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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

Avianna smiled warmly, coming over and kneeling on the plush carpet by the bed. "What's it like?" She asked curiously. She had never heard news of the outside worlds. It was forbidden to speak of it. Until now.
He threw into a fit of coughing, surprised by her accusation.

"No I'm not a squirrel! Im-" He paused, and shook his head"a knight. Simple as that. Nothing special in this world..."He shrugged,resting his chin in his palm."why do you ask?"

Zodiac's voice suddenly dropped it's peppy demeanor and he spoke in an expressionless, coarse tone.

"Out is a purgatory platform, used for the rehabilitation of evil souls. I was one of the leaders of that place. I was the 5th Circle. Everyday, we received souls of people who must be judged worthy of going into Eden or suffering at the whims of Lucifer himself down there."

Zodiac paused, drawing a breath."

"Things exist there. Horrible monsters. Disfigured beings who know nothing else but to show the souls pain. Shadows that watch over everyone and actually blink once in a while. It's like the hell before hell. I stayed there for..."

He stopped and stood in still for a few eerily silent minutes, Like the whole world held it's breath, and stared at his hands.

"I don't know how long I stayed there."
Avianna was silent, replaying over and over what he had said. She shuddered thinking about it. "That must have been terrifying for you..." She pulled her knees to her chest, watching him.


Avara sighed. "Darn. I was hoping you were a squirrel." She teased him. "Or some other kind of animal. I mean hell, I'm a crow. I don't really fit in with fairies and angels and vampires." She picked a loose feather off of her arm. "So, if you wanna, we can team up?"
he paused, before finishing the apple, core and all" sure. i suppose so. if your willing." he gave a smile." hopefully we get things done together, alright?"

Zodiac stood up and pointed at his mask.

"Glad I wasn't one of those souls, but damn it still scared me."

He lowered his trembling fingers and stood with his head down, he looked up suddenly and spoke.

"Have I said too much?"
Avianna shook her head. "Not at all." she wiggled her toes, watching them sink into the soft rug. "What does the mask mean? Does it symbolize your affiliation with the Circle?"


Avara laughed. "Hell yeah. We're gonna get all five scrolls before these guys even know what hit 'em." She stood, stretching and massaging her shoulders. "We head out tomorrow, yeah?"
"It is my insignia for being the 5th cirlce, yes. I've never taken it off. Well I have but only in private..."

Zodiacs voice trailed off into silence and looked down again.
He gave a lopsided gein"of course!on my knighthood"He chuckled,holding our his hand to shake"May we get through this,in the very least, alive"

Zodiac didn't say anything. His hands nor legs never moved as he sat there in once more. He mustered up the courage to speak only a few words.

"I don't like what I see in the mirror with my mask off..."
Avianna tilted her head to the side, worry etched on her face. "Is there any way I can help?" After a few more moments of heavy silence, she took his bandaged hand in hers, tilting his chin up so he was looking back at her. "I may not have known you back then, and I haven't known you for very long, but I do know this: You are not the same man as before. Your heart is in the right place. No matter what you have done, you will always be forgiven." She placed her other hand on his shoulder. "Always..."


Avara grinned back at him, clasping his hand and giving it a firm shake. "Hells yeah we will." she spread her wings, taking off and hovering a few inches off the ground. "So. Where you from? Im from boring ol' Lahare."
"Man really isn't the way to describe me, more like monster. I shouldn't really tell you what I have done in Out."

Zodiac looked down at her hand holding his and looked back up again.

"I just feel like I can't escape my past."


Zodiac became lost in thought for a few minutes. He was pondering what his past was like. All he could remember was him being a 'normal' being long ago. He started growing up and then...He was in Out. Torturing the sinned souls and judging them worthy or unworthy. Zodiac didn't know what this strange timeskip was, but it always brought a feeling of dread whenever he would think about it. A shiver went down his spine when he remembered the shadows watching over him and his colleagues. Their empty black pits for eyes piercing right through him. Zodiac couldn't shake the feeling that somewhere down on Earth was the answer to his past. The key, if it was.


Zodiac came to his senses and shook his head. He peered at Avianna and gripped her hand tighter.

"You don't know what I am. Even I don't know what I am."
Avianna let the silence fall once more before sighing lightly, looking away and standing. "There must be a way I can help." she said, determined to find out how to help him. "I will find it." she assured him, making her way to the door. "Until then, I'm going to get something to eat. Would you like anything?"
Zodiac slowly rested upon the bed and laid flat.

"I just need some time."

He twisted his head and scooted his body a little. Making himself comfortable.
"Alright... I'll be out here if you need anything." She quietly shut the door, taking a breath and wiping a hand over her face. Stupid girl, a voice inside her chided. It's none of your business. Why do you have to be like this? 'It may be none of my business, but I just don't believe that he deserves the pain he's feeling. If I can help in some way, I will.' she thought back to the voice. And if he doesn't want your help? Hmm? What then? She sighed, making her way down the hall. 'Then I will respect his wishes.' She pulled open the sliding door to the kitchen, smiling when she saw the littlest angel playing in a bowl of flour on the floor. She laughed lightly, picking up the girl and booping her on the nose. "Maria, what have you gotten yourself into? Time for a bath." The girl giggled as Avianna set her down, sending her to the washroom before getting to work cleaning up the messy kitchen.
Zodiac sat flat upon the bed. He felt absolutely drained of his ability to think anymore. He was encased in his thoughts and he closed his eyes under his mask. He opened them to reveal a pink void he seemingly floated on the air. He looked at his hands on which the bandages upon it started to unravel. The skin underneath was normal. Unscarred and smooth. He felt the mask start to slip off and he saw an exact mirror of his body. His long black hair curling around his head as if he were underwater. He saw the familiar gleam of his maroon eyes behind the lengths of his hair. He turned his gaze over to his bare arms. He felt human again. He blinked and then saw himself in the room again, still lying down. He spied that his arms were covered again and his mask was still there.

Damn. He thought.

I had that dream again.
Avianna finished up cleaning, wiping her forehead. "Whew! Done." She smiled at her handiwork before heading back down the hall and into her room to change.
Zodiac walked out of the room, head in his hands. He was in a daze and he stumbled along the hall from his grogginess. He rested his shoulder on the left wall and regained his bearings,

I'm in the commune, with Avianna, and a bunch of other angels. I also had that weird recurring dream again.
After she was all cleaned up, Avianna made her way back to Zodiac's room. She raised her hand to knock, but hesitated, taking a step back. What if he didn't want her bothering him...? She sighed lightly, turning away. He would tell her when he was ready, she was sure.
Zodiac tapped Avianna on her shoulder.

"Heya, I feel a little better. Y'know, you seem to really care for me. Is there a reason why? Cause', I'm not the most special person."

He put on his cloak and buttoned only the collar.
Avianna faced him, a smile on her face. "I'm glad you're feeling better. And is it weird to care for someone?" she tilted her head, puzzled. "Growing up here, I always thought it was normal... Is it not?"
"Faerun. " he stood, giving a smile as she fluttered about." even though i dont look it." he smiled, stepping up on a chair, and balancing on the back, crouching easily on the thin support" let me ask... would you care to spar? that way we can get a feel for each other's movements? I understand you would prefer not to. nobody else seems to care for preparation. I just would like to know what i can expect, you know?"

Avara whistled, hands placed on her cocked hips. "Faerun, eh? Alright, squirrel-boy. I accept your challenge." she grinned, fluffing out her wings. "Shall we take this back to my place? Plenty of room to spar."

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