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Dice Army of the Southern Cross - OOC

I am a patient man, I can wait for the level 6. Aerobics and Athletics might come in handy soon when the gang goes physical with no mechs and stuff...
Well, back to this game, I went ahead and got the Pilot Ajax and the MECT for it by dropping my Sniper skill that I had at level 3, and the Escape Artist one for level 4. Moira is Combat Ready!
they built a wonderful bridge made of laughter, fun, and intresting character.

then while everyone was crossing the bridge to happynessland they blew it up with satchel charges and fired round after round of bullets into the water to try and kill those who survived the blast and fall.
Well, back to this game, I went ahead and got the Pilot Ajax and the MECT for it by dropping my Sniper skill that I had at level 3, and the Escape Artist one for level 4. Moira is Combat Ready!
Cool, Hienrich has Ajax as well, just felt better then the logan, granted the logan is faster I think.


hey guys...

Remember when everyone said having the squad named the WINEGD hussars was wierd because were not flying?

Well, back to this game, I went ahead and got the Pilot Ajax and the MECT for it by dropping my Sniper skill that I had at level 3, and the Escape Artist one for level 4. Moira is Combat Ready!
Ok, Penny! :coolshades:
Wait a minute. Can I drop the Weapon Specialist skill instead for the Pilot Air Veritech and switch out the Aerobics for the MECT Ajax? Doing calculations and such right now with this sudden thought...
Sure. Just make sure you adjust your skills to be the right percentage.
Right, i'm heading to bed because it's 2 am over here.

Wherever you folks are, g'night!

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