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Dice Army of the Southern Cross - OOC

I just had a person ask if there are any openings in the game. Any objections to adding another player?
I can't wait.

theres alot of toilets that need cleaning recruit!
Welcome aboard, will be great to have another one joining the squad.

Seems like I finally hit something - last action of the round for me, I'll cheer from the sidelines.
Which only means that our misses will look more spectacular... I don't trust this dice roller any longer.
If this keeps up, we can always return to the system of having me did the to hit rolls. It is not optimal, but might end up being the best solution to the die roller.
It's starting to become rather silly.
Callsign- Doctor Meanie reporting in.
So...are we gonna light the place up? I think the place is a tad bit dark...I still have some plasma rounds, so? *Looks around innocently with a shrug.*

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