Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

After applying all the features that came from the face into the neck, Rita stood to empty out a bowl full of reddish clay muck and refill it with the water it originally held. She passed by the drawing and sneaked a look. It was too hard to pass up. She loved art in every form, and seeing that of others made her happy. What she saw amazed her. Paying little attention to the middle, all the whimsical details left her in awe. "You've got a wonderful mind.." She said as she returned to her work.
Dylan looked up as the girl walked by. "Thanks," He said, not sure what else to say. It was a pretty strange compliment, but he'd take it. Dylan continued his drawing, adding every detail he could until there just wasn't anything left to add. He looked up, wondering what time it was. His foster parents usually liked him home before dinner, but he honestly didn't want to go back. The foster home was okay, but there were several other kids there, most of them quite a bit younger than him. None of them really liked him; they all thought he was creepy and weird.

Dylan figured he should probably take his medicine when he got back. He'd stop taking it for a few days because it seemed like he was all better, but then all the nasty things would come back. It happened every single time he stopped taking it, but he figured that some day, it would may actually work. He knew his doctor said he wouldn't never actually 'get better', but he figured the guy was just lying.
Apollo then walked forward into the art room. He saw people creating upon his entrance, it felt refreshing to him. He knew he should've said something but instead stood in awe.
Rita didn't notice the new persons entering. She was entranced in her clay bust, adding eyes to sockets and flattening coils to make eyelids. A small smile was painted along her fairly mild features in obvious enjoyment of her work. She touched the clay delicately but with enough control to form it perfectly. Now the thoughts of the boys picture filled her head.
Apollo merely leaned against the wall watching her work, not wishing to disturb, but wanting to be there.
Adrian stepped in after Apollo hoping he wouldn't mind him following him and leaned into the wall next to him nervously.
Rita, who was using the sharp end of a sgraffito tool to carve out unwanted clay from an eyelid, flinched at the sound of someone being near, cutting the palm of her left hand slightly. Instead of paying attention to her slight accident, her attention shifted to the two watching. She grinned a bit more, but in a nervous way. "Oh.. hi. Sorry, I didn't see you."
"I'm sorry if I disturbed you, my friend and I couldn't help but notice this hallway, the music and such. We decided to figure out what exactly this is".
Dylan looked up as two people walked in. How did they- oh, the lobster was gone. He supposed he could leave now, but he kinda' wanted to stay. Dylan watched the new boy and girl as they watched the clay girl. He didn't know anyone's names. His tired eyes blinked before returning to his paper. He pulled out a new sheet and began to work on whatever else came to his mind.
Ritas nervous smile turned into an easy one as she wiped the red drops on her hand on a sleeve casually. "That's easy. It's a club where you can make things and not have to worry about time or problems. Everyone here seems happy when they make beautiful things, so that must be it, right?" She answered in a soft voice, yet it was brimming with joy and self assurance.
Adrian gave a small smile and said, "That sounds excellent. My name is Apollo by the way, and yours?"
"Rita." She replied. Her hands ghosted over the area proper cheekbones would need to be formed with hands that and hard and have long held calluses. Shaping it freely was always fun. Manipulating the cold material was relaxing. "I'm sorry. I'm sure thus is boring to watch... What brought you two here?"
Adrian nodded his head from side to side when she said it was boring when to him it was interesting. But just shrugged nervously to her question.
"Quite the opposite, I found it intriguing. As for what brought us here, the best way to describe it would be a series of coincidences".
Rita laughed a moment at this. Her mind began to simulate scenarios that would bring one here. Coincidences. She didn't like the idea of random events occurring because they do for no other reason, so she decided they must love something themselves that they could create or do. "Well, I'm glad you ran into such a string of fortune, hmm? Welcome to my lair." She said in a joking tone. "Careful. It's dark and full of sharp things."
Adrian for a moment thought she was serious pushing closer to the wall before realizing the amusement in her tone a smiled softly before raising his scarf over his mouth more.
"I'll be sure to watch my step" Apollo said with a grin. He enjoyed the atmosphere of this place already. Though not completely comfortable, he was content.
"Ah, yes, I think I do know those songs." Odin said, replacing his hands on the slick keys of the piano. He started playing a part of the introduction of 'The Civil Wars'. It wasn't very much, since it was only an intro. The song echoed through the empty room, and down the wide hallways, taking up the unneeded space. As he finished the fraction of the song, he slowed, 'Was that the song she was talking about?' he asked himself. Finally, he stopped playing, and he looked up, questioning Vineres if he played the right melody. "Was I correct?" He asked her hesitantly, not wanting to be embarrassed by finding out he was playing the wrong tune the whole time.
Vineres couldn't help but smile, the chords and strumming patterns all flooding back into her memory. With a quick motion, she moved the capo down a couple frets to match the piano's tuning.

"Yes. You had it spot on really." She said, flashing Odin a final smile before picking up where he had left off. Her pick often switched back and forth between rhythm and lead, strumming a beat or two before plucking a few individual chords out. Her hand only faltered when it came to longer bars like F and B, her left hand stretching sometimes all the way across the board and then 3 frets down.

Vi managed to keep up with it though, not wanting to make Odin think that she wasn't a good player or couldn't stay in beat with another musician. The sounds ricocheted around the acoustics belly before being set out in waves around the room, somewhere along the way mixing with each hit of a hammer onto the Piano's strings.
Odin smiled as he continued to play the melody in tune with her, the unison of the beat of the chorus replaying again. His fingers stretched out along the keys, his positions changing many times, from a minor to a major, then back to another minor chord.

He was baffled by her talent, it was very melodic, and he could easily feel her emotion through the music. He could tell when she was having trouble or had faltered since it was all put into her music, her melody would slow a bit down, and so would he, he couldn't go ahead ahead of her and act as if nothing happened, it would affect the concept of 'playing together' and 'unison'.

"You're very talented.." Odin said as he continued to play the beat. He smiled a bit and closed his eyes, listening to their instruments' sounds fit together, the others' music filling the empty space of just one instrument playing.

He was entranced in the music, the melodies of the instruments couldn't help but compel his admiration, he enjoyed playing together with Vineres, and he hoped he could do it again.
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"Well it's nice to meet you, Cady." Joshua made his way back to his seat and closed his notebook, embarrassed by his work.
Adrian watched the movements of the other boys wrist as he had slid it over his canvas before looking and watching Rita shortly after. The rooms walls where covered in beautiful pieces each one having its own uniqueness hidden inside of it. His dull hazel eyes grazed each photo his fingers tapped the tip of his notebook anxiously. Art was inspirational and beautiful to Adrian, it fed into his thoughts some of the pictures looking like a visual of the scenery in his books. Each one peaked his interest more and more until his eyes stopped on a single painting, it looked like it was drawn with oil crayons it's surface almost rough. The picture was a plain black an white photo of a balloon drifting into the sky and he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. It spoke to him oddly enough this photo and he didn't understand why.
Rita noticed the trance Adrian seemed to be in when seeing the art. Her expression brightened even more than before. Good. "It's wonderful to have something you love so much, it pulls you into a different world.. isn't it? Feel free to join me and draw of something. The room would be dreary if it wasn't full of art."

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