Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

BTW Sarodinian, i never intended to have him not wake at first light to greet the dawn, it's just that Sherwood post kinda threw a wrench in my posting ;-)

We'll just say that usually he is up early, but for the past few days he's been 'on vacation' and well, sometimes sleeping in can be fun.
I don't think those of us in Ode to the Sun will be doing anything until we get to Antipater. I can't speak for Esbilon, but I don't think there's much to do.
Agreed, while there's nothing wrong with some friendly smalltalk, it would be nice to get the plot moving forward.
Right. I'll probably need to figure out some plot device to get you to Antipater sooner. Since ya went ahead and said you'd be arriving closer to noon, that means I either gotta get everyone else to noon, or get you guys there faster.
So that's what you get from creativity, being forced to change everything! this is the most outrageous railroading I've ever experienced :P !

About an hour it is.
Ooh boy. This's gonna turn out better than expected with what Edge just mistook the Golden Wraith and the Thunderchild for. :twisted:
And its not like Renna can correct his error. :roll:
Well, that goes to show me that I need to buy some dots in Lore :mrgreen:

Damn, now that I think about it, I could have asked our beloved ST whether I can substitute Lore with Sail, after all, I'd assume that under Sail you also learn to identify naval flags. (The difficulty might have been higher, granted, but he's have a bit more chance, or at least not botch it)
They're still too far out to see actual flags in great detail. You just made a rather poorly informed guess based on the strange colors of their ships and what you could see of the flags. :P
Well, Renna is concerned enough with protecting the islanders from the crossfire of a pitched battle that she would advise caution instead of just leaping in with weapons bared. That should give us time to realize that we're not under attack and not just start chopping down other players before we can get the game rolling.
Heh. The Laughing Nymph has an advantage here. It blends in almost perfectly with the local merchant traffic.

Additionally: Apologies for some delays, as I'm trying to account for happenings in some threads before posting stuff in other ones.
Renna's cloak might have deep pockets, but Edge still needs to arm himself. I'd wait for Sherwood to describe his transformation and subsequent lifting of Edge, or try thereof, or maybe out ST wants to write what happens next, cause I'm a bit stumped right now.
It looks like we are nearly synched up with all the threads. :)
As we get xp, do you have a problem with Renna learning some spirit Charms?
How about that she needs to be an Eclipse to do that? She's not one. She can try to get some Fair Folk Graces, I suppose, but that'd need to be RPd out.

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted lately. Been occupied.
Yeah Renna, Eclipses (and Moonshadows) have that sole edge. Grey Winds gets away with it cause they're holdovers from her demonic heritage.
Does she have the merits for that? The gills mutation isn't enough for that. There are appropriate merits to allow purchasing of Charms from blood inheritance.

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