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Fantasy Arivale, The City in the Sky

Zodiac wasn't a big fan of angels, especially if they get too close to his face. The angel that inspected him got a little too close for comfort, until Zodiac wanted to lash out in vile swearing. But the angel backed up and a worried expression swept across his face. He sighed and tugged on Zodiac's arm. Zodiac, just out of curiosity, obediently followed.

What was the face for? He asked himself. Is there something off about me?
he gave a grin, following after. what was in store for them, he wondered. he couldn't be sure, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't excited. he ignored the uneasy look the angel had adopted, making his way to the front. standing beside the redhead once again, he spoke. "its not being lazy, its being content."

June saw an angel leading Zodiac to the front of the room. She smiled, though she wasn't exactly happy that he was chosen as well, but glad to know there would be at least one familiar face down there. She noticed that the angel leading him had given him a weird look. When the angel moved onto it's next person, June approached Zodiac. "What was the look for? You already say something to 'em?" she questioned playfully.

"I dunno. Maybe it's the way I look. At least I was chosen..." He paused. "And I don't think 'familiar face' is the way to describe me. More like mask."

He tightened the bandages on his arms and adjusted his collar.

"And hopefully I can get to see what Earth is like after all these years..."
"I've never been down there. I'm so excited, though! My grandparents used to tell me such great stories. I don't even care if any of it is true, at this point. I just want to be there," she begins to ramble again. "So, what's it like? Er, what was it like?" she asks Zodiac.
Once Avianna was at the front of the room, she glanced around at the others chosen. She saw Zodiac and June, smiling and waving slightly before facing back to the woman in white. The angel ushered them all through the door, leaving the others in the room behind them. She made her way over to Zodiac and June, just happy to see a familiar face.


Avara looked at the others chosen, wondering what they all had in common. She stretched out her wings, fluffing her feathers out. Once everyone was gathered, the woman in white spoke once more. "Welcome, chosen ones." she motioned over to a large table filled with food. "Please, feel free to help yourself. You all must be hungry." Avara grinned. Well, don't mind if I do, she thought to herself.
Aquila's stomach rumbled slightly, eager to taste all the food. Retaining her composure, she walked over to the table and began picking out a few pieces of meat and vegetables. Laying them on her plate, she sat quietly on an elegant seat, decorated with various silver swirls. As she took the first bite, she began to read one of the books she had reserved from the library. Her face lit up from the pure relief of removing her hunger, she smiled softly whilst looking at the first chapter of her book.
Lilura slowly walked over to the table, hearing the large crowd in the room behind them start to dissipate. She looked over the food then turned away. She spotted the winged girl she was talking to earlier and walked over, smiling in greeting as she kept her hands in the pockets of her dark coat.

"Are you excited?" She asked the winged girl, a nervous feeling starting to grow in her own stomach. She'd never really done a quest before, let alone anything this important. "My name's Lilura, by the way."
Rune sighed, running a hand through his hair. he took a seat, and closed his eyes. a few more minutes wouldn't hurt...right?

he yawned, running a hand over his eyes. they better get this moving, or heal sleep through the entire thing...
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Kynerith smirked as he stood next to her once more. Kynerith still looked to the front as she replied "Quite contempt" she said with a chuckle.
June's stomach growled when she smelled the wonderful food that lay just beyond another set of doors. When they entered the room, her jaw dropped, amazed at just how much food there was. She rushed to the large buffet of food, grabbing a plate and filling it with as much delicious food as she could. She began eating once her plate couldn't stand the weight of anymore food being added to it. Each new food she tried tasted better than the last.
The angel watched them in amusement, nodding. "Let us begin... You have all been chosen for many reasons. We believe that your strengths make up for the others weaknesses. You all compliment each other in some way. This is necessary for where you will be going." She snapped her fingers. Packets of papers appeared in front of each person, detailing the quest. "There are five scrolls to collect, in five different regions, each one more dangerous than the last. You may work together in one big group, or you may split the tasks between you, working in smaller teams. It is up to you how you all tackle this challenge." Avianna glanced at Zodiac, thinking about how cool it would be to be in a team with him.
Zodiac gripped the paper and studied it.

Five scrolls, Incantations...That sounds like a whole lotta buzz over paper.

He caught Avianna's gaze and met it with a blank and somber stare.

Maybe being in a group with her won't be so bad, even if she's an angel. And with Zodiac's help, they together might obtain a few of the scrolls, or even all of them!

Zodiac tightened his grip on the paper.

Maybe I can find out why I'm here...

he jumped as the paper appeared in his hands, and released a breath,looking it over"...it sounds like one group will be best, at least for now. theres no telling what we'll run into, and we do have roughly a year...just so we know what we are getting ourselves into." he yawned, shaking himself. he wasnt scared. it was more worried. theres no telling what will happen...
June scoffed. With food still in her mouth, she said, "Who the hell put you in charge?" She swallowed what was still being chewed. "It's huge down there; one group of a ton of people won't get anything done. If we want to actually get results, we'd wanna go in a few smaller groups. I'm sure whatever we all run into won't be as bad as the guy at the market who tried to scam me out of my money," she laughed at her own joke.

Zodiac tapped June's shoulder. "Heya, Lady. Maybe you can be in a team with me and Avianna, it looks like you can do some useful stuff."

Zodiac tried to smile, but his mask concealed most of his emotes.
"I suggest you back off ." Joseph coldly told an angel heading towards him. The angel slightly flinched and backed up a bit before grabbing him and pulling him forward. The angel then examined him, poking and staring for a few minutes before giving a nod. 'Nice to know I get to go down there.' Joseph thought.
Zodiac was so wrapped up in his exchange that he didn't smell the aroma of cooked cuisine on the tables. He drew a deep breath from his nostrils and turned his head.

"Oh man, Deviled Eggs..."

Zodiac could hardly contain his excitement as he grabbed a plate and filled it with Deviled Eggs, brownies, and other pastries. He walked back holding a platter of food with his mask lifted above his mouth.

"Sorry lady, I'm kinda a food fanatic..." He wiped yellow cream off of his chin with a rag.

"I just love Deviled Eggs and sweets."

June quickly changed her demeanor when Zodiac walked up to her. He turned to him before talking. "Sounds great! I can't wait to get down there and start exploring," she said happily, glad she was asked to join a team. She laughed a bit at how excited Zodiac was that there were deviled eggs. "It's not a problem, might as well take advantage of all this food before we're stuck on Earth for a year without any of the luxuries we're used to," she said, smiling.
"Ah, Hopefully it's not so bad down there now. I remember Earth being so lush, so green, it was dazzling," Zodiac lowered his head. "Alas, I believe Earth lost it's luster a LONG time ago."

Zodiac vaguely recalls his adolescence and then on, but beyond that is a blank space, an empty gap in his memory. All he knows is when his adolescent life ended, a new one began, that wasn't Adulthood. Zodiac still feels incredibly young despite how long he has been around.
Kynerith scoffed. Teams?! She would have to actually team with somebody. Kynerith scowled as she bit into an apple. She looked around, looking at people already arranging groups. Great.
`'Wonder if I should group with someone.' Joseph thought, before deciding it was useless. "I'm sure I'll be fine alone as well." Joseph muttered, grabbing an sandwich from the tables.
he winced as she yelled at him. Fine. if they get attack by some abomination, they can go take care of it themselves. he sighed, shaking his head." alright then. I guess i should get going." he brushed himself off, standing. they wanted to die, thats their busness he rolled his shoulder, his wings worming from his backside. he gave a quick flap of the large,feathered limbs, streatching them out as he yawned. a year to save the world. fair enough...
Around an hour had passed and Malin had finally made it home in a rather aggravated mood."Grandpa, I'm home" he yelled out before letting himself drop to the floor. "What happened to you" he asked calmly."I fell off a rock to a tremor." "A tremor?" He asked, confused. "Theres no quakes on this flying preice of rock but I did feel something earlier, why don't you go find out what it is?" He said picking the purple flower out of Malin's thick white hair "yeah... About that, I kinda sprained my ankle when I fell" he admitted plainly. "Here let me help you out" he said approaching his sprained ankle. He snapped hi . Fingers to start a small flame on the the tip if his finger. He then lowered it onto until he began to wince from both the heat and the sprain. Though Malin knew pyrokinesis he still burned himself everytime he used it and he hated that about himself. Before he knew it the pain had stopped and he stood up and stretched.
Avianna sat herself down at the table, watching the others teaming up, wondering what group she could wiggle her way into. She sighed, taking a glass of water and drinking half of it, swirling it around with her finger. After a while, the angel before them snapped her fingers, getting everyones attention. "Now that everyone is... Acquainted, we can begin. We must test your abilities, to see if we have chosen the right people for the job. Once I call your name, please stand and make your way up to the center circle of the room. There, you will demonstrate your abilities." Her eyes fell on Avianna before she nodded. Avianna squirmed in her seat as every eye fell on her. "Avianna Cleskmore."

Swallowing hard, she stood, making her way to the center circle. She didn't do very well under pressure, and she hadn't expected to use her magic this soon. She took a deep breath, looking to the woman for guidance. Another nod was all she received. Closing her eyes, she calmed her nerves. This wouldn't be so hard, she thought to herself. First, the Healing Song. She unsheathed a small silver dagger from her waist, taking a deep breath before gritting her teeth and slicing into the exposed flesh on her arm. Replacing the dagger, she then drew her flute, which she had harnessed on her other hip. She let the blood flow freely for a moment before raising the flute to her lips, playing the most hauntingly eerie song she knew. The notes lilted, echoing perfectly in the silent room. Before everyone's eyes, her wound slowly began to close. By the ending note, there was nothing, just a drizzle of blood as the only reminder of the injury. She replaced her flute, focusing on the next power. She gazed at the glass of water she had left on the table.

With a gentle flick of her wrist, she lifted the water out of the glass, swirling it around and letting it fall back into the cup. She once more looked at the angel beside her, receiving yet another nod. Where she could manipulate the elements, she could not manipulate magic made fire or water. Air was beyond her and she had never really tried earth manipulation, fearing that something would go wrong and the city would be in jeopardy. She motioned to the fire in the hearth off to her left, envisioning it growing and pulsating, taking the shape of a dragons head. So she thought, so it did. She let her hands fall back to her side. Doing elemental magic exhausted her like crazy, so she tried to do it as little as possible, unless she absolutely needed it.

Finally, she hovered in the air, envisioning her wings growing stronger and stronger, until they slowly started glowing, taking on a razor sharp edge, like iron or steel. She could only hold out for a minute or two before letting go of the image, letting her wings fade back to normal. This was her most usual attack, the one she would rely on in a pinch. This one didn't exhaust her nearly as much as her magic did. She quickly made her way back to her seat once she was finished, embarrassment tinting her cheeks red. What if nobody wanted to team up with a weakling like her? She thought to herself. She watched the table, not daring to meet anyone's gaze, fearing they would laugh at her.

(Alright everyone! feel free to show off lol)

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