softly closed the door behind her and walked out of the building and started walking towards the dorm rooms. When she arrived at her dorm building she unlocked the front door with a key card and wandered the halls wondering where her room was. Finally finding it she opened the door with the key she had received earlier that day and walked in. She closed the door behind her and looked at the boxes on the floor and grimaced and set about organizing the contents of each box in the room and cleared a space on the generic desk in her room for her stuff and set her note book on the desk and opened it up flipping past drawings until she reached almost the back of the book where she looked around the room and smiled and began drawin her room eaxctly as it was and how she saw it. She of course added in details for things that she might add to her room at a later time. Pausing every now and then she sharpened her pencil and resumed drawing. She did this until a little clock on her desk set off a quiet alarm and she stopped. Closing her note book she walked to the sink and brushed her teeth and changed into her pajamas and got into bed and fell promptly asleep. The next morning she woke with her alarm clock blaring it's noise to wake her up. Groaning she slammed the sleep button on it and turned over but she caught herself and swung her legs out of the bed and got up and pulled off her clothes and ran a brush hastily trough her hair and walked out of the room closing the door behind her as she left for the dining area
Apollo had heard movement in the dance room as he warily approached it. He opened the door to find a stranger.

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Emmet decided to take a stroll, with his converse and his fashion model clothes. He opened his door, and stepped out. On the street, he walked by a few houses.
At Alie's house. she figured out a way to help Cady. He father came up with this and used it on Alie when she was young. The processes goes like this. Soft music will be playing in the background with the subject, closing their eyes, would think and describe a happy place. Some one will be listening and drawing ever single detail. It works better with an unknown or new voice to help the person tune out any other voices. When Alie described the procedure, Cady chose to continued. When the picture was finished, Alie gave it to Cady saying, "You did amazing, here, whenever you feel alone or scared, remember this scene. Also, I decided to put the song on a CD for you to take home. Now, why not something to eat? what would you care to have?"
Adrian yawned quietly, he was sitting on his bed and he was preparing for his foster parents to enter at any moment. They had been bickering for awhile and he knew it involved him. Then that's when the door opened and they walked in with grave expressions. Adrian held is neutral look but it fell as they began to speak,

"Adrian me and Danielle" he never called her by her full name, "received a call from the police this afternoon. And..." He paused for a moment, Adrian was now standing up, his mind a mess of questions. "They discovered a women's body down in Colorado, it was your mothers."
Apollo sat back at his desk, thinking of the events that had happened throughout the past few days. The discoveries. He sat a glass by his old type writer, and filled a glass of scotch to sip as he pounded away on the keys. With every key stroke it seemed he was screaming, unleashing his inner turmoil. With every word he typed he was freeing him, the pain, the frustration, the sadness, the rage, pure raw emotion all being released with every loud punch on the keyboard. After finishing, he stood up, from his chair, opened the drawer in his desk he keeps for such things, and placed the paper inside. Apollo then left his study, locking the door, and putting his keys in his pocket, walking to his bedroom.
Adrian face held fear as he mouthed 'really?' Danielle and Cory then nodded in unison before Cory spoke "their giving you permission to see her before the burial, which you'll attend as well. They can't bring her here you would need to go to Coloado." Adrian was confused, what where these feelings that where caught in his head. He should be happy right? His mother was finally found after 10 long years. But what held back that feeling, he questioned as he patted the air behind him for something to grab. He was so light headed, Adrian sat on the edge of his bed covering his face in his hands before answering by nodding.

"Alright, me and Cory need to work so we can't come but in two days you will take off to Colorado her memorial will be on your second day and you'll fly back after. Make sure to stay up to date on school work Adrian. And.." Danielle trailed off staring at Adrian's his shoulders hunched over as he hid his face from the world. And soon enough the door closed leaving Adrian alone in his own dream, or nightmare. 
At some point he fell asleep, he wasn't plagued with bad dreams nor good dreams. Just an oblivion a black blank mass of nothingness surrounded him in his dreams. Wishing for the next day to not come.
Adrian arose to the sudden ding of his phone and saw the text, he didn't want to pull people into his past. So he just replied, 'stuff, you?'
"Just did some writing, taking it easy. It's been a crazy week hasn't it? Just lucky to have a friend like you during it."

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'Oh wow thanks, back at you. There isn't a dull day with this group.' Adrian laid on his side as he texted scrunching his eyes shut in thought of how he was gonna tell them he'd be gone for awhile.
"You're right about that. You've been brave throughout it all, no matter how bad it's gotten."

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Adrian was slightly surprised replying with modesty, 'thanks but I didn't do as much as you. Your what made us a group Apollo. You where my first friend and always understand I'm grateful for that.' Adrian hit send before realizing it sounded like a fair well to him. He hoped Apollo wouldn't take it that way.
"And you're what keeps us together" Apollo sent him as he couldn't help but smile.

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He then cautiously decided to ask him a question almost as if to admit something himself "What do you think of Rita?"

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Adrian smiled at the first text about to reply when his phone dinged again. He tapped the text reading it over slightly confused but still replayed truthfully. 'Shes a very sweet girl, Rita is nice and caring but tough when she needs to be. I see her as a great friend.'
"I agree" Apollo felt strange getting on the subject on her as such but almost wanted to tell someone how he felt.

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Adrian smiled, 'do you want to talk about her?' He would listen if Appolo wanted to talk.
Apollo stared at the text wondering how to answer. He thought, and thought, and decided to text "If it's a bother, don't worry" he wanted to, but at the same time his nerves were getting the better if him.

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Adrian just simply replied 'I'll listen' he would do anything to get his mind off of tonight and was lucky to have a pleasant opportunity like this.

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