Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Cady smiled back at Adrian, a slight red tint over her cheeks "I-I find it hard to talk to people too" she stammered. She turned to the others, "thank you for m-making me feel at home here."
Rita shook her head at what Apollo said, suddenly a little less happy. "I'm not all that great, but I appreciate that you would say that. Her mind returned to when her mother was depressed. How she blamed it all on her. She shook the thought from her head and continued sculpting. "Im just really glad you found your way here.."
Adrian sensed the sadness which was etched in Ritas voice this caused him to look at her with sad interest. He didn't want to ask but it would stay in his mind.
"Well Rita we certainly think so, and to start something such as this it's apparent you are very special." He said as he brushed the bit of hat hanging in is face back, looking her in the eyes.
Adrian nodded in agreement pushing his scarf over his mouth as he mouthed the words silently to himself 'your smile is amazing.'
Cady looked over at Adrian, smiling as she saw him mouthing words. She curled her hands into her sleeves and started chewing her sleeve nervously.
Rita turned her attention completely away from her piece for the first time since she walked in and looked at Apollo. Her eyes were slightly widened, and she look as though she was going to say something. Special? Her aunt taught her a while back. It just made money. Everyone has something that makes them great, though. She blushed, noticing that she was actually looking into his eyes, as in making full eye contact. Her hands weren't occupied. She wasn't multitasking. Her eyes skimmed Adrians lips for a moment, and a smile reappeared. She lifted her hand to half cover her eyes and let out a small laugh full of mirth. "Thank you guys.. Im really happy now."

She turned back to her work, but didn't touch it yet. Just watched. "I cant wait to see what you do."
Adrian turned from Rita towards Cady a pleasant smile on his face but raised an eyebrow at Cadys nervous exterior.
"I'm very glad, hopefully we can meet everyone here soon, and ego knows even come across new members" Apollo stated to Rita thinking of what a wonderful place full of wonderful people he had come across.
Cady's eyes dropped to the floor under Adrians gaze and wordlessly walked back to her easel. 'Deep breaths.' She thought. She tried to concentrate on her breathing, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest violently. She swallowed a lump in her throat and picked up her paintbrush shaking violently.
Rita nodded to Apollo. "Everyone I met so far seems.. different. Hey, Cady?" She looked towards the girl who was shaking. Getting up slowly and walking towards her. "Are you alright?"
Adrian watched Cadys shaky grip on the wooden paint brush and his Eyebrows furrowed. He didn't llike seeing her full of anxiety and he looked at Apollo for a moment worry in his eyes.
"I-I-I-I" Cady couldn't breath. She felt like her throat had closed up and her breathing was shallow and empty. "Anxiety at-at-at-at-atack" she managed to blurt out in between her shallow breaths. She could feel her pulse echoing throughout her entire body. Her head felt light and fuzzy and the pins and needles were already forming in her hands and feet.
Adrian knew what to do and ran towards her wrapping his arms around her shoulders before taking the brush from her grasp. He needed someone to speak to her as he tried to calm her.
Rita ran to her side, whispering to Adrian "Lower her down.." The turned to Cady. "shhh..." She whispered softly. "Its okay Cady.. try to breath smoothly. Deep breaths, slow." She thought for a moment. What to do, how to help. "There is nothing here to hurt you... everyone here cares and wants you to be happy.. See yourself somewhere your loved, alright? Thats where you are.. so please be calm.." This was something she used on someone before, just not for the same problem.
Cady wrapped her arms around Adrian tightly, needing desperately to hold onto something solid to focus herself. She buried her face into him, gasping for air. 'I am safe. I am fine. My brain is making me fear things that aren't there.' She kept repeating in her head. She heard Ritas voice and tried to focus on the words whilst keeping a hold of Adrian. Ritas voice was fading in and out and Cady tried not to lose it. If she didn't listen, she'd lose herself to the attack. She could feel herself on the verge of passing out, she kept taking deep breaths.
Adrian lowered her to the ground setting her head on his lap pushing her bangs out of her face.
"Just stay calm, take deep breaths." Apollo said calmly "get her something to drink" he said looking to Rita, with an assured look. "Everything's going to be fine, don't worry about a thing".
Rita allowed a smile to return, as she saw Cady trying to take deeper breaths. "We're all here for you.." She said before running to get an unopened bottle of water and some orange juice from her backpack. One was so she would remember lunch. That sort of failed. The water was for later, but she could get another. Orange juice would give her energy after she calmed down. She returned and placed the two by Apollo. "Is this good?"
Cady curled up in a ball, whimpering softly, clutching at Adrian, breathing getting deeper and deeper each time. She tried not to think about the cause, tried to shut her brain off, stop it thinking bad thoughts and it started to work.
"It's perfect" Apollo said to Rita he knelt down to Adrian and Cady. "Here, drink this when you can, it'll help, I promise".
Adrian felt her calm down and clutched her body comfortingly his own hands shaking as it brought back old memories. He raised a hand and rubbed her arm soothingly still not wanting to speak.
Cady's breathing calmed down and she could feel the panic passing. She lay there for a second, panting slightly, tears threatening to escape. She sat up slowly and looked at the three of them. "S-sorry." She mumbled meekly, she ran a hand through her hair self consciously.

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