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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

Zodiac observed the two's powers with interest. He turned back to Avianna with the photos held.

"This is what it looks like now I guess. This is from about two weeks ago."

He paused, noticing there was a pocket in the back of the photo. He pulled out a slip of paper that was another smaller photo.

"Th-There he is!" Zodiac pointed at the picture of a hooded figure with a strange hi-tech faceplate, it's armored arm raised in a jovial wave towards the camera.
Avianna smiled warmly at him. "Well, I hope you see him soon." She took a slice of apple from the food on the table, munching on it slowly. She was starting to think that this adventure was going to be a good history lesson. Maybe she would find an ancient book in the ruins? She sure hoped so... She turned to him again. "Do you think there are still..." she leaned in close. "Still humans down there? Other than your mentor?"
Lilura frowned as she took her seat, looking around at the others already making teams. She took a thing off the table and bit it. It tasted like a kind of fruit. She looked around for someone not talking to anyone. She spotted a girl, June she'd heard her called earlier.

"Hey, I'm Lilura." She introduced herself with a nervous smile.

June watched everyone show off their powers, kinda nervous about being forced to demonstrate hers. Everyone has such big, magical abilities. All she had was a certain charm for getting people to do what she wanted. She thought about it for a while, not sure what she'd do once it was her turn. From behind her, she heard a voice. Swallowing what food was still in her mouth, she turned around to greet a beautiful girl. "Lilura, what a nice name," she said with a smile. "I'm June," she told the girl.

@SecretRock (love the chat noir icon btw, ML is like my fave cartoon atm)
"Maybe, Trebuchet has mentioed other people passing by. I wish I find others..." Zodiac opened a small burlap bag and put as many foods that will last a journey into it. He tied the bag closed and slung it over his back.

"Trebuchet is also like some rock magician, or something. He calls it Earth Summoning."

Zodiac shrugged and checked his hip breifely.

"And he came from where I came from too. He's an interesting guy. About as old as me too, probably older in body state. Like 32-ish.
Lilura smiled at the compliment. She took June in, and she looked about as nervous as Lilura felt about this whole thing. The witch couldn't help but wander what the girl's power was, and she knew that she'd find out soon enough.

"Are you excited? Saving the country and all that." Lilura asked, gesturing all around and meaning the whole of Arivale, not the room they were in.

(I know, I'm watching the newest episode now. It's fantastic!)
"More excited for the adventure than saving this place, to be completely honest with you," she says with a small laugh. "I never really felt at home here, even though I've never been anywhere else. I've begun wondering if maybe the Earth is inhabitable again. I'm so sick of being up in the clouds all the time; I just wanna be down there," she says, rambling on about the Earth.
Lilura nodded, though she'd always been quite content living in Arivale, but she always been curious about the land below. She wandered how many different alchemy ingredients there were down there that were inaccessible in the air. She could only imagine the effects they would cause potions to have.

"That's very... poetic?" Lilura offered. It wasn't quite the word she was looking for, but it seemed close enough. "I think I just signed up because I needed a break from mundane life."
Avianna's eyes lit up. "Earth summoning..." she said softly. "he must be very powerful." She tilted her head at Zodiac. "Why are you not with him? Why did you decide to come here?" Her face turned bright red and she held up her hands. "I-if you don't mind my asking..." she said quickly, not wanting to offend him.
Zodiac sighs and adjusts his crossed legs.

"Trebuchet stayed on Earth since there's a lot more rock down there than up here. He needs it for Earth-summoning."

Zodiac chuckled and spun his dagger in his palm.

"You look cute when you're all flustered."

Zodiac laughed again and leaned over, hand on his chest.

"Man, I'm starting to sound like Trebuchet..."
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Avianna's face turned even redder and she looked away, not sure how to respond. You're being silly, getting all flustered over a compliment. He's just being nice! She thought to herself. She had never been called "cute" before... "W-well... Thank you." she said softly, not sure if that was the appropriate response. She smiled at him warmly. "In any case, your mentor sounds like a nice man. I hope to meet him some day." She imagined all the things he would know about the history of Earth, excitement lighting up her eyes.
"Ah, we're gonna be a team, you and I."

Zodiac put his hand on Avianna's shoulder.

"There's a lot of adventure out there. I just can't wait, hee."

Zodiac seemed to vibrate a little.

"I just wanna see cousin Trebs again..."
Avianna nodded in agreement. "It's going to be amazing." she said wistfully, sighing lightly. She had never left the city. She had never even seen the other factions. She was nervous, and excited, and she couldn't wait to see the world down below.
"Trebs hasn't told me of any creatures down there, so I guess it will be a surprise."

Zodiac stood and checked his hip again. "But whenever I get in a pinch, I have a special little tool that will be my failsafe."

Zodiac tilted his head and looked around. He saw dragons, knights, assassins, theives, angels, humans, wizards, witches, everyone. Zodiac turned his head and looked down at Avianna.

"When are we leaving?"
Avianna glanced at the woman in white. "I'm assuming tomorrow, that way we have some time to get ready." She looked up at him before standing, fluffing out her wings.
Zodiac's stance twiched a small bit and he smiled wide.

"Do you think I can come over to your house? I don't have much friends, and you're the first one to even mention having a home." Zodiac raised his hands.

"I understand if letting a masked stranger into your house is uncomfy, but I was just asking. I thought it would be cool."
She hesitated. "W-well..." she shifted from foot to foot. "I don't see any problem with it. I mean, it would make it easier to gather in the morning..." she looked at him, a worried look on her face. "I live in a commune in Grandfell, so... I hope you wont be too uncomfortable there."
"...Ah, I'll be fine. I lived in Out, that has to be the benchmark for the worst place to live. It's okay with me."

Zodiac patted Avianna's back and looked her straight in the face.

"Don't sweat the small stuff, kid."
She nodded and smiled, breathing a sigh of relief. She giggled, imagining the looks on the faces of the older angels she lived with. She had never brought a friend home, and she had certainly never invited a guy before. The woman in white clapped her hands, getting everyones attention. "You will embark upon your quest by high noon tomorrow. Teams will gather in the square and await further instructions. We wish you luck." And with that, she faded away in a flurry of feathers. Avianna glanced up at Zodiac, smiling sweetly. "Well... Ready to meet the family?" she joked.
(Sorry, Passed out. X3)

"Uh, Family?"

Zodiac tilted his head again and messed with the shoulder strap on his satchel. The word 'family' was like his bane. Zodiac started breathing funny, but he calmed down and looked at Avianna with that same Zodiac symbol on his mask.

"Yeah, I'm ready. But if we are legging it, I can't stay in this hot weather for long in this black cloak..."

Zodiac set his luggage down and took off his hooded cloak, exposing a sleeveless beige dress shirt. Zodiac's whole length of his arms were covered with bandages, and faded under the arm-holes of his shirt.

"All ready." Zodiac said, tucking his hair behind his ears.
Avianna giggled. "Well, I say family, but they're more like friends." She watched him take off his cloak, wondering about the bandages, but not wanting to ask about them. She smiled at him warmly. "Well, let's get back to the commune." she said happily, wings fluttering excitedly.
"You lead the way."

Zodiac hefted the strap more onto his shoulder and tucked his left hand into his pocket.

"What is a commune by the way?"
Avianna lead the way out of the tower, stretching her wings out. It had been a while since she had used them. She hovered slightly off the ground, flying backward, not really paying attention to where she was going. "It's kind of like... Living with a really big family, splitting up the chores, helping each other out. But they aren't really your family. They're more like friends than anything." she giggled. "Oh, I hope i'm making sense..."
Zodiac shrugged and walked alongside her.

"The Six Circles is kinda like that. It's more small though."

He gestured to his mask. He put the two tips of his fingers on the symbol.

"I'm one of the Circles."
She looked at him, intrigued. "Six Circles?" she asked curiously, feathers fluttering as she landed, walking like him.

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