Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

Cady picked up a palate and headed towards one of the empty canvases and started painting uneasily. She heard voices in the adjacent room and wasn't sure if she was allowed in here or not, she practised her words in her head over and over for the inevitability of them spotting her and kicking her out. She could feel her heart pounding and started humming quietly in hopes it'd calm her nerves.
Adrian stood still for a moment before he stepped towards the wall of instruments, it had continued to draw his creative side to it. He strode towards it almost silently his floral vans laces clacking on the side of his shoes with each glide of his foot. Adrian's hair swayed to a halt when he finally stood in front of the only ukulele, the small guitar shaped instrument being what he was most experienced with. He didn't know whether or not anyone was staring at him or speaking to him, his thoughts where fixated on the wooden ukulele. Jonathon, Adrian's "Uncle" had a ukulele and Adrian played it whenever he came over there with his foster parents, playing the instrument being all he did there. At the memory of the cold strings on his fingers Adrian reached upwards and clasped the Ukuleles neck and brought it down and into his hands, his fingers trailing it's curved edges.
Joshua watched as the boy got a new canvas and began painting. Not sure what to do, he walked over to one of the walls and looked at some of the paintings and drawings on it. He found his attention captured by one, a drawing of a woman with abnormally long arms, a hook at the end of one and a circular saw on the other.

"Weird..." he muttered to himself, then turned to the other boy. He considered saying something, and even opened his mouth to do so before shutting it nervously. He didn't want to be a nuisance. However, the fact that he was just continuing to paint probably meant that the room's other occupant didn't mind his presence. Upon reaching this conclusion, Joshua decided that he would just sit down and work on his graphic novel a bit more. He found a seat on the right side of the room and settled in, pulling his materials from his bag.

"Now, where was I..." He took a moment to find where he had left off and began to draw the next panel.
Cady turned round, sensing someone else was in the room, she turned round and saw the boy sat in the corner drawing. She smiled nervously at him, the corners of her mouth twitching with uncertianty
Dylan looked up from his painting to look at the girl that had just walked in. He watched her for a moment, then turned back to his canvas. He started painting again, silently, for about a minute. Then, all of a sudden, he jumped. His brush fell to the floor, splatting blue paint across the tile. Dylan stood, backing away from his easel with a startled look on his face. He glanced back at the other boy and girl, then quickly hurried from the room.

Dylan made his way down the hall, strange voices floating around in his head. They weren't normal voices. They were all different, some low, some high, some whispered, some firm; but none of them had anything good to say. Dylan found an empty room with a half finished sculpture off to the side. He ducked in and leaned against the wall, watching warily as the wall across the room crawled and swirled. It looked like bugs were scurrying around under paint or something.
Rita suddenly flinched. Her eyes glazed slightly. "Talking to you is nice... but I forgot something!" Clay came first. Right. It made money. It kept her moving. Without a word to anyone, she sprinted out and came back to the room, tying her hair up with filthy, rusty hands, getting a bit of clay on her nose. Maybe it was the noise she heard, somebody else was here, reminding her there was work to be done. The room was dark, dreary and a bit scary, but somethings hand made brought life. She continued on it, it was more important than people, after all.
Cady jumped at the sudden movement as the boy ran out the room "a-a-are you okay?" she managed to stutter. She blushed deeply, dropping her brush. She wiped her clammy hands on her shirt and took a deep breath, controlling her breathing.
Joshua looked up, surprised, when the other boy ran out of the room. When he did, he noticed the girl. "What was that all about?" He asked her.
Cadys eyes widened in realisation she was being spoken to

"I-I-I" she started again. "Not sure." she blurted out wringing her hands together uncomfortably.
"Oh..." Joshua looked down at his work, then back up at the girl. "You think we should go after him?" He glanced out the door, not sure if he wanted to follow the other boy. Then again, what had made him run out of the room? Joshua looked around nervously.
Cady's breathing quickened.

"I-I-I th-th-think if he wanted us to.follow he would ha-have asked" Cady blushed a dark red.
"I hope he's okay..." Joshua looked at the girl, properly this time, and realized her breathing was uneven and she looked very nervous. "Er... are you okay? You look... scared. And you're stuttering..."
Cady tried to swallow, the lump in her throat making it near impossible.

"I-I always do..." she trailed off, trying to give a convincing smile. "I'm fine"
Dylan jumped a little when someone came in the room. He stared at them, wide eyed. However, they didn't seem to notice he was there. He stayed as quiet as he could as he watched the girl sit down and continue working on her sculpture. Should he leave? Well, he couldn't, really. There was a giant, black lobster blocking the doorway. Dylan watched as it scuttled around a little mostly staying in it's place by the door.

Help me.

Dylan jumped again at the small voice. He looked back over at the girl, who was still busily working. Had...had that been her? Should he do something?


Dylan was pretty convinced that it had been the girl speaking. After all, it couldn't have been the lobster. Lobsters can't talk; that's just crazy! Dylan carefully inched towards the girl, trying to see what the matter was. She looked fine to him, but if she was asking for help...He slowly reached his hand out to touch her shoulder.
Cady realised she dropped her paintbrush and promptly picked it up, painting again. "you can do it" she thought "talking to new people isn't that hard. Normal people can do it."
Adrian plucked each string thoughtfully, his gaze falling on the line of dust which coated the pegs an neck on the instrument. His bangs fell over his eyes shading them from the rooms light as he examined the Ukulele. This one was a differant type of wood then his uncles, the shade being darker. It took him a moment but he soon tore his eyes from the instrument and over to Vinnie who held her guitar which was coated with unique designs.
Rita felt a slight touch, but she was so absorbed, it took her a moment to register it as a person. She knew her skin must feel hot to the touch. It always was and the heat of the room wasn't making it feel any better. Taking her time to set down tools , she looked towards the one gaining her attention and smiled lightly. "Hi." She basically whispered. "I thought I heard another in here." She continued to work, but split her attention. She recognized something in the boy that made her a bit quieter. A bit more gentle. Like she was approaching a deer, or maybe she was over thinking things and seemed crazy.
Odin flinched, pressing a C sharp instead of a regular C. The girl who asked if she could play along with him had surprised him. He wasn't used to have people talk to him at this quiet club, or at all, and he had also not noticed her presence. But, before he could answer, another girl had come in with a box of donuts. He admitted they looked delicious, he was a guy with a big sweet tooth, but he wasn't sure he should accept the sweets, he didn't want to be a nuisance.

The girl named Rita, who's name he caught when she introduced herself to Vineres, who he had also caught her name when she had introduced herself to a nervous-looking boy, offered that they should play a song. Vineres agreed, but before Odin could say anything he was silenced (again) when Rita had suddenly ran out the room, most likely remembering something that was more important than chattering with people. And he was left with the girl named Vineres.

Odin cleared his throat. "You.. could play with me.. if you'd like.." He said before returning to play his oak-wood piano. He stayed quiet for a bit, wondering if he had worded his answer correctly, since there was many other ways to address such a comment.

He started to place his fingers on the right keys, using his whole right hand this time, he decided to play more complicated songs than the ones he had played with his index finger. He started to play a melodic symphony by Chopin, only playing the important parts since he was only using one hand. He liked classical music, it was very relaxing, and could easily effect someone's emotions, and it made it that much better if he could produce such a sound himself, along with the piano, of course. He did prefer other music genres over classical, but he just continued to play the sweet tune, thinking that it suited the aura of the club.
Adrian looked from Vinnie to the other boy, the pianos sweet sweet melody pulling him in. But the feeling of un-welcomedness was in the pit of his stomuch so he delicatly placed the ukulele back on the wall and stepped towards where he had placed his notebook and pencil before. he lifted them to his chest and though he knew no one would be watching him he nodded his head and walked towards the door knowing no one would call him back inside.
"Thanks!" Vinnie said to Odin, smiling before Adrian went to leave.

"You are sure you don't want to play with us? We don't mind." She said, pulling up a rolling stool to perch on as she finished tuning her guitar.

"Would you like to play anything in specific?" She asked. Her thumb and index finger fiddled with the thin blue guitar pick in her hand, her left hand resting over all six of her strings to keep them muted. Her guitar had dark reddish-brown wood, the grain exemplified against the stain. Around the acoustics hole, someone had taken great care in decorating it with tribal patters than ended with about 2 centimeters width.

The neck was a lighter wood, the rods inside having been tightened just right by her mother so as no warps are present.
Odin paused for a minute, considering if there's anything he wanted to play with a guitar since he hadn't learned to play the instrument yet. "Not really.." he finally answered Vineres. "How about you?.. Is there anything you'd like to play?" He paused, thinking if he should say anything else. "Any genre or song is fine, I'll easily catch up to a song that I don't know by heart yet." Odin continued with a small smile. "My name is Odin, by the way. I guess I should have told you earlier." He said, remembering that he should introduce himself, as he added a small chuckle at the end, trying to make it seem friendly. "And yours is Vineres, right? I heard it when you introduced yourself to the boy earlier."
"Do you know any folk, or southern gothic? Like..." Vi wondered on this or a moment before the most popular came to mind. "Delta Rae? Or indie like The Civil Wars?"

She spun side to side lightly, her feet hitting the metal legs of the chair.

"And yes. You can call me Vi or Vinnie if you'd like. They seem to be the most common nick names."

Vineres chuckled a little, genuinely smiling at the boy. She was happy to have someone to play with now if they could ever agree on a song. She liked discussing the genres with him though.
Apollo, had heard the music, and the chatter as he walked through the hallway. He stopped for a moment, wondering, him being new, if he should introduce himself, he enjoyed the music, they seemed quite happy as well. At the same time, he was unsure of them, and knew he wanted to get back to working on his novel. He stood still for a moment, wondering if he should speak to them, or pass them by. He then said to himself "I've got things to do anyways. Hmph" as he walked away.
Adrian had stepped out of the room quietly as the boy by the name of Odin and Vinnies conversed on what to play. He stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind him quietly with a small click. His fingers slowly lifted off the silver knob and turned around to see the rest of the hall. The sound of faint footsteps caught his attention and he turned to look down the hall to see who it may have been.
Apollo heard someone behind him, he continued walking, thinking to himself how he would rather not get caught up into anything to distract him from him writing at that moment. Finally he stopped, ran his hand through his hair as if second guessing himself, and turned around.

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