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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

Rune sighed,laying lazily in a old oak. He was so content. The wind was just right, the shade was perfect, and the sun wasn't too bright. Everything was right. Until the announcement came. He grumbled, simply adjusting himself in response. What did he care?

That was 15 minutes ago. Now the same Rune was standing in the corridor. Ok, standing wasn't the right word. He had actually made himself quite comfortable in the floor, laid out and propped on one elbow. He sighed, eyes closed and breath calm. Even with all the noise he still found a way to take a nap! And dragons were supposed to have keen hearing...huh...
Lilura watched the speech with mild interest. As the speech ended she nodded and turned to leave, thinking about heroes and suicide missions but remembering her very, very empty coffer stopped her. She was so low on money, and not many people were buying her potions any more. She turned around again, closed her eyes, and walked across the yard, tugging her long hair up into a ponytail. As she walked, she passed a group of people talking, one of whom she'd seen turning into a drake-type dragon from across the square. She paused, watching them curiously.
Aquila was sitting beneath a tree near the centre of town, sketching a bright red flower with large petals. Loud bells chimed, calling upon it's citizens. Curiously, she began to fly towards the bell tower, sketch book clutched towards her chest. A loud voice spoke a long yet commanding speech about history and adventure. Her eyes began to glow a sapphire blue, she was wise, but always yearned to know more, especially about Earth. She had never been there before, this will improve her knowledge greatly! Walking inside, a group of people, possibly in an argument, caught her eye. She refused to stop and watch, aiming to instead gain more knowledge about the quest by picking a few books in the library and walking forwards.
After about a half hour of calling out to the lonely forest he stood up and decided to limp it out. Wincing with every step he slowly made his way back to his grandfather's house. "What could of caused such a quake?" He asked curiously to himself.
"It's not magic, that's the easy explanation." Zodiac pointed at the symbol on his mask. "I AM the Zodiac, there's really no other explanation." He heard a voice behind him talking about a duel.

He turned his blank-faced mask towards the man behind him.

"Listen, guy. I don't want trouble, or anyone to get hurt. So be on your merry way before either of these girls get hurt in the crossfire."

@SmittenKitten @scaryyangell @animefordaysXD
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Lilura pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh at the shape shifter's statement. She waved gently to him.

"Um, excuse me sir, but I do believe that those girls would be as capable as you, considering they are here to sign up to a world saving quest." She gave him a smile, gesturing to the crowd of people around them. It wasn't nearly as dense as the crowd for the announcement, but there were a few dozen people here.
"Still.." Zodiac scoffed. "I don't go around picking fights usually. I hate violence if it's unnecessary." He crossed his bandaged arms. "You're a witch, right?" He cocked his head and pulled a small slip of paper from his belt. "Found this little recipe in the woods. I can't brew for shit, so here."
Avianna watched the exchange curiously, not really wanting to get caught up in a fight, but also not wanting to get in the way if that is what the pair wanted. At the back of the corridor, a large set of doors opened, the woman in white appearing before them once more. Avianna looked up at her, excitement lighting up her face. "I think it's beginning." she said breathlessly, wings fluttering slightly. "I'm going to go get a closer look. Would you guys like to come?" She smiled at the three standing in front of her.


Avara drifted lazily through the air, waiting for something interesting to happen. A few fights were about to break out when the doors in the back of the room swept open, showing them that damned angel again. She yawned. This day was starting to look like a bust. She drifted closer to the woman anyway, her boredom making her slightly more open to see what was going on here.
The male still slept, ironically at the angels feet now,completly oblivious to what was going on around him. Even the doors opening didn't make him stir. He must be hard of hearing...
"Yeah, I'd love to see what is gonna happen." Zodiac smiled so wide it was visible under the spaces between his long hair and mask. "I wanna see if we get put into a team or something."

Zodiac stopped talking and shifted slightly. "Hey, do you think they have food here anyway? I'm famished."
Lilura opened her mouth to reply, though she'd made no move to take the recipe, when the winged girl with Mr. Shifter spoke. Sure enough the angel who gave the announcement was there. Did that mean that everyone here would be going? Or would the angel chose who they thought looked the best for the job? She looked over to the angel girl and nodded, thinking that even if she wasn't chosen, she might get a new friend or contact out the experience.
Kynerith walked over to the sleeping male. She looked at him with an amused smirk before leaning down and touching him with her finger. Slightly heating her hands to cause a small burn to wake. Him.
Avianna shook her head. "I don't know if they have any food... Oh!" she reached into her pack, having forgotten that she had come from the market before this. She pulled out an apple, offering it to him. "I have this, if you would like it." She looked at the others as well. "And I have more, if anyone else is hungry."
He yawned,the shift in temperature disturbing him. His eyes fluttered, looking lazily about."what...what's happening? Who woke me up?"He let his eyes travel upward,looking her over. "Mmm...what's the big idea?"

Lilura shook her head, slightly amazed by the girl's kindness. No one would have done that in Daknar. Her eyes were drawn back to the open doors as something moved there, she quickly lost interest and looked back at the angel.

"So is she going to announce who's going, or hand around a peice of paper for us all to sign, or what?" Lilura posed the question to her group, not really expecting an answer from them.
Kynerith brushed a strand of red hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. She looked down on him with a smug, amused smirk. "The big idea is that whatever quest were on is starting soon and sleeping during it, Isn't the best way to do it." Her amber eyes held with curiousity and amusement.
Zodiac took the apple and lifted his mask partway to only reveal his mouth and the end of his triangular nose. "Thanks, appreciate the generosity." He opened his mouth briefly to expose a flash of pearly sharp teeth and hit bit into the apple. "When I ask someone for a small favor, like an apple, they always think I'm gonna mug them, heh..."
Lilura watching him take a bite of the fruit. She pursed her lips as she heard his commentary.

"Maybe it's because you wear a mask." She told him, a small, unamused smile spreading across her lips. "Normally people with nothing to hide don't do that."
Zodiac paused, finishing the apple and throwing the core into a disposal bin and slowly lowered his mask. He stood in silence before adding "Maybe I do have something to hide..." He straightened his legs and waited for what was about to happen.
Avianna giggled at the thought of this man mugging someone. She looked back to the angel. "I'm sure she'll tell us." she said before the angel raised her hands again, palms facing upward. When she spoke, she could be heard clearly throughout the hall. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you are here..." The angel looked out over the crowd, waiting for the talking to subside before beginning again. "As you all know, the main reason you are here is for the quest for the scrolls. However, we have not been entirely truthful about what these scrolls contain." A murmur went through the crowd. Avianna leaned forward, hanging on every word. "These scrolls hold not the history of Arivale, but an incantation, a spell that will keep us in the sky." As if on cue, a tremor flowed through the hall, shaking the walls, stronger than the one she felt in the marketplace. "The end of times is coming. You can feel it in the ground beneath your feet. The city trembles as it falls." Avianna's blood ran cold and she inhaled sharply. "Sh-she can't mean... That Arivale is... Falling to Earth?" she said to herself. The angel continued. "Only the best of the best will be allowed to retrieve these scrolls. We will need all five in our possession by the end the thousandth year. Since the year has just started, we still have time. We will examine all of you now." Doors along either side of the hall burst open, dozens of angels flying to each of them, circling each person in the hall, one by one. Avianna tucked in her wings, confused as to what was going on. The man examining her flew circles around her, stopping on her face, gazing deep into her eyes. After a minute, he smiled, nodding to her and placing his hand on her forehead before raising his hand to the heavens, signaling to the angel in white. Similar things were happening throughout the room. "Those who have been chosen, please step forward. All others, please leave for the time being. We may have use for you yet." The angel that examined Avianna wrapped his hand around her forearm, pulling her forward. She didn't know what was going on, but she followed.


Avara listened to the speech, eyebrows raised. This one was even more interesting than the last. When the angel circled her, she stayed still, breaking free of her grip when the damned thing grabbed her forearm. Instead, the angel swept their arm toward the angel in white, silently guiding her to the front of the room.
The male hadn't the chance to stand. He simply gave a harsh glare to the Angel that checked him, holding back a low growl. He brushed himself off as he was released, and looked to the woman in white. To late to go back now...

He stood, streatching lazily. "I guess I've been picked..."he smiled tot he redhead"thanks for the wake up. Now I should get going..."

Lilura took a step away from the angel sent to inspect her as it reached out to her. It stopped then just continued floating around her. Meanwhile, she was wandering if it was best to tell people who wouldn't be chosen that Arivale was falling. People gossip. She would when she was rejected. Suddenly she was snapped out of her thoughts as a sound came from the angel. She looked up at it and realised that it's arm was hovering behind her, trying to direct her to the front of the room. She obliged, still a little confused about how she was chosen.
"Not to be interrupting your conversation-but could I have an appl-" her softly spoken words were stopped by the angel from earlier, giving another speech. She was slightly startled by a man examining her, but quickly regained her composure. Forcefully, she was pulled towards the front of the room, with an unfamiliar arm around her shoulders. She was chosen... but how? There were many more powerful fighters out there, well, what she could tell with her eyes anyway.
Kynerith was about to reply when an angel came over and started to check her out. She glared at the angel with suspicion. His smile was still unflatered. The angel them smiled even more and grabbed her arm. Kynerith almost instinctively yanked her arm away until she stopped herself. She did a salute to the guy before saying "Me too, see you around, lazy" she said smugly with a smirk as she was pulled away.
June was amazed at how quickly everything was happening. It wasn't long before an angel was flying towards her. She began working her hardest to quickly shift her appearance to look more professional than her normal young looking face. While it could've only taken a few minutes, it felt like the angel was poking at her for hours. She mumbled a few 'be careful's and 'watch it's under her breath while she was being examined. Just as suddenly as it started, though, the angel stopped and looked at June's face. The angel gave her a quick nod before moving onto the next person. June smiled brightly. I get to go down there... she thinks to herself. She was absolutely ecstatic that she was chosen - that she was good enough.

She began making her way to the front of the room, waiting for more instructions and hoping that some of the people she had met would be joining her.

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