Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Well, that was a sure fire way to get at least some of the newly emerged Solars and Lunars with an intimacy of hatred against Sidereals. if we can remember them...
Actually, the Silver Pact knows pretty well the Sidereals, even if they may not know much after and including the Usurpation, so many Lunars should know about them.
There's a slight difference between knowing about someone and hating their guts. To some notable exceptions.
Just asking, what is that compassion check for ?

Is it for limit purposes or do I need to do even another one ?
Shouldn't there be some kind of a combat track?

Gabha only has 3 suxxes on Join Battle, while Edge has 7 suxxes...

not that I mind the bomb disarmed, just for the sake of making sure things happen in the correct order...
Do we have an order of battle set up at all? I want to make sure that I don't post out of turn.
Mostly Wind's is just miffed that while you all got dire portents of doomity doom doomyness, I got my primary offensive skill set dismissed as a "parlor trick".

Best case, she sulks for a few days.

Worst case, we find out just how many Neomah it takes to disassemble our Sidereal friend.
Personally, I hope to disassemble the bastard with a few well placed war fan strikes. I have a great combo I'm just dying to try out...
People... people... calm down. If things go as they stand now, Edge gets to go first, and after he's used his own combo you can all go apeshit on the Sidereal.

But for now, please remain seated...
LOL, I'm trying to imagine this bunch of people haggling and pushing against each other...


"No!! I saw him first!"

"I wanna kill him!"

"A kick in the 'nads, just a kick!"

"Dibs on his liver!!"
This is why we need to go with the order of the tick chart and everyone's Join Battle rolls. In my games, as everyone's JB roll comes in, I post it for everyone to see. For example:

1- evil dude


3- insert player name

4- insert different player name

and so on down the line.
Uh, sorry, didn't know I need JB to dodge, dodge more, and dodge again. =P

Dead Cat: 4, 6, 2, 3, 2, 10, 4, 10, 5, 7 Using 7 as the target number, the roll resulted in 5 successes.
Something I need to ask SRC: What's Edge's Essence? I see 2 on the sheet, but I see you have EXP expenditure to raise it to 3 marked down.

And Super Sekrit Disc 1 Bonus Track for The Salesman! Seeing as how his stunt removed him from the combat zone, lets take a look at the hi-jinks he and the good Mayor get into now while you guys fight The Dove!

Image Song for your listening pleasure.
Sorry, my bad, i forgot to change the sheet to reflect the XP expenditure. Will have to recalculate his Essence pool as well.

Edit: Damn, not the best roll, only 6 suxxes on 19 dice.
I also hope nobody minds me getting your characters DVs and Soaks right off your character sheets in an attempt to speed things along. I'm skipping right to the Damage roll and everything since Edge has burned his Charm action, if you have a means of defending yourself apart from static values, IE, charms/stunts, I will either wait on you to post, or will make edits to my posts and rolls accordingly to reflect stunts you attempt. And I -am- reading this right in that Edge has no armored soak right? Cause if that's so, this's gonna be painful.

Additionally: to speed things up again, once a given opponent's DV is known, and you know the target has no Charm/stunt action options, you may do the hit/miss check yourself and go right to damage. If I can do it, so can you. :) I also encourage Reaction posts. Talking Is A Free Action here, do so at will.

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