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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

"Six Circles of Out."

Zodiac made a strange formal greeting gesture.

"A circle of the most powerful beings in Out. I was one of them. Still am, but nothing new came up about our group when we came to Arivale..."

Zodiac paused and stopped walking. He looked around and continued walking again.

"Hopefully they didn't kill anyone while they were here."
With a yawn, rune sat up from his seat. Wait...hadn't he left?

No,it turned out. After the arguement with grouping, he had simply fallen asleep. He sighed, streatching. After speaking eith an angel, asking what he had missed, he shrugged,looking to the few that remained. So they showed off thier abilities. Big deal. He didn't care to boast. He leaned on one arm, letting his eyes travel between everyone. He shook his head. Right. He came from the wilds. To these people,he would be some animal if they saw his power. Best not go into that. He had even managed to pick up on the talk of dragons, and that only enforced his idea. Of course they would think of him as an animal. If he showed his form.now he would probably get afew 'I'm sorrys' because they didn't know. That didn't mean they thought any different. He. Grumbled, running a hand through his hair as he looked about. With a yawn, he closed his eyes once again, getting comfortable
Avianna stopped, tilting her head, a troubled look on her face. "Why would they do that?" she asked curiously, fingers fiddling with the end of one of her wings. The feathers were softest there. "Arivale is such a nice city. Why would anyone want to kill someone here?" She had spoken too soon. A black-winged demon shoved her aside, knocking her over. She landed hard on her knees, dropping her pack. "Outta my way, angel." The demon spat the word as if it was a curse. Avianna, obviously flustered, apologized profusely, gathering up her flute and the apples that had tumbled from her pack. The demon sneered at her before shrugging his shoulders and sauntering away. She was used to these kinds of reactions by now, having grown up knowing that being an angel - even if only a guardian angel - made people not nice to you. She tried to make up for it by being nice to everyone else in turn.
Zodiac reached for the buckle on his mask and growled at the demon as he left. He lowered his hand and helped Avianna. "What an inconsiderate asshole..." Zodiac said.

"He's a lesser demon. So Me or Trebuchet alone could easily kick his ass into the ground if you have any more problems with that guy." Zodiac fumbled with his cloak and tied it tighter around his waist.

"Regarding the murdering thing, Some of the other Circles are kinda like mavericks if they get too pissed off."

He looked in a full panoramic circle of their location.

"But this place is usually peaceful, so I guess it won't happen."
Avianna shook her head, standing back up and wiping her hands on her shorts. "I-it's okay. I'm used to it." She smiled at him, already having forgiven the demon. "In any case, we're here." she motioned to a large, three story house, grinning up at it. The front door burst open, two small, young angels running to her and hugging her legs. Two elderly angels followed, ushering them inside. "Come on." she laughed, holding her hand out to Zodiac for him to take.
Zodiac took Avianna's hand and looked forward at the angels in front of him.

OH jeez. He thought. I look like some fucking psychopath in front of these well-dressed angels.

He swallowed hard and expected the worst.
She leaned in close to him. "don't worry. they're very nice angels." She lead him away from the angels, offering him a seat. "go ahead and make yourself at home." she flew into the other room, returning with a glass of water. "Y-you must be thirsty." she offered it to him.
"Oh, thanks."

Zodiac took the glass of water and sat down. Zodiac wasn't paying attention to his surroundings and he fell on his butt onto the floor instead of the chair. His arm was jostled and the tall drink splashed all over his mask and shirt.

Zodiac stood in silence before adding a irritated remark.

"Fan- Fucking -tastic."

He stood up and looked at his wet shirt. His hair was soaked and his mask didn't seem to be effected at all.

"Praise to me for being such an idiot."

Zodiac looked down again and he jumped a little. He stuttered and turned toward Avianna, setting the cup down.
"A-are you okay?" she asked, sending one of the kids to get her a towel. She offered it to him. "I'm sorry... I should have waited until you sat down."
"U-Uh..." Zodiac stared at his shirt.

"I-I just need to change. Do you have any more bandages or shirts? I need them, it's really important..."

He held Avianna's hands and asked in a pleading voice.

"Anything will work as long as it covers me.."
She blinked, nodding after a moment. "U-uh... Y-yeah. Follow me." she kept ahold of his hands, leading him into another room. She rummaged through the cupboards and offered him a roll of gauze bandages. "Will these work?"
"Yes!" Zodiac grabbed the gauze and held them with his left hand. He stared at a sagging loop of cloth on his arm, exposing the skin underneath.

"Uh...Any shirts?"
"Y-yeah. Hold on." she flew out of the room, door closing behind her. She found a few shirts, hurrying back to the room he was in. She knocked lightly. "U-uhm... I have the shirts."
Zodiac, or someone, cracked the door open. A faint maroon-colored glow came from two red glowing irises peeking through the crack of the door. The curtains were drawn, so it was pitch black in there. A bandaged hand reached and took the shirt, then abruptly shutting the door. There were a few noises of shuffling and Zodiac stepped out of the door, wearing his mask. He looked at his torso and shrugged.

"Meh, I actually like white linen shirts."

He looked at the T-shirt styled sleeves and the buttoned portion of the front.

"Not much different..."
"I-I might be able to find something more to your liking." She turned away, rushing into the other room, rummaging through the drawers once more.


Avara drifted down to the table, noticing someone who hadn't yet shown their powers. He looked interesting... She plopped into the chair next to him, not really caring if he was sleeping or not. "Hey." she said, leaning back and propping her feet up on the table. "The name's Avara Mccloud. You missed one hell of a show." she laughed, tossing an apple through the air before striking it with her fan.

"Uh..." Zodiac followed after Avianna holding a half roll of gauze.

"What else is more possible? Like, I don't see anything wrong with the shirt, but I'm just curious to what you think might be better for me."
Avianna sighed softly, turning to him. "W-well, you said you preferred white linen shirts..." her voice trailed off into silence. All of this was new to her, so she wasn't sure what she was doing.
"Hey, It's fine. anything works for me. I don't mind this cotton."

Zodiac rubbed Aviana's head and chuckled.

"You don't need to work your ass off for me. I'm not the most remarkable person, heh heh..."
Avianna looked up at him. "Are you sure..?" She wasn't used to people being so nice to her - well, other than the angels in her commune, that is.
"I'm fine."

Zodiac sat down on a bench in the hall and felt around his mask. He adjusted the buckle and crossed his legs on his seat. "Hey Avianna, what's your bedroom like?"
He opened his eyes, giving her a glance. Catching half of the Apple with ease, he gave a smile"People call me rune. It's good to meet you"He took a bite,running a hand over his eyes

Avianna's face flared up red. Her bedroom...? She looked away, clearing her throat lightly. "Well... I... Uh... I share it with the children. So, at times, it can be quite messy..." her voice faded. "Wh-why do you ask?"


Avana smirked, leaning back in her chair. "Rune, eh? So, what's your powers? What can ya do?" She took a bite from her own half of the apple, flicking her long raven coloured hair over her shoulder. Something about him caught her eye. He wasn't like the others here. And she wanted to figure out why. "Are you secretly..." She leaned in closer, eyes narrowed. "A flying squirrel?"
"I just want to see what it's like. Also, Do you have a guest room? I like sleeping alone."

Zodiac shifted his gaze to down the hall.

"I'm not sure how you can LIVE with all of these kids."
Avianna nodded, leading him to the back of the house and into the guest room, where the noise died down. Inside, there was a large bed with a silky soft comforter. Beside the bed was a nightstand with a simple lamp and a drawer that held a Bible, a candle, and a box of matches. A chest rested at the foot of the bed, holding an extra change of clothes, some books, and a pad of paper for writing. A plush carpet covered the cold wooden floor. "You kind of get used to it, after a while." She smiled sadly. "I remember when I was their age. I was an orphan, until the caretakers took me in. I was the first. I grew up here in the commune, so very thankful for the angels looking after me. After a while, there were more and more children needing shelter. So, we keep them here, keep them safe, until they are ready to spread their wings and leave the nest..." She shook her head. "It's like they're my brothers and sisters." she was back to her usual cheery self, all of the previous sadness gone from her eyes. "I mean, they can get a little rowdy, but I guess that's family."
Zodiac stood in silence and sat on the bed. He felt the comforters and pillows.

"Wow...I've never been in a bed like this, ever."

Zodiac said, as he laid back.

"Thanks..." He looked at his cloak that was hung on the coathanger in the corner of the room, and he looked down at his new clothes.

"No one has ever been this generous to me..."

Zodiac held one of his open palms in the air, pointing it at the ceiling.

"Out is such a stark contrast to here."

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