Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

If Dove's Parry DV is only 4, then I get 4 more dice to damage.... cause he can't dodge against my attack...

Edge rolled the following in his 4 dice:

4, 10, 9, 6

Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 2 successes.

take that Dove!
Err, I'd just like to point out that even if Siham is drowning, he's still glowing so quite easy to spot (up to a certain point).
I was under the impression the Dove was dead, not merely wounded. Since he's clearly still alive, I'd prefer I not have dismissed the Virtuous Guardian of Flame just yet.
And I just updated my Avatar to a loose sketch I did of the Salesman. Gonna do a tight version of it in a few days
Honestly, V was not originally an influence for him but Sarodinian did nudge me into thinking of that... As I said, though, this is a loose sketch. In the final design, the mask will be closer to his face and his pony-tail better defined.

All in all, though, I do imagine him looking a lot like Hugo Weaving...
Not bad. Much better than any art ability that I dont have. :?

I'm also debating whether or not to have you roll Stam+Resist for pain resistance. 5 Aggravated levels isn't something you shake off so easily.
Depends on how high my wound penalties are. If it's just -1 then I'll happily play doctor with everyone.

That came out wrong.
Now, just waiting on SRC and Axelgear to chime in on their respective threads so I can continue with the plot.
Not wanting to sound like a munchkin looter here, but maybe you shouldn't leave the siddie body without supervision. It would be just their style to send someone to steal the body and all useful evidence and clues. That and the sligthly less than happy locals might need proof that the Dove is as dead as a ... dead dodo.
OK. Just a bit of an FYI here, I intend to give out the EXP at the end of the Disc here. I'd say theres one more forshadowing/plot point that needs to be hit, shouldn't be too many more posts. You'll also get some downtime, as well as some Fixed Rewards. Any Background modification I hand you is a freebie. I also reserve the right to remove background dots I feel you've burned or otherwise lost. Same goes with Intimacies.

Once the rewards are handed out, lemme know how you use them, and once everyone's ready, we'll start the next Disc.

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