Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Well intimacies wise, I guess the whole group is likely to get a healthy dislike of siderals, explosive devices and firewands.

edit: by the way, is it me or does the Silver Prince have a lot of problems with runaway day castes ?
Mmmh, good point, I was assuming that everyone knows that the SP is a Deathlord...

He's a godly manipulator, but as long as he dispatched deathknights around, I don't see him keeping such a secret for long...

ST, your call?
The West book actually says that nobody realizes that the Silver Prince and the Bodhisatva Annointed on Dark Water (i think that's his correct full name) are one and the same.
Some of them might be unaware of his duplicity, and some might be in the know, but loyal. What would they gain if he was exposed? only more attention from Heaven and the Realm.

Remember that until the Mask of Winter's move on Thorns, nobody paid much attention to the Deathlords, or knew much about them. Heck, the Sidereals didn't even have a convention on Deathlords until the Mask of Winter's attack.
The West book actually says that nobody realizes that the Silver Prince and the Bodhisatva Annointed on Dark Water (i think that's his correct full name) are one and the same.
Boddhisattva Anointed in Dark Water.
Huh, my post must not have come through...

I said this a while ago but it didn't show up: The Boddhisattva only chooses the most loyal servants from Skullstone as his deathknights, so it's a fairly good chance they don't know what he really is. That's a part of his nature: He demands complete and total loyalty.

CrazyIvan said:
You're sending us to the middle of the Atlantic ocean? ;)
I'm the Boddhisattva and I offer you a question: Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? No, says the woman in the Imperial Manse, it belongs to the Realm! No, says the god in Yu Shan, it belongs to the Sun! No, says the Lunar in the Threshold, it belongs to everyone! I... Rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different... I chose the impossible... I chose... Skullstone!
Merry Christmas, everybody! Happy Channukah, Ramadan, Qwanaza and Tet to everyone else. Holidays set in order of importance to me and relative odds you will be celebrating them.
Hey, if it's not too late, another order I have for Gabha: a gauntlet with claws that helps with climbing, going down... Like the one in the latest Prince of Persia in other words. That may come in useful in my character's future endevours.
BTW, until further notice and whenever not subject to active study, the Shard stays safely in Elsewhere...
In order to add heartsblood forms of normal animals, are you going to need us to game it out, or can we say that during the downtime, I added the following forms?
I have hatched a long term, insane plan!

1. Investigate this second island nonsense. Beat down an Abyssal. Give a Deathlord a bloody nose. How hard could it be?

2. Celestial Circle Sorcery. Along with the second sacrifice in lines with the current state of the Working. That'll be fun.

3. Loot some business. Build a bigger, badder, armed airship. Visit the God of Powered Flight for laughs. Go visit Raksi, put the poor girl out of her misery (how hard could it be?), rename Sperimin and rebuild it as a academy. Sometime in there start working on an army of Beastmen (note to self: privacy curtains). Read the Book of Three Circles a few dozen times. Have the GM rightfully shoot down Solar Circle Sorcery right then and there.

4. Have a little bit of a fit about that last part. Rage against the gods themselves. Be badly tempted to go Akuma-style. Realize this is a *bad idea*. Then realize that if the Yozis can grant a higher circle of sorcery, surely a living primordial can - preferably in ways not described as "soul rape".

5. Visit Luna. Petition Gaia herself. Solar Circle Sorcery. That last little sacrifice? Well, you'll see ;)

6. Figure out how Abyssal exaltations work - and more importantly, how to restore them to the normal cycle of reincarnation. Head to the Underworld, knock some heads together (how hard could it be?) until something breaks. Undo the work of the Neverborn with Splatbook Denying Technique.

7. Kill Dead Cat's current form (sorry love). Promise to have a nice throne in Meru waiting for him when he gets back (how hard could it be?). Also possibly a slinky dress, if he's into that.

8. Profit.
This evil plan sounds a bit dangerous to your nameless minions being used to move each step forward.
Sherwood said:
This evil plan sounds a bit dangerous to your nameless minions being used to move each step forward.
Edge heals quickly.

And you weren't using that arm anyway. You've got an octopus form now, you packed spares!

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