Artists Sanctuary [Inactive]

(Haha wow. This is sorta, kinda, not really popular. Meanwhile Im working on some charcoal and I come back after a while and find I missed like five posts.)
Adrian watched the boy continue to walk away, Adrian opened his mouth as if he was going to speak but stopped knowing he didn't have the guts to do it, so he just stood there silently grasping his notebook closer to his chest. He was about to leave not seeing the need of standing there any longer until he noticed the boy turn around and face him. For a moment Adrian just stood there motionless until finally one of his hands unclasped his journal and waved nervously.
Dylan jumped a little when the girl turned around. She seemed fine...not in trouble or anything. In fact, she even spoke to him. "Hi," He said, equally as quiet. He watched her for a few moment, as if suspicious, before peering over her shoulder at the clay.

"What're you making?"
Rita smiled gently at the question, then she scooted over a little for him to sit by her. "Here.. take a look. It's going to be a profile of a woman.. you can tell its a woman by how slender her neck is.." She stopped to run her fingers over the moist clay. Unfortunately, thats all she had of it. That and shoulders. "Here.. touch if you would like." She liked to feeling,
He walked back, hands in his pocket. "I don't believe we've met, my name is Apollo, and you are?" He said with his hand extended.
Adrian lowered his hand and shook Apollos hand weakly before opening his notebook and wrote his introduction quickly 'I'm Adrian, I don't really talk sorry.' He flipped the notebook to show Apollo sheepishly hoping he wouldn't find him rude.
Apollo grinned slightly, chuckling a little he said " nice to meet you Adrian, perhaps we can get better acquainted soon, I was just going to write, maybe go for a run after,I'll see you soon I suppose". He then turned, walking down the hall once again, wondering what was in store of him next.
Adrian felt his lips spread into his first wide smile in a while, he watched Appolo leave for a couple moments the same goofy grin on his face before turning down the hallway wondering how many others where here. While he walked he closed his journal and reset his pencil in his pocket before opening a random door. The room was dark with no one inside, this peaked Adrian's curiosity and he flicked the lights on to reveal the rooms contents. The room had a sleek wooden flooring and a bar against the wall. It was truly plain a chair in the corner along with a small table. Adrian stepped inside and closed the door behind him it shutting heavily as he walked towards the middle of the room. Once in the middle he noticed the wall the door was by was a large mirror, then it clicked, this room was a small dance studio.
"Ah." Joshua watched the girl paint for a moment, trying to figure out what she was making. However, after a few moments he gave up and just decided to ask. "So... what's that going to be?"
Cady smiled "It's a mountain range, I like drawing nature, I draw people sometimes, but they're not as good."
Joshua was surprised at the girl's offer. "Oh... actually, yeah, that'd be great!" He smiled at her nervously. "I'm Joshua, by the way."
Cady wiped her hand on her jeans nervously before holding out her hand "Really?" she asked surprised. "I-I'm Cady by the way."
Dylan tentatively reached out a hand and ran a finger along the clay. It was cold and still a little wet. He withdrew his hand and put it in his pocket.

"It looks well," he said, another strange choice of words. Dylan glanced towards the door; he though he should probably go see if his canvas was still on fire, but he didn't want to risk getting a leg pinched off by the lobster. Maybe he'd just stay here and doodle a little.

Dylan's eyes fell on some cabinets across the room, and he wandered his way over there. He pulled out some paper and a pencil and sat down at one of the tables.
After the encounter with Adrian, Apollo decided to go to the batting cages of the schools team which he had now become a member of. He found it very therapeutic, calming, it helped him to relax himself in a way. The same with any manner of sport for him. Yet he was torn between himself on whether to go back, or not. Something seemed welcoming about that hallway, maybe it was the friend he had met, perhaps it was the way the music had sounded. He wanted to return, but he was hesitant. Deep down despite his seeming popularity upon arriving at the school, he was afraid of their rejection. A fear that bothered him to the point to where he hardly spoke to anyone, despite how much they spoke to him, or fawned over him he believed they could never understand who he truly was, what he wrote, or how he felt.

He continued to hit ball, after ball, his wind growing shorter, his arms burning, the crack of the bat hitting the ball ringing throughout the empty cages.

Finally after one more swing, he missed. He had lost count of the ones he had hit before, so this missed one was apparent. Apollo stood, bat lowered, eyes staring up, and decided what he was going to do. He dropped his bat, and walked back toward that hallway to see what exactly could be going on there that could cause such allure.
Rita grinned when he touched it, but looked a bit embarrassed. she sometimes forgot, not everyone, no, not many at all cared as much as she did. She, nodding with satisfaction at her neck and shoulders progress, walked to a wedging table and wedged another large hunk of clay. It would first be made into a smooth clay form shaped like a head, taking a few pieces to form an under the chin part of her neck, make coils for tendons down from the line of the jaw down, and facial features. "Sorry.. I made you feel it." She didn't mind his word choice. It was... interesting. She looked to see him get art supplies.
Adrian looked around the room silently before walking towards the desk, he placed his notebook and anything that was in his pockets on its cold wooden surface. It would sound stupid to most but Adrian danced. Adrian stepped back towards the middle of the room and stared at his reflection, his awkward body looking like it had never done anything physical. For a moment he stood there until he began to tap his right foot, after counting 5 6 7 8 he raised the foot and rock stepped behind him before beginning a small routine. As he danced he remembered how his mother had talked his father into allowing Adrian to dance when he was young, Adrian had no real intention of dancing but he wanted to please his parents so he did it. But ever since their death Adrian hadn't danced, he didn't like the memories it brought back to him. he choked back a sob this causing him to stop. The dread felt like a weight on his chest making him weak in the knees, he sat down criss crossed and tried to stop the tears from continuing to fall rubbing the heal of his hands into his eyes.
Apollo finally made it to the hallway he was heading for. He then saw an open door, he was hesitant to enter it, unsure what he would find on the other side. Apollo saw Adrian, sitting on the floor, he looked around the room, recognizing it as a dance studio. He saw an obvious pain, a sadness in Adrian's eyes. Apollo looked at him for a moment, wondering what to say, unwilling to bring up what he obviously saw. Apollo inquired, "You dance? I have before, nothing too special. How good are you?". He then sat in front of him. Realizing even though it was just a brief introduction, he was the only person he felt compelled to speak to at that school, in a way his only friend.
Adrian looked up to see Apollo sitting in front of him shock clear in his expression. Adrian stood and walked towards the desk grabbing his notebook and pencil before sitting down again. He then opened to a new page and began to write a response trying to casually whipe away a tear before turning the notebook to show Apollo slightly embarrassed at admitting such a feminine hobby 'it's just to pass the time so I wouldn't say I'm that amazing.'
"It's always good to have hobbies like that, escapism from whatever ails you. I wouldn't suppose you know what this hallway is exactly?"
Adrian thought about his words, his first sentence sticking to his mind before he answered the boy by nodding his head from side to side.
"I suppose figuring out for ourselves wouldn't be too bad a thing to do would it?" . Apollo then stood up, reaching his hand down to help Adrian up, "By the way, you can feel free to speak to me.".
Adrian took his hand and stood silently and averted his eyes when Apollo tried to assure him he's okay to speak around him. Adrian wanted to but it felt impossible now, like it was a far away dream to speak again. He hadn't usen his voice in any way even alone for the past couple months and for some reason he was afraid to use it. So he just spoke through his notebook and sadly informed Apollo 'I don't like using my voice really...' After showing the boy who was his closest thing to a friend he wrote another sentence trying to change the topic 'it's seems like this area hasn't been touched in awhile.'
Dylan sat down at a table and began to doodle on his paper. His drawings were mostly an unorganized assortment of things, but they were surprisingly detailed. There was a leaf in the corner that looked as if it could blow right off the page. A smiling cat laid at the top of the paper, and a funny looking creature was to the right. Dylan saved the middle for something big. He started on what looked like a head, which slowly turned into a girl, and from, took on the features of the very girl in front of him. He probably didn't realize it, or maybe he did. Who knew.

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