Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Do we want Grey Wind and the Priestess to meet up with Edge and Rianna on the harbour, or wait until we've found out about them? How's the time in the two threads?
Just so you guys know, starting Tuesday I'll be heading to California with the family for two weeks of vacation. We are bringing a laptop with us, but with all of the family time, I'll be a bit busy.
No problem with me. Real life has screwed with my gaming schedule before. :roll:
Aw, dude. That stinks. But, I do hope for the best of luck to ya, and wish you a speedy return to the PbP boards.
Right. That leaves me a connundrum as to what to do about his character...and I gotta figure out a way to get you guys going without resorting to hand-waving.

His character hasn't met any of the others, so it does make it somewhat easier. You could have him simply working from the shadows, sort of a behind-the-scene kind of helper. If he does return, he can assume his character and take it from there. If he doesn't, not too much of a problem.

Naturally, it means that the characters will need to at least suspect that someone is out there helping them, but the help need to be small, so as not to detract from our actions, so maybe something more like dropping notes in different places that our characters find, as if from a mysterious helper.

Other than that, my other idea would be the simple hand-waving. but in the end it's your call.
I'm good with whatever decision you go with.
If you post a message in the game status list, you'll get a handfull of replies in no time.
I'd suggest putting a reply in the original thread where you posted about the game. makes it easier for people to track the previous talks, and less clutter.
OK. I think I have a replacement character. Now, I need something to get Resplendent Edge, Renna, Priestess, and Grey Winds going, and I has houserule to put to vote before we see combat.

How about I roll stunt dice for you and add to totals directly? Purpose would be to speed up combat a bit, so that the order goes "Post attack and roll!" "I post stunt dice, Roll them, and give result!" instead of "Post attack!" "I post stunt dice" "Post Roll!" "I post Result!"

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