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Realistic or Modern Another welian trainwreck: Dumb Superhero Academy Shenanigans

High School or University setting?

  • High School setting (students aged 14 to 18)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • University (students aged 18 to 22)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Welian, we know damn well you have a backup plan for combining both.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
So do we just quote your post to make the personality thing (is given those codes ) or do we make a table or whateve? As I'm not sure I could make that from scratch.
readingraebow said:
So do we just quote your post to make the personality thing (is given those codes ) or do we make a table or whateve? As I'm not sure I could make that from scratch.
Oh, it's totally included in the profile skeleton. And if you aren't handy with BBCode, just tell me how points are in each category, and I'll do it up for ya.
welian said:
Oh, it's totally included in the profile skeleton. And if you aren't handy with BBCode, just tell me how points are in each category, and I'll do it up for ya.
I have a question mark!

Is the Character Skelly allowed to be adjusted?
HunterJJ said:
The worst are the super fast people who don't have super speed who watched way too much Naruto before writing their posts who think that moving at the speed of light requires no powers and that everything can be dodged through the power of B*******.
Also, to those who may have thought I was serious before, totally kidding

or am I....
Whaaaa u mean real fighting doesn't work the same as in the Matrix or on Flash?

Are u saying the movies are *gasp* not real????!!!

Lol people like that amuse me. Like I had someone try to telle that their character became a master martial artist by watching movies...

Like yeah....no that's not how reality works.
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]
I have a question mark!
Is the Character Skelly allowed to be adjusted?

You can do some minor adjustments like font style and color, but I don't recommend it. The profile is full of tabs and tables, and they are REALLY finicky unless you turn the Rich Text Editor off beforehand.
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]! have a question mark!
Is the Character Skelly allowed to be adjusted?

Firstly, what's been posted isn't the full character form, so I'd hold off a bit. As for adjusting it I'll let Weli answer. I think it's probably best to not fuck around with it too much though :P

Colours on the other hand.
welian said:
You can do some minor adjustments like font style and color, but I don't recommend it. The profile is full of tabs and tables, and they are REALLY finicky unless you turn the Rich Text Editor off beforehand.
Rich Text editor ain't a thing for me! So no worries there~

And I really only wanted to change those things,
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Sometimes I come across rip off characters from a TV or book series, most often anime...

And I try to point it out...

But that person be like: OMG NO IM NOT RIPPING IT OFF, GM HALP.

And when GM doesn't accept their character: OMG I'M MAKING MY OWN RP, AND YOU'RE NOT INVITED.
welian said:
Oh, it's totally included in the profile skeleton. And if you aren't handy with BBCode, just tell me how points are in each category, and I'll do it up for ya.
Awesome. I'm confident in my ability to fill in the blanks so to speak. But I wouldn't have the first idea how to recreate what I'm assuming is Internet voodoo. ; )
Giyari said:
Firstly, what's been posted isn't the full character form, so I'd hold off a bit.
Colours on the other hand.
I know, I am just asking before hand!

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A bit of backstory:

In this setting, superpowers have existed since pre-history. However, various world events made it unwise to reveal their existence - Inquisition, witch trials, the Holocaust. During the big civil rights movements of the 50s, 60s, and 70s, supers started to come out (a bit analogous to the gay rights movement), but there was some backlash due to people assuming they were the product of radioactive bomb tests, or that somehow Russia had actually created super soldiers. During the 80s, the American government formed an agency called Commonwealth, which was put in charge of discovering and monitoring supers, and dealing with super-related crimes. As genetic research improved, so did the understanding of superpowers. There's a specific sequence of genes that is expressed in approximately 10% of the human population (give or take, it all depends on where you live too) that allows people to have extraordinary abilities.

Some of the conflicts you'll come across in this setting are individual rights versus the safety of society at large - are supers a risk to public safety? Should they be identified and given special education like special needs students? Is it ethical for the military to favor or reject supers during recruitment? Is it ethical to force supers to wear limiters? Monitor their location? If it were possible, would it be ethical to suppress those genes or amplify them? Are supers an anomaly, natural, a gift? The next stage of humanity?
Did you know that this thread has given me nearly ninety alerts since last night?

Damnit, guys

What kind of superpower themed classes would you like to see at this school?
welian said:
What kind of superpower themed classes would you like to see at this school?
Possibly mental resilience, for both defensive purposes and to avoid overdoing it with mind-based powers
Major spitballing here, maybe something will stick lol.

Learning about major abilities and their weaknesses in a class for defensive purposes.

Basic combat training, perhaps advanced training as well (Im not sure how "military" this school is, if it's like an X-Men academy then there should be combat training but if it's just a school for book learning then I guess not).

Psychic resistance class to prepare students to defend against mind readers and thought controllers.

Emotional control classes to help students with volatile, unstable powers (that are triggered by emotion).

Mutants rights classes.

Physical training (like weights and cardio) to prepare students for the future when they might be called on to defend the country/city etc. Heroes need to be in shape..... usually.

Basketball class (cause, um, hand eye coordination, yeah, lets go with that)
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welian said:
What kind of superpower themed classes would you like to see at this school?
Emergency Preparedness - basically exactly what it sounds like. a class to teach the kiddos how to respond to various natural disasters

Urban Combat - or how not to break the city when you fight

Health/First Aid - again how it sounds - teach the kiddos to do basic field level triage. in case they get injured or are forced to help injured civilians

Diplomacy / Public Relations - how to handle the public after/before/during attacks

Power Training - basically PE with super powers

Heroic Philosophy - what does being a hero mean?

Team Building - how to work in a team setting

and that's about all i got off of the top of my head.
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Giyari said:
Ethics would be a good class too, come to think of it
Definately. It's the class that is super important when you think about it later in life but that you blatantly slept through as a teenager.
TheDox said:
So I went on a TVTropes dive because of this... And now I've got some pretty good ideas to make it kickass! Like bark armor (think Blanchwood Armor), or a pet that could come in handy, or controlling the attack dog of the enemy, or spying on people with pigeons or something!

So yeah, I'll likely make a character with animal/plant control/manipulation.

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