Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

"We will. It's alright bringing it up and all. We'll be at my place soon. Zedric can help as well. If anyone can help anyone it's him" Apollo said with a bright smile.
Rita smiled excitedly, now playing with her hair. She really wanted to see what another students home was like. It was embarrassing, but she really found herself looking forward to it. "Oh.. how'd Zedric know my name?" She asked, remembering how she was addressed.
Adrian watched the world go by as his hair flapped in the wind, his head hurt and he had become tired despite where he was sitting. Adrian wrapped his arms around his ankles and kept his legs close to his chest. He felt like he could fall asleep, his eyelids where constantly closing into one another. He thought that he'd just close them and try to stay awake but he was soon asleep in that position.
Apollo said bashfully "I mentioned you, um, when I went to get you. He's pretty great. The best man I know"
Rita giggled, "When you went into the wrong bathroom, you mean? He seems like a great guy. Have you always had him there for you? He seems fairly close with you."
She closed her eyes for a moment, imagining a little apollo and started laughing. Sure she looked crazy, she looked back in his direction. "You were adorable..." Rita stifled the laughter and looked straight out towards the road. "I'm a little envious... Well, you're going to have someone there for you from birth, on forever."
Apollo laughed "I suppose I am lucky in that regard." He turned on a road near the school, and continued down it, finally coming upon a large gate which he passed through. Atop the hill past the gate was a large mansion. Apollo looked more nervous as they approached it, he felt almost ashamed. He made it to the top of the hill and stopped the truck at the front.
Adrian's head rested on top of his knees giving the illusion he was awake yet he wasn't. His hair continued to rage through the air and his fingers grip on his ankles had loosen as he sat there. He had never been in such a deep sleep before his dreams usually plagued with memories or hypothesis' of his family. But now he was dreaming happily of actually speaking with everyone, it truly was a dream of his to converse with others making this dream very pleasant for him.
Apollo climbed out of his truck, went to the back and gently shook Adrian "Hey, we're here, it's much more comfortable inside than in the back of this dusty old truck.".
"Wow, it's really gorgeous here!" She looked at the land like a child would look at candy or a new toy. She came to the back to see a sleeping Adrian. "He looks happy."
Adrians head rose from his position his eyes barely open, he looked at Apollo and Rita before his head flopped back onto his knees back asleep.
"Well I'm not just going to leave him here" said Apollo, he then carefully reached into the back of the truck and lifted him out, with intentions of carrying him inside, growing more and more concerned about him.
"Maybe we should? He'd probably be more comfortable in a bed anyways." She stared at Adrian, not wanting to wake him, though they couldn't have him sleeping here. She was fairly tall and strong for her age, but Adrian wasn't so tiny himself. "You think he's alright? He's probably tired himself out, seeing as this is new for him too."
Apollo simply lifted him, being gentle enough not to wake him, and carried him towards the door. He was used to much heavier, given the fact he would wrestle and spar with Zedric to train.
Adrian allowed himself to be carried his body limp, he was in a deep sleep his dream continuing to be one with him, Apollo, Rita and Cady. They where all just sitting under a tree everyone exactly how they are not a single change, all of us with a smile on our faces as we spoke. It was beautiful, a perfect dream to Adrian.

As he expire ended the dream a small smile came to Adrian's sleeping face.
Rita watched, following them closely. She saw a smile appear and tapped Apollo's shoulder lightly, pointing to Adrian. "Definitely a good dream." She looked at the large home and stayed slightly behind the other.
Apollo smiled, and looked at Rita "It must be a great one". He looked over to the large doors in front of them and said "My hands are a little, full could you get the door for me." grinning as he asked.
Rita nodded, nervously running up ahead and opening a large door. She was truly a bit intimidated by the place, but said nothing. Her hands ticked, holding the door handle tight and letting him go through.
As they walked in Zedric met them at the door "I am certainly glad you all decided to come, please follow me this way.". He led them to a large living room, filled with paintings, and a large fireplace. Zedric then asked "Would you like some coffee perhaps some tea?" Apollo then stood after laying Adrian on the couch and said "I'll get it don't worry", and went off to fetch it.
Once set upon the couch Adrian curled into a ball his hands gripping his sleeves cuffs.
The moment Rita walked into the large room, she was inspecting every detail of the painting. She tried identifying the style and what artist it might be. When she was out of paintings, she was looking at the woodwork of the fireplace. "Adrian's asleep.. I believe he tired himself out... Zedric, was it?" She smiled at the man. "Apollo's really a kind guy, but from the sound of it, he's very lucky to have you." She felt as though she said something a bit too personal in front of him, so she took out a drawing pad in fidgety hands and sketched.
"He certainly is a nice boy" he said his expression more somber. "I've served his family for a long time, I watched him grow up, from every time he cried as a babe, to every skinned knee, to now. His mother and father are the same Barrett's of the Barrett Media Company. They were charitable, great people, always giving, and good to their children. They had to go to Europe on business when he was 6 years old, he was afraid of flying, so he stayed here with me. His mother, father, and two brothers got on the plane, and he stayed with me. The weather became quite inclement, the plane ended up crashing in the middle of the ocean, taking his family with it. It was a true tragedy, an awful thing to happen to the most wonderful people I've ever known. He was the only one left, and on that day, I promised to never leave the young masters side, and I never intend to. It's wonderful to see him with friends, he hasn't made many, wether it be the women fawning after him, or the board of directors sons trying to rope him into whatever the bloody hell they do, he hasn't opened up. He's strong, he'll never show his pain, but it's there. He's truly a wonderful young man in my eyes. I'm sorry if you feel I've said too much Madame."

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