Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

(Sorry, I was drawing Thor, I finally finished!!)

Cady smiled at Rita "I-i-if you're sure. And yeah, see you tomorrow." She turned to Adrian, grabbing her car keys, signing to him. Let's go.

B-b-b-ye Apollo, thanks for sh-showing us ar-round your home"
"See you guys tomorrow!" He said with a smile. Zedric came to him surprise and asked about his friends, to which Apollo talked about at great length. He then went to his room, thinking about his family. It would happen every night, when he was alone, the old wounds would re-open again. He sat at his type writer, and let the wounds bleed out. With every vigorous stroke of the keys, and and pound he tried to bleed it all out.
here it is, it's centred around Valentines, he saw people exchanging heart shaped things and thought it could be any organ.)

Cady climbed into the car and waited for Adrian, she let out a deep breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. Her muscles finally relaxed after such a tense day. Her stomach growled slightly and she felt a small pang of anxiety.
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(I'll wait for the parting of Cady and Adrian.)

Rita finally got to her dorm and sat inside. She sat upright on her bed with some watercolors and charcoal, ready to wait until she was too tired to keep working, but before she started, she tried to keep completely still. She stared down at her hands, waiting for the feeling to come. She felt a slight jolt, but surprised it, keeping her hands and body still. It wasn't something that would have to be there forever, she told herself. She could just wake up one day and be calm and in control. Taking a deep breath, she felt the need to do it. It was like holding back a bad cough. She ticked, allowing a small noise from her throat and her hands to twitch and ball up. Todays not that day. It was the only thing that people could visibly see that was a real flaw, but it wasn't something she could do much about. Sighing, she started drawing. At least she found some people who don't notice, haven't heard and wouldn't care anyways.
Adrian sat beside Cady silently, and pulled the seatbelt over his lap and tapped his thigh. Before Cady could start the car Adrian signed to her thank you. He dint have much more to say, his body felt worn and aged from the long day. His head still ached from the events which had happened just earlier and he found his fingers shaking as they tapped nervously. But soon he thought of everyone he had met, every single one having beautiful personalities, Adrian's bangs fell over his eyes and he was about to move them when he heard Cadys stomach growl and looked over at her with a questioning glare.
Cady smiled at his signing and leant over and hugged him, she realised what she was doing and pulled away embarrassed. I'm sorry about that she signed, placing a hand over her stomach, she was starving - nothing new. She started the car engine and drove back slowly.
Adrian just waved a little as if dismissing her embarrassment and telling her it was fine. But once again his ears picked up her stomach growling and turned to look at her, he hadn't really seen her eat at the restaurant so this rose suspicion in him.
Cady saw his look and turned to the road, embarrassed. She refused to meet his eye as she pulled up to his house, shaking ever so slightly.
Adrian's house was small and quant not what you would imagine for a family, it was hidden down a path in the trees and it's only neighbors where four other homes. Adrian stepped into the dark night from the car and sighed to her remember that we're all here. And with that Adrian nodded to her farewell and walked up his gravel walk way and into his home. The house was silent and pitch black as he sneaked to his room, there was not a sound that leaked from any corner in their home as he took of his shoes and crawled into bed. But Adrian was unable to fall asleep as he laid in a curled up ball afraid of his own dreams.
Cady smiled unconvincingly at his signing, giving him a small wave before driving off into the night. Now no one was around she could drive fast, speeding round every corner. It made her feel alive. It's not that she wanted to die, it's just, if a car was coming towards her, she wouldn't stop it.

She eventually got to her empty dorm and crawled into bed, stripping her clothes off. Falling asleep as she hit the pillow. Like always her dreams were plagued with nightmares and she woke up twice, mid panic attack.

(Shall we skip?)
Apollo awakened the next day on the floor to the sound of Zedric calling him. He had a tendency to thrash about in his sleep, like Adrian his own nightmares sometimes got the better of him. He stood for a moment, dropped to the floor to begin doing push ups same as he did every morning. He went until his arms grew completely numb and then some. He took a shower, got dressed, and climbed in his truck, ready to go to school, and even more ready to see his friends.
(Yeah, but I'm going to zoom through some of the school. You can imply how the day was)

Rita was covered in charcoal by the time it was time to get up. She jumped in the shower and rinsed the nights work away, feeling drowsy. That meant her crash might be coming. She shook the though away and went to school. That day went much like the others. Teachers were annoyed. Students would try to offend her by pointing out the obvious and her laughing it off. However, she count seem to bring her eyes to focus. It was a haze. She ended up exhausted at lunch time, holing herself up in the art room, making final adjustments to her bust.
Cady rolled out of bed and grabbed an apple, she sat at her desk nibbling it as she browsed online. She finished and chucked it in the bin.

She gazed out the window in all of her lessons, jumped out of everyones way so no one would make contact with her and didn't look anyone in the eyes.
Adrian awoke groggily and looked at his cat clock which laid next to his bed. He had finally fallen asleep two hours ago and now here he was once again awake. His eyelids felt like led as they continuously attempted to close and force him back into slumber. His room was naturally lit by the sun which peaked through his blinds, "Adrian wake up bud." The voice of Cory fell down the hallway and through the door of Adrian's room. Adrian wanted to say something in return but knew he wouldn't as he changed into an odd sweater with fading jeans and old moccasins.
Apollo just sat in his classes, usually being as brief as possible to those talking to him. Every guy ,every girl who was just fawning. He was just waiting for the bell. Lunch finally rolled around and he walked to their hallway to see if anyone in the club was there, usually stopping and trying to escape the occasional group of girls, or guys wanting him to throw the ball around with them until he arrived. He opened the door to find Rita finishing her bust. "Hey, it's looking great." He told her, smiling.

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Cady stopped at the cafe to grab a bottle of water before making her way over to the club. For the first time ever she knew exactly where she was going. She normally wandered around aimlessly until lessons started, avoiding the cafe for dear life. She walked in and smiled at Apollow and Rita, picking up a pencil she started to sketch.
Rita looked up, groggily. Everything seemed to be moving a bit fast for her. "Huh..? Oh hey. I didn't hear the doors open. Thank you. You wanna join me..?" She wiped some clay dust off her forehead and grinned. 
"Oh, Cady's here too.. all we need is one more, hm?"
Adrian's day was like the rest, quiet with the occasional insult or yell here and there. He had seen Apollo during lunch and was about to walk up to him but stopped when he saw him with others. That was probably a highlight of his day either way though just seeing one of his new friends caused happiness to fill him.

And now here was walking down the hallway gripping his notebook to his chest as he strode through the school. His hair tickled the lower part of his neck reminding him that he needed a haircut just as he reached the doors. He attempted to hide his sleepiness before he opened the door and entered the art room.
" I may be better observing, I'm not much of a sculptor" he stated. "By the way, I'll be late getting in here after school, I've got a game, should be over by 6".

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Cady looked up as Adrian entered the room, unable to help the smile making its way onto her face. She remembered what he said last night, We're all here for you. And her smile faltered a little she knew it wasn't true. Not really. She looked down at her drawing, concentrating harder than necessary on it.
Rita calmly looked up at him, a half smile etched in her face."Oh, hey Adrian. I like how everyone had the same idea. What kind of game do you have? I might watch if its interesting." She said a bit less loudly and excitedly than she liked. She looked at Adrian, when Cady said that, but didn't say anything.
Adrian averted his gaze to his shoes when Cady repeated what he had signed but looked up to listen to Rita's and Apollos conversation.
"Just a baseball game nothing special, I hope it doesn't rain, I've been looking forward to it." He said enthusiastically. He found sports, and competition an excellent release as well as he did writing.

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