Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Insane and evil are just two different points of view. 8)
I'd like to make a small request to Saridonian:

Could we possibly as a in-between track roleplay one of Siham's lectures, specificaly, that one on abyssal exalted. I feel that the attendance would be rather high and it might help the players define how much they know and how they feel on abyssals.

What does everyone think about that ?
I've been having some comuter trouble. Once I get it back from yhe shop I'll be able to get posting again. Sorry for the wait.
Yes, go right ahead.

If you want threads for your characters IC rantings and ravings, feel free to make them, titled with an appropriate image song.
Am I correct in my belief that things like Siham's lecture takes place during our downtime before we've started in the new storylines?
Ok, cool. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't attending a lecture at the same time that I'm running around in the jungle looking for First Age goodies.
Or that I was exploring for first age ruins too ?

"And so while I'm decyphering those inscriptions let me tell you about the abyssal..."
Yes hang on. Trying to figure out exactly what Edge encounters, since he decided not to use the nice Dungeon Bypass that The Salesman so kindly provided.
It was kind of the Salesman, for sure, but Edge's focus is not only on finding whatever it is the the Silver Prince is after, but also finding more things that will help Antipater prosper, and grow, to become the nation he believes it should be. And shiny stuff that can be sold/worked is probably somewhat high on the list of things to help it achieve that goal. :mrgreen:
Holy Crap! no wonder the Silver Prince is after this' date=' and the Sidereals have an interest as well.[/quote']

Also: "Black Magic Woman": In which we see the roots of WWS's "Plan B" regarding Solar Circle Sorcery.
Sorry for the lack of activity guys, going through a real busy patch at the moment and my head isn't exactly wired right for gaming. I'll be posting, but a infrequently for a while.

Saro, you can NPC Gabha if you need to. Try not to get him killed unless the plot calls for it though, I quite like him and I will be back.
The whole heart-devouring thing has merit. Look at the Golden Widow faction, after all.

Also, if Antipater just willingly gave its dreams to the Salesman, we could all have nice things but no, everyone wants freeee wiiiiill...
Hey! Can we speak about something other than "killing Abyssals to see what happens" or "Eating your mate's heart"!? oO
xarvh said:
Hey! Can we speak about something other than "killing Abyssals to see what happens" or "Eating your mate's heart"!? oO

To be fair, its a *Solars* heart I need for the plan.

Your heart is safe until her gaze turns to Necromancy.

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