Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Midboss said:
Err, what language was WWS speaking just now ?
As tempted as I am to go full on Patrician and say High Realm, odds are she's settled on Old Realm as "highest probability of being understood" - especially with Edge.
I usually bracket my speech in different ways depending on what language I'm speaking to give a visual cue. <This might be Old Realm, for example, but> {now I'm speaking Leaftongue.}

Just a suggestion I find useful.
Chaka said:
I usually bracket my speech in different ways depending on what language I'm speaking to give a visual cue. <This might be Old Realm, for example, but> {now I'm speaking Leaftongue.}
This is actually a good idea.

I'd go further and propose: Seatongue (no brackets), <Oldrealm>, {Highrealm}?
I'm going to say, particularly unless I state otherwise, she's speaking Old Realm.

Because I'm going to forget brackets.

Of course, this is why I force everyone to take a common language in games I run ;)
Chaka said:
We all speak at least one language in common.... :P
I also edited the offending post to get your Exalt-type accurate. Or, more specifically, to make said post very very nonspecific :)
Might be a good idea to standardize what brackets go for what languages, yes.

Also, the Salesman is practically coming off as high Compassion right now. Yay Manipulation 5!
sorry it has taken me so long to post. busy with turkey day family stuff.

btw, happy late turkey day
Hm. To bring Kala in now, or let you guys banter around a bit more...decisions...

OK. And Her Hotness arrives.
The Salesman applies his usual charm.

Also, not that it matters but I forgot to add the 4 extra dice his mask provides: 1,10,4,6,+0 - 2 extra successes. 10 total, not that it matters.
I just want to double check with Xarvh: did your character actually speak or did he just point? I'm not quite sure from the wording of the post, and I don't want to make a post until I know.
The PC is quite emotionally fucked up, as any Abyssal and indeed any PC with Whispers should be.

Dead Cat considers any Abyssal a monster, even if the voice may probably sound normal to anyone else.
We are forming a "special" crew to fight the Dynasts. One is blind, one is a mute. The third rolls his turds into little balls and flings them at people.

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