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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

Zodiac fluffed the coattails of his cloak, taking a brief pause before answering.

"I'm not the most trustworthy-looking guy. Also, I think anyone else would be a better person really. I just realized that. Sorry if I offend ya, But that's kinda how I feel."

He drew a sharp breath and added.

"About myself..."

Avianna shook her head. "The way you look doesn't make you who you are." She smiled at him. "The way you feel about yourself is proof that you're a different man. You wouldn't feel bad about what has happened otherwise. That's what I think, at least." She gently patted his shoulder before turning and making her way back into the kitchen. "Let's get you something to eat!" she called over her shoulder.



Avara waved her hand dismissively. "Squirrel until proven otherwise." she teased, propelling herself toward the door. The sun was almost set, and the stars were starting to show. She watched them long enough for him to catch up before heading off again, flying lazily toward her faction. "So, what are you anyway? You're from Faerun, right?" She faced him, flying backwards. "You aren't a unicorn, are you?" she groaned.

"No, I'm not a unicorn. Those grass munching idiots have glitter for brains. And I already told you, I'm a knight. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less."he sighed. Shrugging as he walked beside the floating form."why does it matter? I'm an able fighter. That's really all that's needed."

Avara shrugged. "Just trying to make small talk." she said, yawning. She was pretty sure he was hiding something, but she wasn't gonna pry. Not yet, at least. May as well see how strong he was first.
Zodiac stayed where he stood. Not making any movement as she yelled,. He reluctantly replied,

"It's just you are totally different."

Zodiac turned toward Avianna with his shoulders sagging.

"You're bright, open-minded, optimistic, you actually care for people, and you're seen as 'holy'..."

Zodiac exhaled and continued.

"I only know a few specific things, I'm shifty and unreliable, usually don't form close bonds at all. I'm cruel and mean and distant...And I'm something, I don't know what. But I sure as hell know I'm not like you. You're pretty normal. I..."

Zodiac cut himself off, and abruptly fled into the room without closing the door all the way.
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He sighed."fair enough. Forgive me for snapping at you. Everything is just so sudden. I don't like it. I'm afraid there's more then what their telling us..."

Avianna stopped for a moment, not sure what she had said wrong. She bit her lip, worried that she had just lost the only friend she had made. She fluttered after him, knocking lightly on the door. When he didn't answer, she pressed her back against the wall outside, sliding down until she was sitting, knees pulled to her chest. "You're wrong, you know." she said softly, fingers picking at a loose thread on her shorts. "I may seem like it on the outside, but inside, I'm still the same scared little girl I was when I stumbled up the steps to this place. I... Sometimes, I just don't know what to do. I try to be strong, but the truth is..." her voice broke. "I'm far from it." she buried her face in her knees, trying not to tear up. She didn't know what she was doing, signing up for this quest, getting ready to go down to Earth - the one place in the world where angels were no longer seen as "Holy". She was scared, but she never showed it, fearing that her family would try to help her. They had given her so much already...


Avara grinned. "Oh, you know there is. That's what makes it so interesting." She twirled her fan, passing over the border into the Lahare faction. She waver her arms dramatically. "Welcome, to the most boring place in the world!" She laughed, landing beside him.
Zodiac peeked through the crack of the door. A ray of light creeping onto his mask.

"I know we all have our monsters and I understand your pain...But I think just to keep you safe you might want to stay away from me. I know I'm the true monster here. I just realized when I looked at myself. You're just too pure for me to be by you. The dark inside me will poison your well, make you corrupt. It's all about making sure I don't hurt you."

Zodiac retreated from the crack in the doorframe and stepped back, trying to compute what he just said.
Avianna shook her head, refusing to believe it. "No..." she said, holding her head up and wiping her eyes. "We're a team, Zodiac. And I swear, I will find a way to help you." And with that, she stood, making her way to her room. She curled up on her bed, not sure how she can help a man who may not want to be helped.
Zodiac sat upon the bed on his knees. He had his fingers templed at his waist as he tried to think of something that would try to cheer Avianna up. He bowed his head and turned toward the window. The sky displaying a collection of stars. He looked into the heavens and wondered if there was really a better place for him. He decided to do something. He got off of the bed and walked down the hall into Avianna's room. He pushed to door open and stood in the doorframe.

"Sorry to make you feel like you couldn't help me. I hate to see that I did something like this to you."

He opened his cloak a little with his forearm.

"No matter how evil I am inside, it always pains me to see someone break down like this..."
Avianna sat up, shaking her head. "It wasn't you. Believe me." she patted the bed beside her. "And for what it's worth, I still don't think you're evil. Lost, maybe. Troubled, or haunted even, but not evil." She gazed out the window, smiling up at the stars. She had always wondered about the other worlds out there. She wanted to see them all, but she didn't know if she ever could. "But enough sad talk." she turned back to him, leaning forward. "Are you still hungry? I can whip something up for you."
"No. You've been through enough trouble today."

Zodiac sat on her bed beside Avianna and wrapped his bandaged arms around her.

"I feel like the biggest dick for degrading you like that. I'm really sorry for making you feel worthless."
Avianna's cheeks flushed. Was he... Hugging her? She froze, not sure what to do. "I... I'm fine, really..." she assured him. "B-besides, you must be hungry..." She was starting to get comfortable, leaning against him slightly.
Zodiac still held onto her, lightly squeezing her waist with his forearm.

"I just feel like I need a hug. I'm not really hungry. Besides, I feel like it's necessary to comfort you. Sorry if it feels weird or anything."
She shook her head, smiling up at him before wrapping her arms around him, hugging him back. "Now that I can do." she teased.

He tilted head and look at his watch.

"Damn it's late..."

He turned his body to look back down the hall.

"Dunno if I feel comfortable sleeping in that bed. My dirty clothing might ruin it. I also never slept in a bed like that either..."
"It's okay. No need to feel uncomfortable." she stood, taking his hand in hers. "Come on. We have a big day tomorrow. Better to rest up." She led him down the hall and back into the guest room.
As he walked he stared at their clasped hands. He began to feel slightly jitterish until she let go as the approached the room. He said his good-nights and closed to door behind him. He looked at his right hand and hesitantly sat upon the bed.

This is really weird... He thought as he drifted into unconsciousness.
Avianna made her way back into her room, calling the kids to bed and tucking them in. She placed a kiss on each of their foreheads before lying down herself. She tucked her wings over her body, drifting off to sleep.
Zodiac opened his eyes to that pink void of nothingness again. He had his bandages and mask on this time, though. There was that mirror image of himself again, mocking his every move. Suddenly the colors started to 'melt' and the whole visage including the mirror Zodiac swirled into a black abyss. A true void. He woke with a start. The sun peeked over the windowsill and onto his lap. He found out that someone or something covered him with blankets during the night. Who did so, he can't recall.
Avianna was already up by the time the sun peeked over the horizon. She had chores to do, and this was the perfect time to do them. She hummed quietly to herself, getting to work cleaning up the living room and dusting. By the time the sun came up, she was in the kitchen, making breakfast.


Avara laughed. "Hey, you try living in a treehouse for three years and tell me you're not bored to all hell." She stretched, rolling her shoulders, getting ready for the battle.
Zodiac saw Avianna in the kitchen as he walked around.

"Heya, How was the sleep?' He said, yawning and brushing off his cloak.

"A few feathers were in the bed, heh heh..."

He craned his neck to see what she was cooking.
Avianna giggled. "Sorry... They tend to shed sometimes." She threw a pinch of salt and pepper into the pan, moving to the side so he could see. "Im making corned beef hash and peach smoothies. It's grandpas favorite." she winked at him, finishing up frying the eggs and beginning to plate the food as the other angels stumbled into the dining room.

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