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Community ~*April 2024 Buddy Event!*~

1712762128654.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x0
Bait x0

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F

"Ah,it is one of you again, mmhhmm! You would be most useful indeed, mmhhmm. But I only have the one Ball, mmhhmm. So it's no or never, mmhhmm!" She tossed a rock and Ball at the Shadowy Bird like creature!

Actions: Toss Rock and Ball at Shadow Buddy
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Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Buddies: Sparkle (Shadow, Intelligence E), Goober (Water), Earth Buddy
Inventory: 10/10 Balls, 1/1 Bait.

First time arriving in the Volcanic zone was still a little worrisome, it wasn't the kind of place she should ever desire to find herself in. Yet because of the odd circumstances of the adventurous day she had gotten invited to partake in, she wandered along with her good bird friend Sparkle in order to see what the local area had to offer. If they were really lucky, maybe they'd return with two buddies instead of just one like before with Goober and the unnamed Earth buddy.

Search the Volcanic zone for a buddy.​
1712762699345.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x10
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F

"Excellent, mmmhhmm. time to restock, mmhhmm." She stowed the now occupied Buddy Ball in her pack and headed back to the lab.

Actions: Return to Lab to Restock
Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Buddies: Sparkle (Shadow, Intelligence E), Goober (Water), Earth Buddy
Inventory: 10/10 Balls, 1/1 Bait.

"Another Shadow one?" Squink thought to herself. She wasn't planning to throw a rock, yet wasn't expecting another shadowy bird friend to be what she encountered. Throwing a rock would mean she could get to searching for new ones faster, so for just this one she chose to break her strategy change. Zones were bound to have repeats in what could be found, so she'd just try her luck once and move on to whatever else could be found.

Try to capture, using rock.​
1712763516350.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x10
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F

"I should try to get one more of those Shadow Buddies before I move on, mmhhmm." With her pack now replenished, she headed back to the Mesa.

Action: Move to Mesa

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

With one buddy having fled, he soon found another. This time it was a metal one. “Will you join me and Storm?” He'd ask it, hoping to have better luck this time around.

Actions: Catching [Metal]
Balls: 5/10
Bait: 1/1
  • [Storm] - Wind/Water/Lightning: 1 (Strength F, Precision E, Intelligence F, Vitality E, Speed F)
  • Earth: 1 (Regular Stats)
1712767871006.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x10
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F

Once she reached the Mesa once more, she let her personal Buddies out of their containment Balls. "Alright, let's get back to looking, mmhhmm!" The three started their patrol once more.

Actions: Search Mesa for Buddy

Marcus Banecroft

The Laboratory​

Fully armored once more, Marcus returned to the much cooler laboratory. He'd need said warmth for where he'd be going next. The frigid cold would be unwelcoming to some. But he had padding beneath his armor, which would assuredly aid in his warmth in the same manner it made him quite hot. He made sure to restock before he left, setting his sights on his next destination.

To the tundra, it is.

Action: Travel to Ice Zone


Buddy Ball-
Bait- 1/1
Wind Buddy
Water Buddy
Ruby Larue
Gesture - Dash Forward.jpgAfter the living mountain fell to rubble, Ruby sheathed her rapier. With the monster defeated and Ruby no longer conducting actions, Bird returned to perch on her shoulder. “Huh, Bird? Something's different about you,” Ruby muttered, poking the Shadow Buddy's talons - much to the creature's annoyance, “Sharp...er? Maybe-- Oh!! Right! We have to find more-- umm... more you, right? For Professor Blanket?

Let's go, Bird!!” Ruby shouted suddenly, threw her arm forward, and excitedly pointed toward the Mesa canyon. In response to the jolt, Bird flew off, scouting ahead, while Ruby dashed after her. The search for more Buddies had begun!

Action: Searching for a Buddy

8/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait

1/1 Shadow Buddies

Bird F (Shadow) HP = 25
Strength F
Vitality E

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
1712773240369.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x9
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F

The figure of a small shadowy bird swooped down toward her, drawing the Felisian's attention as it blocked out the sun momentarily. "Exactly what I was searching for, mmhhmm! Let's get this done, mmhhmm!" Calliope noticed Ruby encountering a similar Buddy. "Nice find, mmhhhmm! We'll help out the professor's research for sure, mmhhmm!" She grabbed a Ball from her pack and threw it in one swift motion as she was beginning to get the hang of the process.

Action: Throw a Buddy Ball at the Shadow Buddy

Mention: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt
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Ruby Larue
Gesture - Dash Forward.jpgReturning to the canyon shade, Ruby came upon the familiar sight of something flitting about within the shadows. “It's another one of you!” Ruby called out to Bird and immediately crouched to pick a rock off the ground. She knew how to startle this one into the open – and she could not possibly, accidentally, hit a fast-moving target with a rock again. Right?

She noted Bird's movements, circling above where the Other Bird hid, and threw a rock into the dark corner. Expecting the sound of rock hitting stone, Ruby was once again shocked to hear an angered caw. “Again?? Umm-- uh, Ah!” Ruby pulled another ball from her tail and quickly tossed it at the Other Bird before it could enact revenge on her.

Action: Catching a Buddy (+ Rock Throw """Meta""")

7/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait

1/1 Shadow Buddies

Bird F (Shadow) HP = 25
Strength F
Vitality E

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Calliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x9
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F x2

As she lifted the Ball and placed it in her pack she took a deep breath of the Mesa air one last time. She turned and waved at the Squirrel, smiling warmly. "Good luck with your search, mhhmm. Perrrrhaps we can meet up again later, mmhhmm." She recalled Gilgamush and Umbra, beginning her trek to the Volcano.

Actions: Move to Volcano

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt
Ruby Larue
Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpgRuby's expression turned to shock and horror when the ball failed to save her from the Other Bird. “Watch out, partner!” She alerted Calliope and reached for her rapier. But before she could draw it, the Other Bird was on her. It forced Ruby to swat at the creature as it pecked at her, “Ow! I-I got it, partner-- Ow!! I'll draw it away!” She 'insisted' before running off into the open landscape until the creature relented.

Huff... Ow...” Ruby whined, soothingly rubbing her thoroughly pecked ear, “M-Maybe we should find a different one than another you, Bird.” She added and scanned the surroundings for something less agitated - and less peckish.

Action: Searching for a Buddy

7/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait

1/1 Shadow Buddies

Bird F (Shadow) HP = 25
Strength F
Vitality E

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
1712775225545.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x9
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F x2

As she entered the new hostile area, Calliope covered her mouth with her sleeve. The heat was unbearable and the stench acrid. "How could anything live here, hhhmmm?" She tossed Umbra's Ball high, releasing the bird. "Help me scout, mmhhmm." As the bird circled overhead, she removed her goggles and scarf from her pack, covering her face to protect from the harsh environment. "All right, let's show the professor we are capable, hhhmmm?" She began to search the area.

Actions: Search the Volcano for a Buddy
Ruby Larue
Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpgNo matter how Ruby squinted into the distance, she could not spot anything moving along the Mesa grounds. “Umm,” She muttered something before turning to Bird, “Can you fly up-and caw if you see something?-and then come back down-and-- Oh,” In the middle of Ruby's rambling Bird had enough and flew up to scout the area for any creatures Ruby might have overlooked, "You see something, Biiiiird?"

Action: Searching for a Buddy

7/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait

1/1 Shadow Buddies

Bird F (Shadow) HP = 25
Strength F
Vitality E

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
1712775778860.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x8
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F x2

Calliope blinked in surprise at the Fire Buddy that had appeared. "Oh, um, hhhmmm?... I suppose if catching them is real test, then that includes this one, mmhhmm... Alright, let's do this, mmhhmm!" She pulled her fist back and hurled it at the creature along with a rock, determined to be the best researcher she could be.

Action: Threw a Rock and Ball at the Fire Buddy
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Ruby Larue
Gesture - Dash Forward.jpgWhen Bird cawed out after a few circles, Ruby directed her attention toward the direction Bird was diving. And immediate concern returned to her eyes, “Chk!-- Wait-- No! G-Go back to the canyon, other Bird!!” Ruby yelled as she saw the previously angered Shadow Buddy approach with a vengeance, “I-I'll throw another! I will!!” She threatened before bending down and picking up another rock. This time, it was no accident. She lined up her throw and hit one of the Other Bird's wings with the rock before throwing another ball for good measure.

Action: Catching a Buddy (+ Rock Throw """"Meta"""")

6/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait

1/1 Shadow Buddies

Bird F (Shadow) HP = 25
Strength F
Vitality E

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Calliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x8
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F x2

Calliope watched in stunned silence as the monkey like Buddy leapt away among the rocks. "No wait, mmhhmm! I don't have on e of you yet, mmhhmm..." She sighed and held her hand out for Umbral to perch on, stroking under his chin. "We'll just have to keep trying then, won't we, hhhmmm?" She lifted her hand so he could return to the air and continued her search.

Action: Search Volcano for a Buddy
Ruby Larue
Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpgRuby's eyes filled with horror when the Other Bird broke free from the second ball! “Chk!--” Ruby chattered, preemptively covering her ear until she noticed the Other Bird was retreating to the canyon. The assault of rocks and balls had been enough to stave off its wrath for the time being!

W-We are going somewhere else, Bird!” Ruby stammered as she turned tail – and left for a different area. Anything that would take her away from the Other Bird would do! The fiery mountain on the horizon looked promisingly bird-free, so she went there to seek out more Buddies.

Action: Move to Volcano

6/10 Buddy Balls
1/1 Bait

1/1 Shadow Buddies

Bird F (Shadow) HP = 25
Strength F
Vitality E

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal
Calliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x7
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F x2

"Oh, another one, mmhhmm!" Calliope reached behind her back and pulled a ball free, picking a rock up in her other hand to fling both toward the Buddy. "I've got you this time, mmhhmm."

Action: Throw Rock and Buddy Ball
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Marcus Banecroft


The Ice Zone​

Feet sink heavy into snow. That snow which does fall upon his form has no chance to settle onto his person -- for he is always moving. His armor might yet give way to sound, but like many humans, he had a tendency to endure. While not necessarily the fastest to get from place to another, he hardly seemed to tire.

The search continued as he sought out what this zone had to offer. From what he'd gathered at the lab, the ice zone seemed to have two types which he wanted. One was ice and the other lightning. With this, he could likely make for himself a devious combination with both. The fact that he was well suited to withstanding the cold was all the better. If he could help it, he would like to not pass out.

Once in an open and icey field field, he finally stopped. Used to being a protector and overall escort for healers to and on the battlefield -- he had a sharp set of eyes and ears. He couldn't hear as far many beastkin, but he was adept at deciphering the information he did so receive. Today he used this to search for his quarry.

Action: Search the Ice Zone


Buddy Ball-
Bait- 1/1
Wind Buddy
Water Buddy

1712785092378.pngCalliope Dar'Maoro

Buddy Balls x7
Bait x1

  • Gilgamush F (Earth) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit E
  • Umbra F (Shadow) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F
  • Squapple F (Fire) HP = 25
    • Str F
    • Pre F
    • Int F
    • Spd F
    • Vit F

  • Earth Buddy F
  • Shadow Buddy F x2

Calliope grinned wide under her scarf as she lifted the now occupied Ball to her face. "Told you I'd get you, mmhhmm. That's another down, though many more to go, mmhhmm." She waved up at Umbra and smiled happily. "Keep up the good work, mmhhmm. We're doing great, mmhhmm!" She turned her head back tot he environment at hand. "Time to keep searching, mmhhmm."

Action: Search the Volcano for a Buddy

Marcus Banecroft


The Ice Zone​

The hair on the back of Marcus' neck stood up on end. He saw the creature off in the distance. And as he walked cautiously towards it, it began to approach him. As he stared at the cloudy creature -- he felt himself taken back to the day he had been struck from lightning and brought back from...the other side.

He shakes his head to snap out of it and grabs a ball from the back of his makeshift bag.

He picks up a rock and contemplates throwing it at the curious creature who clad in the element of his revival. Yet...he drops it, unable to bring himself to do true harm to the thing. After all, it had done him nothing and showed little in the realm of sign of doing so.

"Come, little one."

Marcus grasped the ball firmly for a moment, before throwing it at the creature.

Action: Capture Buddy.


Buddy Ball-
Bait- 1/1
Wind Buddy
Water Buddy

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Character Theme
Character Sheet

Point Booster: Attentive Student E
Titles: Beastfolk, Ilithid, Ryke Nobility F, Helper of Natori

Buddies: Sparkle (Shadow, Intelligence E), Goober (Water), Earth Buddy
Inventory: 9/10 Balls, 1/1 Bait.

"Aw, it got away... " Squink mumbled, sighing as she supposed she should just move on. She wasn't planning to lob rocks anyway, perhaps she'd find something new to attempt to catch too. The first one wasn't always the lucky one, but she had a good feeling about the second one.

Search for buddy.​
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Locking eyes with the black feathered bird minding its own business. Izuru put Rhinox back in its ball so it could nap. Crawling along the ground like a worm. The dragonkin used his tail to imitate a rattlesnake, despite lacking the rattle part. Anything that would dissuade the bird from assuming anything was wrong was applied. Once he was close enough to the spot where the feathery fucker was perched. Izuru yeeted his final ball at it.

  • x1 - 0 Buddy Balls
  • x0 Bait
  • x1 Wind Buddy
  • x1 Lightning Buddy
  • x1 Rhinox
    .Rhinox Vitality F > E
  • x1 Water Buddy

.Catch Buddy

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