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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

Zodiac applauded at Avianna's moves and lowered his mask to his face once more.

"Now, let me demonstrate..." Zodiac approached the center circle with a cocky stride. Zodiac loved showing off, because his abilities sometimes terrified others, which he liked to laugh at.

"I'm just gonna show you what I'm capable of." He lowered his bandaged arms and assumed to form of a black dragon again, twisting his body around the pillars like some sort of giant black wyvern and he landed onto the circle again, not before making a small spout of fire rise from his dragon's nostrils. He held up one finger as he stood, and turned into a large black tiger, the stripes pulsating in yellow light as he prowled around the circle. He let out a bloodcurdling roar and shifted back. "Now, I call this one Glitch." Zodiac seemed to vanish in a flurry of loud buzzing and strange color patterns. He reappeared behind a pillar and vanished once more. He now stood upon a wooden beam near the ceiling. Zodiac jumped down, and turned toward the crowd. "Tada!" He said, raising his palms and looking at the clapping bystanders with a proud grin visible under his mask.
Aquila studied everyone carefully. Her powers were balanced, but she preferred to stay back and be more like the support of the group. If she decided to team, an offensive attacker would be required. Teaming was fun for her, despite her not usually needing to, maybe she could ask around a little later. She said her name aloud, in a clear voice "Aquila Nio-Lattis". She was calm under pressure, and focused herself. Summoning water, she willed it around her, faster and faster, until it eventually began to overheat. It created a mist of warm water, obsuring view, but it was enhanced through her powers to heal those around her, soothing their nerves. Smiling softly, she began her next move. Gradually, she created more and more water, concentrating it around her in a shell-like shape. After the shell was completed, she whispered a few short words as it transformed into a bubble material. If anything tried to hit her on the outside, it would generally just bounce off. Dissipating the shell, she focused her will very carefully. Aiming towards the fireplace, from the palms of her hands, she summoned a beam of water, at a very high pressure to destroy the fire. It pierced through the wall, into the next room. Bowing quietly, she apologized before sitting back down. 'Well... they didn't exactly give us a proper target.' She thought to herself.
Zodiac eyed the water fairy in a intrigued way, writing down her name on his small booklet. "Aquila...Fancy name. But she's got talent." Zodiac chuckled and brushed aside a few locks of black hair from the front of his mask. He kept his gaze upon her until she sat down. He looked at his surroundings .

Why are there so many girls here? He asked himself.
'My turn.' Joseph thought, stepping out of his chair and into the middle of the room. "Do you guys have any animals?" Joseph asked, as he pulled out his scythe. One of the angels there nodded, and a second later they brought out a few rabbits. "Now lets see what you think about this." Joseph used his scythe to cut his arm, before he pointed his hand at a rabbit and channeled some power in it, turning the hand red. After a second, the rabbit's blood started exiting from an cut made by the magic and forced itself into Joseph's arm, healing it and sealing the cut. Next, he bused his basic transform ability, turning into and huge bat and flying around the room before coming back down. Finally, he slashed at an rabbit, causing the rabbit to explode after an short amount of time. "And that is blood magic." Joseph said, panting slightly as the magic exhausted him quite a bit. He turned back and headed to his seat, grabbing some water along the way.
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Avianna watched the next people go, feeling slightly more useless than before. There were so many strong people here, she thought, looking around the room. Sighing, she swirled the water in her glass once more, not sure what to do. She had her eye on Zodiac. He seemed interesting, and he was strong. She watched the water fairy - Aquila, her name was - with awe. She clapped when she was done, amazed at how strong her elemental magic was. Next was the vampire, who had a bloody wicked scythe - no pun intended, she thought, giggling to herself. He, too, was very strong. She would have been happy to be with anyone. She was, after all, mostly a healer.
Zodiac tapped his pencil against his mask. Blood magic, eh? Well, that's a new one.

Zodiac wrote Joseph down as a maybe, since Joseph tried earlier to fight with Zodiac. He was uneasy about Joseph's obedience to work in a team, but there's a chance.
'Wonder what everyone is doing though.' Joseph thought. True, he didn't want to join a team, but the more he thought about it the more impossible it'd be, as who knows whats down there. He looked around the room, noticing the zodiac guy writing something, the angel looked nervous, and the water nymph looked exhausted. '2 healers and I think 2 damage dealers? Not sure if the zodiac can actually deal any damage though.' Joseph thought, looking at him for a bit more before shrugging and turned his attention back to the center of the room.
Zodiac silently got up and drifted to the back of the crowd and sat in the empty seat next to Avianna.

"Hey Avianna, I hope we get into a team together. Your healing ability looks really useful..."

Zodiac folded his arms and leaned towards her.

"The funny thing is that you're the only angel I took interest in, ever."
Avianna glanced to Zodiac, smiling warmly, feeling slightly embarrassed once more. "W-well thank you." she said softly. "And I would love to team up with you! You're really strong." She looked down to the table, tracing a knot in the wood with her finger. "Do you not like angels?" she asked nervously.
"I'm not prejudiced, I just don't really favor them. Growing up with Trebuchet, he taught me that Angels were stuck-up and full of themselves. I later on learned that wasn't the deal at all. Then I met you. You kinda whisked away all my negative thoughts about angels, 'Cause you're pretty rad." Zodiac playfully nudged Avianna with his elbow.

'Hmm... guess I should start trying to get a team now.' Joseph groaned at the thought, as he was usually an solo player. He noticed the angel and zodiac getting friendly with each other and decided to join them. "Umm are you guys forming an team?And would you guys mind if I join?" he asked, cursing himself inwardly at how awkward he was.
Avianna chuckled softly, cheeks tinting red once more. "Why, thank you. I think you're 'pretty rad' too." she said, playfully nudging him back. She noticed the vampire coming toward them, smiling at him warmly when he asked to join them. "I'm okay with that. The more the merrier." she looked to Zodiac for confirmation.
Zodiac turned his head at the vampire. "Oh, it's you. Well..."

He looked at Avianna and sucked air through his bared teeth.

"Sure, why not. The more the merrier."
"So sarcastic. If you don't want me I could easily leave. Just tell me you don't want me and I'll be on my merry way." Joseph glared at the zodiac, before sighing and looking at the angel. "Who else do you plan to have in the party?" He asked her.
"Anyways, I think Trebuchet still lives on Earth, now that I mentioned him. I get like letters from him. His dragons carry the envelopes up to me from time to time." Zodiac pulled a dagger from his belt and held it in front of Avianna's face. "A few weeks ago he sent this thing up to me. It's one badass blade..."

Zodiac spun the ringed grip on his thumb.

"Wicked little dude, is what Trebuchet named it. He uses so much old human language..."
"He could easily ride his dragons up here, but I dunno why he hasn't...."

Zodiac sheathed his dagger.

"I kinda miss him. He was my role model growing up here. He left after a while and stayed on earth"
(No problem lol)

Avianna thought for a second. "Well..." She began, tapping her chin with one finger. "Honestly, I;m not sure. Everyone here is really strong, and I would love to have anyone on our team." She laughed. "I just love making friends."

She turned her attention back to Zodiac, listening intently before nodding to him. "Do you think we'll see him when we're down there? He may be able to help us retrieve the scrolls."
Joseph turned away from them and walked over to the water nymph. "Umm would you like to team with us?" Joseph asked her, guesturing the angel and the zodiac behind him. "You have some decent skills that could come in handy." Joseph told her. @VioletShadow
After a short rest whilst rubbing her sore palms, she noticed a team forming. Looking away for a mere moment, she was startled by the vampire in her presence. She smiled softly, "It would be my pleasure, I didn't think anyone would ask me to join a team." Looking at her teammates carefully, she remembered their performances. A mage-like demon being, a blood scythe user and an angelic healer. She thought she would fit in, as she could make shields to defend them. Thinking about a battle formation, she walked over to the rest of her team with Joseph.


(Edit: Sorry, I'll try to post as often as I can. It's just that sometimes I spent way too long on one comment.)
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Kynerith watched everyone's talents. As she observed everyone, she couldn't help but think she was the least of people anyone would want on her team. All she could do was fire stuff. That was it.

Although she really didn't want to go up at all. Boasting wasn't her thing. Kynerith stared at the table intensly, making a small flame appear. Then another appeared and thankfully the flames were harmless, and wouldn't set the table on fire, though if others touched them they would get burnt. One of the small flames took the form of a horse, made of complete fire, while another took the form of a lion. She then watched the fire puppets go at each other with intreast. Something she did when she was bored, lost in her own little world.
"Trebuchet is pretty easy to find. He sent me photos of his little hideout. You go under this big stone bridge, walk along the shoreline until you spot a large brown building. That's his 'grotto' as he calls it." Zodiac held up a few photos from his satchel.

"Can't wait to see what it's like inside."
Avianna examined the pictures with interest before looking at Zodiac in wonder. "Is this what Earth looks like?" she asked, amazed at how different it looked than the world she grew up in.



When it came to Avara's turn to show what she could do, she yawned, drifting lazily down into the circle. She had her eye on a few people, but that angel? Something about her just rubbed Avara the wrong way. She was just too... Goody-goody.

She stretched when her feet hit the ground. "Whew! You guys are interesting..." she mused, fluffing her black feathered wings. She slipped easily into her crow form, cawing loudly at the woman in white. Damned angels... Transforming once more, she plucked a feather from her down. "Do you have any more squirrels?" she asked. The angel nodded, bringing out two for her to use. One, she threw the feather at, watching with delight as it stuck into the creatures neck. It started to move slower, as if it was getting harder to move. Drawing her fan, she charged, slicing the poor thing in two. "HA!" she laughed. She hadn't had this much fun in a long time. She was more of an offensive kind of fighter. With a slow grin, she took off into the sky again, more intent on drifting lazily over everyone's heads than making friends.

(@SecretRock the angel is having everyone demonstrate their powers for the others, that way its easier for making teams. or one big team. dunno yet lol)
(@SmittenKitten thanks!)

Lilura looked around as the crow girl finished her demonstration. Everyone seemed to be so powerful here, compared to her. Nervously, she stepped forward, brushed her fringe out of her eyes and pulled her wand out from behind her ear. She watched the crow girl fly for a while, then opened her bag, looking through for a good thing to start with. All the little pockets in her bag were full with their assigned potions and a slightly glowing, neon green one caught her eye. She pulled out the bottle and looked around. The fireplace was still soaking wet, but it seemed to be a good enough target. She hurled the little glass jar at the fire place and bright green flames leapt up from the green liquid with a loud pop.

With a flick of her wand and a small mutter she threw a piece of food from the table into the fire where it disintegrated into a cloud of ash. Unsure of what to do next, she flicked her wand towards the sky. A small ball of smoke flew up from the tip of her wand, and when it hit the ceiling it exploded into a cloud of petals. Lilura gave a mocking bow and walked back out of the centre of attention.

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