Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"Yea. My father gave me my guitar." she said and smiling to Adrain. Rite walked in a bit later. "I'm feeling a lot better. Stills hurts a bit but I'm okay. How are you Rita? you seemed exhausted early?"
Rita let out a small laugh. "It really doesn't matter. As long as nobodies bleeding out or dead, Im happy." She said, feeling happy to see thegirl in one piece. "But I bet that guy cried when I snapped his jaw."
Rita looked at Adrian, not really upset, just a little disappointed. "I did it to knock her attacker out. I've been trained in basic self defense. The break wasn't something I planned on and she didnt have time to wait with an armed man for the cops."
Adrian sat back dropping his notebook, leaning onto his hands. He wish he could have been there, but he knew he wouldn't have helped. Never had he fought, it was just wrong to him. Adrian let out a low sigh.
Adrian nodded knowingly his eyes closed loosely. He ran his fingers through his bangs, once again reminding himself he needed a trim.
Apollo didn't see a sign of anyone. He was frustrated, he didn't want this situation to arise again or continue. He drove back to the school to ask more questions. He walked in to find Rita and the others in the art room. "Where's Cady?" Apollo asked sternly.
Adrian rose a finger to his lips before lowering it to point to Cady right next to him.
"When she wakes up let me know." Apollo was determined to get to the bottom of it, and do it without risking their safety.

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Adrian didn't like the anger and frustration in his eyes, he found his heart racing. He had been stared at with that look to many times he began to feel small, he lifted his phone texting Apollo. 'Calm down, I understand just please.'
"I'm taking care of this Adrian" he said as he nodded affirmatively to him. "Don't worry about anything, alright?".

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Rita stood up, facing Apollo. "I've been thinking about this a bit and.. I think you need to understand that whatever happens, it won't be all on you. We need to take care of things together and I mean all of us. If something bad happens, we can't fall back on you." She said, looking first at Apollo, then Adrian for support.
"I won't see you, or any of the others hurt again. I won't lose you too!" Apollo declared loudly.

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Adrian immediately stood up looking at Apollo. And ridiculously still texted him, 'you think I want to see you hurt? Do you think Rita and Cady want you hurt! I don't want anything to happen to you.' Adrian hit send his hands shaking. His face held fearful anger.
Rita turned red, but not blushing. It was a bit of frustration. "It's not all on you! If something happens.. I need to know you trust us enough to help handle it." She said in a calm enough voice. "You ever stopped to think if something bad happened to you, what we would do? We are all here! Not one of us needs to carry everyone else and the world on their shoulders."
"It's what I have to do." Apollo said as he turned to walk out of the room. "I'm going to look into this more, you two take care of her, alright?".
Rita was officially more than pissed. "If you leave without thinking this through and without us.. God damn it.." She looked down at Cady, sadly understanding something needs to happen."Yeah, fine."
Adrian didn't understand he couldn't just stay away this time. So he walked after Apollo gripping his notebook without a word. He was coming, he was.
Apollo walked over to his car noticing Adrian "Cady needs you. Out of all of us she needs you the most." he told him. He knew Adrian was the one person that could get Cady through a situation like this.

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