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Dice Army of the Southern Cross - OOC

Good morning, everyone!

I'll work my way through all these posts while you sleep, and see what the hell you're planning. Saw mini missiles somewhere in there - where's the list to sign up for them?
We were talking about the option of learning to fly the new Ajax, which can be equipped with up to 60 mini missiles. I'm allowing people to retrain their past skills to be able to pick up the Pilot Veritech and MECT skills needed for it.
Sounds good - can't hurt to have the option to switch things up at some point. Just have to see how I find enough skill points to make it possible...
I had planned on going with Sniper at level 3, and Escape Artist for level 4, but I'm switching them out for Pilot VF and MECT Ajax.
Sounds good - can't hurt to have the option to switch things up at some point. Just have to see how I find enough skill points to make it possible...
This is not a requirement. After all, your next few missions will still be in the VHTs.
Think I'll slowly collect the necessary skills over time, then. Wasn't sure how urgent things are - but your post suggests that my modified tank won't blow up immediately when I try to shoot the main cannons for the first time.
AldarisLordOfLight AldarisLordOfLight , since you posted first that you were on your way out of the room, it is up to you if you want to let Moira give Adrian a smooch. If not, Psychie Psychie will need to alter her post a bit.
Ok. Works for me. I didn't want to post a reaction from the onlookers without the ok from you first.
Didn't expect that when I went to check up.

Congrats, two new nicknames.

Cheesecake and lovebird.

All is left is Fia and Eric for names now.

Fia might just get Shutterbug if nothing better comes aling.
Sorry, sleepy Ori is master of stupid ideas and banter.
She's a zentraedi, and built like a truck.

I'm more worried about Adrian having engaging courtship with a funding amazon.

Wait, wrong planet.
As this began Heinrich class.

Mannerisms and basic knowledge of sentient life.

Better title still in the works, could be a fun now that I think of it. Might have to teach many zentraedi how dating works, how music is an expression of the artist and not used for war. And of course the most pressing concern, where do the little humans come from.

Resisting urges to explain that we simply Budd of each other like some kind of plant might be nessisary. Along with trying to ignore them wondering why they had live demonstrations for everything but this part.

But he could get Cheesecake and lovebird to do that.
You can always tell when someone is making one up in that site XD
If I could draw better than a stick figure, I might try to make a pic of what I can envision my nose art to look like. Sadly, I have sass and good looks in spades, but no artistic talent.
Now feel free to correct me on this.

but I think we got the bonuses.

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