Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Sherwood: I recently got in to a huge row about the Changing Moon anima, but I argue that yes, you can choose to use it to disguise your tattoos and tell. It's Saro's call though.
High Realm, Old Realm and Riverspeak. She tends to treat High Realm as her native tongue. Which is totally not helping her cause.
Riverspeak, High Realm and Old Realm are the closest to 'common' languages Creation has, along with the Guild Cant. She'll be able to speak to a lot of people, who'll have at least one of them as a second language. It's a good spread for a diplomat.

Unfortunately, she can't speak to me. :P Fortunately, she can speak to all the other PCs, so there can be translations if it's necessary.
Riverspeak, Low Realm and Guild Cant are the more common languages, with Old Realm having a special mention because it's the language of all spirits.

Last I checked, though, everyone speaks Seatongue.
Now' date=' now, even animals like Lunars can share a turf and play nicely along :mrgreen:[/quote']
I think you have us confused with Solars. :P
Midboss said:
Errr, so how does she speak with the locals ?
She speaks and extremely common trade language, and the language used for official business in the single largest and most powerful nation in Creation. She also speaks the languages spoken where she was born - I'd be very, very hard pressed to sell myself on her speaking Seatongue or the like.

She might not understand a given individual (and indeed doesn't in one case) but the odds of her being unable to find a translator, government official or factor who doesn't speak one of those is extremely low. Keep in mind she was born, and still considers herself a noblewoman - and she's also trying to avoid entangling herself in local politics. As far as she's concerned, but of the question "How do you speak with the locals?" is "I don't."

If she *really, really* needed to, she could also arrange to dredge up a Demon with the necessary skill, although people would undoubtedly fuss over that to no end.
Not to mention you can pick it up automatically with your next Linguistics purchase should you so desire.
No, the important thing is that it is appropriate for your character. :wink:
Ehm.. I would like to call the ST attention on my thread that has been left a bit idle while the company has fun...

Am I missing something?
That would be no problem.

But for now knowing the result of my rolls would do it.

They are moving and I would like to pursuit.
Ohh boy, things are getting rather interesting between Dead Cat and the Salesman. I can just see the Oh Crap faces of everyone in that scene.
I offered both discretion and information on a silver plate.

Of course, it's up to mr. Salesman to properly take it, I'm sure a manipulator of his skill won't have the slightest trouble.
That's fine, Edge doesn't trust any of these Lunars except Renna, but that's mainly because he doesn't know them. He's willing to cut them some slack in the mean time. :mrgreen:
Doesn't Socialize apply to long-term manipulation? Not to be a thorn in your side here but Socialize is all about understanding cultures, motivations, etc. and influencing organizations as a whole. Presence is used for more immediate things, like speaking to people.
Well, according to the manual, reading motivation is a perception + investigation/socialize vs Manip + socialise.

Sure it takes a few minutes normaly but it seems like the closest thing to being able to tell a lie when you hear one. Also, the manual shows socialise as the ability to use when lying.
Telling whether a statement is a lie or not would be Wits + Investigation or Awareness, I'd imagine.

As for socialize when telling a lie, at least what I've read, it says Socialize is good for veiling intentions (such as what your overall goal is) and adds that "In general, Socialize cannot be used to make social attacks". Lies would be made with Presence, like most general social attacks.

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