Arcanix Darsonnia's Notepad (OOCness) [Fire and Water]

Exalted is many things. Simple is not one of them. I think GM arbitration is required to solve that quagmire. The reason I put that was about the bit where my character claims to not have met any celestial exalted as part of his general doesn't want people to know he's a solar.

Since Renma seems to be a bit wary of Siham, I just included that for the purpose of the conversation to save time when she (or anyone else) tries to read motive.
Y'know, Xarvh. It'd be really awesome were you not to, y'know, pick up the mysterious device which might explode if disturbed and then run really fast jostling it about to the pier.

Especially after I just blew 8 motes trying to figure out how to dismantle it. :P
Throwing away the bomb is just a lot more dramatic than simply defusing it.

That is, unless Essence Alchemical Bombs have a blue and a red wire!!!
Please tell me that sounded as cool as it did in my head.

Edit: Forgive my interjection. If you still want Cat to race towards the pier, I can delete my post. Don't wanna seem like a glory hog.
Pretty cool. You've just succeeded in making my character look like an idiot for his panic attack just now. Oh well, there always has to be one comic relief in the group.
LOL, we're having a bunch o' Exalts competing to outshine each other... =)

A bomb... such a precious opportunity to show off!

And sorry Chaka, but the Rule Of Cool dictates that THAT BOMB IS GOING TO EXPLODE.

Come oooon!!! :mrgreen:

This is Exalted!!!


I'll just set for whatever is more cool, even if DC is not the center of attention.
Actually, that panic attack was very handy. As for the comic relief, be thankful for it: He always survives until the end of the movie, unless he's evil.

As for Rule of Cool, Malfeas yeah!
Midboss, Siham's reaction was priceless!! =)

Also, the Salesman move was Cool AND we get the explosion, so I'm fine with leaving DC unreactive.
Btw, collecting all the Celestials hostile to the Dove in one place and setting a bomb sounds like a cheap (and ridiculously ineffective) way to get rid of all of them...
I am reminded of the old Batman movie where he's running around trying to find a safe place to toss the explosives.
xarvh said:
Btw, collecting all the Celestials hostile to the Dove in one place and setting a bomb sounds like a cheap (and ridiculously ineffective) way to get rid of all of them...
Not to mention that at least some of us would likely have survived it if it's a bomb, thanks to Perfect Defenses.
Ok, what exactly is the current order of events? Is the device being taken away? If it's inactive, Gabha would like the chance to study it...
You take a closer look, everyone yells "RUN" and starts going, then The Salesman does his birdie-trick and takes out most of the building while he's at it.

I do hope everyone is having as much fun as I am with this. :-p
I'm sure Siddies LOVE when they are exposed so blatantly.

Sure enough, this blew DC's own cover, but it was soooo worth it! :mrgreen:
Generally speaking Lunars are taught about Sidereals. But no one thought to educate the poor Solars.
The older ones certainly know about Sidereals, but not all the younger ones do. Lore-heavy No Moons would, but Gabha is mostly invested in crafting, rather than book-study.
The existence of the Sidereals can be inferred by any PC with sufficient occult/lore: every Incarna has its Exalted by necessity.

WHAT exactly the Sidereals are, may be harder to know...
xarvh said:
I'm sure Siddies LOVE when they are exposed so blatantly.
Sure enough, this blew DC's own cover, but it was soooo worth it! :mrgreen:
His cover was kind of blown by his mere presence and his announcement to the Salesman earlier.

As for the Sidereals, the Salesman knows little about them. He knows their name, he knows that they're Celestial Exalts and that they're Chosen by the Maidens. Maybe inklings that they have stuff to do with Fate. However, he knows very little actually about them. He's simply very good at profiling people, a habit one tends to develop when working in sales.

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