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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

Zodiac plucked a feather from his girlishly long hair and stood beside Avianna while she cooked.

"Say, I gotta question. Do you have any 'siblings' here that are the same age group as you? I'm just kinda curious."
She shook her head, serving the food to the angels already sitting. She handed Zodiac a plate as well. "No. Once we become old enough, we usually leave the commune. I'm the only one left my age."
He smiled"trust me, I know. Faerun is home to the beasts. We don't live in houses"He crack his neck, and chuckled, waiting for her"ready?"

Joseph just yawned as he watched the sun come up. The best thing about being an vampire was not needed sleep at all.Need energy? Blood. Need health? Blood. Yup, blood solves everything. And he had a lot of it as well. 'Wonder when we are needed..." Joseph thought, looking towards the center of the town. "Well, might as well get ready." Joseph just grabbed his scythe and a few other possessions with him before flying to towards the center of the town, looking for some last minute things to buy. (Sorry for being so late, actually thought this thread was dead ;. ;)
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animefordaysXD said:
Joseph just yawned as he watched the sun come up. The best thing about being an vampire was not needed sleep at all.Need energy? Blood. Need health? Blood. Yup, blood solves everything. And he had a lot of it as well. 'Wonder when we are needed..." Joseph thought, looking towards the center of the town. "Well, might as well get ready." Joseph just grabbed his scythe and a few other possessions with him before flying to towards the center of the town, looking for some last minute things to buy. (Sorry for being so late, actually thought this thread was dead ;. ;)
(lol no worries! and nah, we're still kicking xD )
Zodiac took the plate and poked at the food with his fork. He also took a glass of the pink-orange peach smoothie, he peered into the cold concoction and he took a seat at the table, strangely eyeing the other angels behind his mask. He grabbed at his mask but hesitated. He wasn't very comfortable with flashing his shark-like teeth he had. Zodiac reluctantly lifted the mask up and took small bites of the hash.
Avianna watched everyone eat, sipping at her own smoothie. She was too excited to eat anything really. One by one, the angels finished their food, leaving the dishes for her to do. And, one by one, she did them, humming quietly to herself. soon, only her and Zodiac were left. She quickly finished her smoothie, slipping her book bag over her shoulder. "Was the food to your liking?" she asked as he finished up.
"In the shinigami world, Including Out, all food tastes like shit...Like sand is more accurate."

Zodiac washed his own plate off in the sink.

"I love food. The food here tastes like heaven to me. But I prefer sweets, pastries, and..."

A strand of black saliva drooled from the corner of his exposed mouth.

"Deviled Eggs...I fucking LOVE Deviled Eggs!"
Avianna giggled, shaking her head slightly. "I will keep that in mind." she said cheerfully, adjusting the bag so it doesn't strap down her wings. "Are you ready to go? We should be meeting the others in the square soon."
"Hell yeah."

Zodiac stepped to the side of Avianna and thought for a little.

"Me and you kinda remind me of this movie I saw once. Two unlikely friends who fought crime...They were a complete contrast from each-other. One tried hard and did it by the book, the other was a deceptive and laid-back guy..."

Zodiac lowered his mask.

"Perfect description!"
She tilted her head. "Movie?" she had never heard of such a thing. She shook her head. "In any case, we should hurry." her wings fluttered as she made her way to the door. "Oh, i'm so excited...!" She held the door open for him, calling out to the others that they were leaving and not to wait up for her.
"A Movie is like...A moving picture. A cinema. It's like magic but with technology. It's a earth thing. It was long ago, but I remember seeing the movie as a kid. It had these glasses that made the movie seem 3-dimensional and real..."

Zodiac hopped up and down.

"I remember! It was an animated movie...Trebuchet said he has it, along with a few other discs...I-I remember!"

He calmed down.

"Oh man...places like Arivale and people like you never existed back then. It was like the year...twenty-something..."
Zodiac calmed down and ran out the door.

"Oh sorry, I forgot...!"

He did cartwheels down the hill outside, he was laughing and had a grin visible under his mask.

"I remember!"
Avianna grinned, happy to see him so happy. She took to the skies, catching up to him easily. "I'm so glad you remember!"
"Man I am pumped!"

Zodiac shifted to his Dragon form and flew as well. His serpentine body snaking through the air, floating.

"I can't wait to meet Trebs again..."
She laughed. "Soon." she promised, landing down in the square. She looked around, waving and smiling when she saw the vampire from the day before. Joseph was his name. "I wonder if he's on a team yet. Should we ask him to join us?" she asked Zodiac.
Zodiac flew alongside Avianna, his reptilian eyes giving her a sideways glance.

"I dunno. If you've been around long enough you know some Vamps are untrustworthy. This one gal bit me when I was talking to her for no reason at all. But on the plus-side, she was diseased with a terrible fever after she bit me. It must be because I'm a Shinigami. I bet she probably died as well."

Zodiac tried to shrug but his dragon body didn't have the articulation to produce a noticeable shrug.

"Not my problem. That was her own fault."

He dove upon the town square, circling his body above it like a shark.
Avianna examined the vampire. "Im not so sure he's like the others. He seemed nice enough yesterday. I'm going to go say hi." She made her way over the Joseph, a smile lighting up her face. "Um, excuse me. It's Joseph, right? I'm Avianna. I was wondering if you already had a team, or if you would like to join us?" she motioned to Zodiac's spiraling dragon form.

@animefordaysXD @Noivern
Zodiac floated above the square, watching everyone. He laughed at how small the people below seemed in the air. He dove downward and shifted back, standing among the crowd like nothing happened.
"Join you? Well... I huess it won't hurt to have an team." Joseph finally said.
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Avianna grinned, clapping her hands together. "Alright!" She waved to Zodiac, calling him over. The angel would be there at any moment to allow them passage to the ground below.
There was a bright light and a slow rumble that whipped the air around them in a frenzy. Avianna turned her attention to the center of the square. There, the angel woman was waiting, hands outstretched to them. "Welcome, heroes. We have gathered you from far and wide, in hopes of bringing diversity to our ranks. You are clear on your mission?" It was a question, but she did not wait for anyone to answer. "Before you will appear a map that will aid you in finding the locations of these scrolls." Maps appeared in front of everyone gathered there. "You will not be able to return to Arivale until you have gathered all five. Keep this in mind. When you are ready, please step forward and we shall open the gates for you." A pair of large pearly white gates slid open, revealing open skies and a small platform that served as a kind of teleport to the land below. It had not been used in many many years. Avianna gulped. She was nervous all of a sudden. But she stepped forward regardless, her curiousness overshadowing her nervousness.

@Noivern @animefordaysXD
Joseph just gave an whistle as he looked down from the gates at the small land below, before turning into an bat and jumping down of the gates. 'This is better.' Joseph thought silently, smirking ti himself.

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