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Futuristic Apocalypse Rising (Spots gone, sorry. :C)

Milo A Beilschmidt

We all need a little boost from our inspirations.
Either you're alone or in a group, you need to survive this dreadful world. Either you trust or be trusted, the choice is yours. You have struggled to survive ever since this zombie apocalypse started 25 years ago. Every single human being are infected by this virus, but it hasn't been awaken yet. Only those who have the virus that is awaken is definitely infected. They, of course, turn into the living dead. Obviously, there is no cure. Or is there...?

Your agenda...






Will you make it?

(Please write out your character in the Character Sign Up Section)
(Start Of Roleplay)

Misha stood behind the wall, preparing. She grabbed her rifle, taking a peek from the wall and sees a figure passing by. She used her scope to look for any other sightings before going to the other side of the area she is in. She takes a deep breath, looking around through her scope, seeing nothing out of the ordinary. She felt her sweat cold on the back of her neck and sighed. She placed the rifle on her back and emerges out of her hiding spot and ran.
SlaughterHouse is running in a full sprint following a grey and brown rabbit, "Come now what did you find?" Quickly realizing he turns and sees a fresh blood stain on a dusty car. The large man carrying a cleaver whistles and sniffs, "Come boo we have something to hunt." He picks up his companion rabbit and slips him in a brown leather pouch and clips it closed, it is on his left leg and seems to be cast from metal to protect the small rabbit.
Somewhere hidden within the shadows of an abandoned store sat Royce. The store itself had long been looted for supplies, leaving only shattered glass and dust as remains. Instead he hid behind its counter, using the spot to finish off the remains of his meal. Occasionally he'd take a quick peak around the counter to see if anything else was around. It was at that moment he noticed someone running. Judging by their complexion they definitely weren't one of the undead. But what truly caught his attention was the rifle on their back. Something like that can come in handy.

A small smirk played across his face. Judging by the fact that no one else passed the person was definitely traveling alone. But who would need a group if they had a rifle as protection? With a quick stretch he got up and guided his way out the store, crossbow in hand. Getting it shouldn't be too difficult. In no time he was off following behind the person's trail.
She pulls up her hood, hurrying over to the other side. It's a struggle when having a heavy rifle on your back but she'll be alright once she gets to the other side. She jumps over rubble, soon slowing down as she slides down the hill. She collasped, sitting down. She wipes the sweat off her neck.
He stops and smells the air and smirks, he hears someone fighting or something. He walks around the corner to see a handful of the undead trying to get into a car. He stretches his neck and walks toward the car and when the undead spot him they charge forward. With in seconds he dispatches them with his cleaver. After the skirmish he approaches the car, he sees two men inside," Open the door, or i'll open it and kill you." They open the door and start running, a dog follows them out. He ducks down and looks inside to see a small pup,"Runt," he also sees the leg of a deer, "meat," He sniffs, "fresh, come now little one you can stay with me and boo, for awhile." The small pup steps out but doesn't whine or run, the pup knows he won't hurt him, somehow.
Royce silently followed behind the person, always making sure to keep a large enough gap between them. He kept to the shadows, using them and whatever he could hide behind nearby just incase they turned around. His smirk began to fade away as he realized he was in unfamiliar territory. After a hopping over some rubble here and there he found himself at the edge of the hill, staring down at the other person. Luckily whoever it was had their back facing him. Now what?
Misha stood, about to take off again when she felt a chill on her back. She hated that feeling. She takes off, pulling her hood over her eyes, hoping that maybe the feeling would go away. She went through and past taller buildings. Running into one of the buildings, she notices some traps that were set up almost all over the place. She looked down, turning around to head a different direction.
He takes a step around a corner then hides in an alley way,"Boo do you smell it too, no? Well it smells like a carnivore or a very bloodied up dead man." He slips the small rabbit from his holding pouch,"Scout out and find the creature, either it follows us or is near us, smells like rot." He begins to gnaw at the deer meat,"Come pup you must be starving, so small."
Royce took a slightly longer path instead of sliding down the hill. He moved more cautiously now as he came upon the buildings. Buildings...things zombies seem fond of hiding in. He wordlessly loaded his crossbow with one of his few remaiming bolts. His eyes gained an intense focus as he lifted the weapon up to eye level, ready to fire at a moments notice.
Walking out of the building, she grabbed her rifle. She looked around, wanting to find out who's hiding or maybe who is watching her. She walked silently and stayed near the buildings. She stayed out of the streets that has corpses lying around and some burnt cars. She looked at them from under that hood of hers and she listened.
He waits silently as his rabbit comes running back, as his friend arrived he squatted down to receive him,"How many did you sense?" He waited silently,"Four? Does make some since, I did run two off and I smell the third, but the forth is still out their. Do you think they'll try hurting us boo?" He stares silently awaiting the answer of his silent companion, but in an instant he jumps up,"I can hear the undead, they have spotted something. And no it isn't your friends pup, no one alive gets caught twice so fast. Yes boo, if they try killing you or our new friend I will dispatch of them." He picks his rabbit up and slips him back into the pouch and grips his weapon ready to kill," Either one shall join the undead or the number of undead will become even more slender."
Misha glanced behind her, wondering. She noticed a crawler just passing by and she ignored it, still keeping an eye on it. She continued forward, keeping the rifle close. She feels a lot more calmer now that she finds a more quieter place. Well... Sort of.
He picks out an area that he believes to have the unknown human in it and begins to circle it searching for the unknown person.
She checked if her rifle is loaded. She hasn't used it for a while. She glanced back and suddenly jumped startled when she heard a loud crash like banging on a trash can somewhere. She calmed down, wondering who could it be.
"FUCK SHIT!!" He had ran into a piece of rubble and a cinder block fell on his foot. He takes a knee and removes a plant from his pack and eats it to dull the pain."You both think that's funny huh? Yea I will just go ahead and cook both of you."
She went silent. In her gutted feeling, she sprinted. She gritted her teeth as she spots smoke from the other side of a building. She stopped for a moment before walking in the doors.
Sees as a smaller figure sprints away and into a building,"Caught you I suppose," He stands back up pops his toes back in place and begins a jog on the path the frightened figure made,"do you think it was hiding from us Boo?"
She rushed in, seeing nothing but sofas and front desks, etc. She wondered what building she is in, looking for any signs. She pulled her hoodie down, reaching for her glasses. She stopped, feeling another chill on her back.
Stops at the door and sniffs then whispers to self,"Rotting meat, or dead men, or both boo. We should wait until we hear it aswell." Turns around and sits in front of the door waiting.
She glanced back, sight still a bit blurry. She puts her glasses on and began to walk in other rooms, grabbing a random book and read it for a few seconds before switching with a different book. She actually noticed something right when she felt it.
He slips boo out of his pouch,"Go inside and be careful. Dead men won't hurt you but I think that's not all that is in there. If your gonna get hurt squeal and I will be there." He slips the door open slightly and lets the rabbit run in and scout for the dead, and the living.
Finding nothing in the room she is in, she walks out. She pushed her glasses up to her nose, walking quietly. Misha looked back where she came from and she listened, only hearing her breathing and a somewhat tapping noises from her boots. She felt her rifle beside her, machete at hand.
Boo runs through the house seeing undead lazily waiting for their prey. Then boo spots the figure that was noticed before hand and examines it from many angles before hiding as best from its sight as possible which wasn't very good because of boos peculiar color and pattern.
It is so dark, yet there is light at the end of the hallway where the door is placed. In the middle of the long hallway, she notices an undead figure just standing. Just maybe a few feet away from where she is standing, one by one, more and more of the figures appeared in just seconds. Her vision clears up all thanks to her seeing device. She was a bit surprised that they didn't notice her. She stood, 'Not good... Seems like there's too many to handle this sort of thing.' She thought. 'Why is it that I come to this place again? Oh right, to get away from whoever is following me, ye?'

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