Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

I suppose I should break out the prayer beads and prepare a sacrifice to the Gods of Gaming to return this board to life.

Oh, Great and Powerful Ones! Hear my cry and accept this humble gift of Essence and sacrifice I lay at your altar! Return to us our Storyteller, so that we may go forth and destroy the forces of evil, gain xp, and collect great amounts of loot as is the right of all Gamers. Huzzah to the Gods of Gaming!
My prayer is not yet working! Quickly, everone! Join in and donate your Essence to the great gods that run this site to return our Storyteller so that he may award us with much xp for our dedication to the cause!
I would, but lately my prayer rolls have been crappy... :mrgreen:

Though I do hope to get this game rolling again, it's very entertaining, and holds a great deal of promise.
OK. My computer is no longer a melted piece of slag, and Real Life has given me a bit of a breather for the moment. Unfortunately, most of my plans for this story were lost with the hard drive, and I'm still having real trouble thinking of exactly what I want our person to say. I also can't really say for certain how long this little breather will last, but I'll try to get this story rolling again.
Here is a spiffy idea: how about you give us a nice amount of xp for us to spend while our wonderful storyteller adjusts his plans for us. 8)

I really like this character, and I'd like to see her grow.
OK. I need to figure out who's still with this game. I pretty much built this around the current cast of characters, losing too many, well, I doubt I can easily replace that character's influence with another. If everyone's here, I'll just continue this story as-is, if not, I'm considering opening this game up and rebooting for the new characters. So, whoever's still here, sound off. I'll take note.
I'll give this like, a day or so, as I wanna get this back up and going before RL sweeps me away again. Specific thing is, after looking at the last reported online times for everyone, looks like TheRealBrickWall dropped off the face of the planet. I'll be honest: This story's dead in the water without The Priestess.
Primarily this first section, though she'd be playing a large role in future segments as well due to story elements that've yet to be revealed. Primarily, the lynchpin of that one was the fact that she was a Zenith, and was so damn dedicated to the Unconquered Sun, that certain things wouldn't be thematically appropriate for anyone else to do. I can attempt to run around that with some other similarly mystic-esque character, but enough of the story would have to be retconned that it'd be easier for me to just reboot the story.
One option would be to open up the board to add a player or two, and use PM's to assign a character that is similar to the Priestess' arctype.
I do hope that you will consider either opening this game up for new people, and trying to retcon, or reboot the story, but letting me and Sherwood, and anyone else that might still be around, to use the same characters.
Naturally. It seems like all I have left here are you two for the moment. I'll likely open this up to three more, and either start with a clean slate+Renna and Edge, or figure something out here. I'd be open to some ideas on the latter, though I'm leaning a bit towards the former. If anyone else shows up, they can keep their characters as well.
OK. I'm gonna work you two a bit more into the backstory of the city, and chronologically, set it a bit later so that you already know most of the main stuff you've found out. As for headhunting, within the time it took me to post the Looking for More thread, and drive home, I got 2 responses. Hopefully, we can make this work.

My character sheet and backstory are posted up in the forum, hopefully it'll be up to scratch. Lemme know what you think.
Looks good to me, but then again, i'm a fellow player.

Also, I'm sure Sherwood's character would be thrilled, she was complaining to my character how we haven't met another Lunar, but saw several Solars. :mrgreen:
Indeed! The character's kind of a departure for me, I've never played a Crafter before. And I didn't mean for him to be a combat monster, but hurrah for horrifyingly efficient Lunar chargen. :P
Yes, I have fallen in love with the Lunars for some time now.

And its a good thing that we have more Lunars; someone has to keep an eye on our trouble-making Solars, right? 8)

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