Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Talked about it with Divideby0, and I think we'd both prefer not to simply slot his character in the "Solar bond here" space left by Idyllic.

I'm more than happy to leave that portion of my character as a dangling plot line, if you'd prefer.
I assume for Wound-Mending Care Technique, we're going by the official errata, which is changed to this:

This Charm replaces the normal benefits of medical care, instead allowing the target to recover a number of lethal or bashing health levels equal to the number of successes at the end of the treatment. If the target spends the day resting, the target recovers a number of additional lethal and bashing health levels equal to the Solar's permanent Essence at the end of the day.

Makes it much more useful for immediate use. Can't have my new teammates go dying on me now, can they?
Sarodinian said:
I've been a bit flaky recently as well. Notable things: IdyllicSilence exited, Divideby0 enters. Going through chargen with him. Feel free to jump in wherever, though the dynamic duo of Edge and Renna seem to have usurped your thread for the moment.
Yes, they seem to have...left the ship? Okay, I think you need to make a new thread for me and Grey, as we wonder what the hell just happened.
It is a good thing that Renna can't read, or she would be quite upset with the 'gal-pal' comment from those fliers. Edge is her boy-toy.
What are we waiting for in the meet-up between the two threads for the lunch meeting?
I believe the Priestess is likely to notice the flyers about the anti-anathema meeting. We might see some sparks flying all over... :mrgreen: :lol:
That's a good idea! Thanks. :P But, two awesome perception rolls, gotta figure out what I want them to notice that's kinda hard to do so.
Awwww, you can't have some fireworks of the Priestess kicking ass without Renna there to watch- er, to listen in on the fun!
Well, means I'd be reimagining this particular encounter, but I think it'll be doable...just gotta figure out ways to get everyone else involved...
Once we get to the next island where the animals are going nuts, I'd like to add some new forms to my shapeshifting library. When dealing with normal animals, how do you want to work the Sacred Hunt?
If you want to get Edge and Renna out of the house, it's as simple as having a sympaphizer knock on the door, and tell them about the posters, or having the mayor come in, and tell them, but try to convince them not to do anything rash about it.
Or, someone comes and tells us that the Priestess is preaching to the crowd and is about to make a riot.
I apologize for the erratic posting recently, work has been...busy. Going on a trip to Uganda, and will be gone until the 5th - I'll theoretically have internet access, but I wouldn't count on me posting much.
Sarodinian said:
Much as I hate to break the adorable, I must finds some means of getting you two out of the house...hmm....
In the games I've played, I found fire to be a reliable motivator. Of course, I was the one setting them.
Before I start taking my posts down the path of 'its a broken teapot', is my theory correct? Hopefully I can stop Edge from chopping up some poor passerby into cutlets.
if he had wanted to cut down whoever was doing the noise, he would have summoned his solar saber, and ran out brandishing it, but he didn't, yet... :lol:
In no way do I wish to imply any criticisim, but I've dealt with players that would have no problem kicking down the door and spraying the street with automatic weapons fire. :roll:
there might times that such a thing might take place, and I can't say I didn't give that option a fraction of a second of consideration, but Edge is usually a good boy, and he comes from a good home, so don't judge him harshly :mrgreen:

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